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    28 Nato oil tankers set ablaze in Islamabad

    Sure, maybe the same advice could be given to Pakistanis who cannot rest without passing ill-informed, illogical and sometimes purposely malicious comments on everything that goes on in India, from Babri verdict to Maoism to Hinduism...
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    28 Nato oil tankers set ablaze in Islamabad

    Were the people who burnt these tankers ordinary enraged Pakistani villagers who just let their emotions get the better of them in a mob? Or were they terrorists with arms who carried out a coordinated attack on these tankers? If it is the former, I can understand Pakistani sympathy for them...
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    advantages Of Creation Of Bangladesh To Pakistan

    Post edited. I could not detect the sarcasm in your post, but I am only partly to blame, because I have seen views bordering on these lines from other members on this forum in the past!
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    Chinese Foreign Affairs News & Discussions

    Damn, this thread is getting retarded. Accusations, counter accusations, conspiracies, etc. etc. I feel like I'm watching a detective story.
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    Biggest Commonwealth Games kicks off in Delhi

    I am supporting Pakistan for second place (India first of course :angel: ). I think we Indians should do that, to pay them back for the support their contingent gave us around 10 days back when things were not looking as good as they are now.
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    Biggest Commonwealth Games kicks off in Delhi

    You most certainly caused a number overflow with that one. :P
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    Chinese Foreign Affairs News & Discussions

    Errrm... this is insane. Why go and get the IP logged on a web site and make oneself possibly traceable in response to an anonymous request on the internet from someone obviously fake?
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    Chinese Foreign Affairs News & Discussions

    It would be better for you if you abandon this account and come back in a different avatar with a new flag. You will save some face that way. I'm sure I am not the only one who is finding it astounding that even after being so cleanly busted as being a flase-flag walla, you continue to brazen...
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    Biggest Commonwealth Games kicks off in Delhi

    Considering the positive words by the Pakistani contigent some days back when things were not looking so great for CWG, I was happy to see the grand welcome the spectators gave to the Pakistani contingent. I vote that we Indians should support Pakistan in these games (second to India of...
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    India and Commonwealth Games.. will india show its power??

    This is entirely a subjective thing. There is no way anyone can say "this was better" or "that was better". It is all individual opinion. Comparisons are stupid. He liked this better, you liked the 2008 Olympics better - that's about it. :)
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    Dragon closing in on India?

    sed 's/India/Pakistan/g'
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    Is Sri Lanka Defence Forum Possible?

    If you are talking about a separate forum, there are two domains I own that are lying waste, and one of them has an idle bulletin board. I can let you have it, free of charge, if you agree to share the ad revenue with me :cheers: We can work that out, but the biggest problem for you will be...
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    Chinese film industry aims to challenge Hollywood

    You are a liar. It has been proven in several threads by both Indians and Chinese that you are not a Chinese at all. I am 99% sure that you are a Pakistani hiding under a Chinese name, for reasons of your own. Whatever your true nationality is you are NOT Chinese.
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    Osama ordered Mumbai-style attack on Britain

    One 9/11 attack has changed the world in so many ways. A 26/11 Mumbai style attack in the West will lead to ten more years of devastation, war, suspicion and hostility!
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    Protests in Pakistan after Ayodhya judgement on babri masjid

    Thankfully at least one Pakistani realizes that the Indian Muslims do not want Pakistan to be their Thekedaar. It infuriates and enrages Indian Muslims when Pakistan tries to speak on their behalf.
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    Now, another Air Force base on the China border

    Wow, I didn't even know that such DNA tests to establish ethnicity even existed! Sounds interesting, I will research more on this. That aside, I am observing that there are 2-3 persons claiming to be Chinese, who are causing a lot of anger and derailing/flaming every thread where China finds...
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    Protests in Pakistan after Ayodhya judgement on babri masjid

    The problem with Pakistanis is that they think they are the 'Thekedars' of Muslims all over the world. They get into paroxysms or rage when things happen in Chechnya, USA, Palestine, Kashmir - anywhere in the world. Look at this comment: You decided to have your Pakistan, you got it, and...
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Why all this nonsense discussion about trying to prove to some brainwashed people that the video is genuine? They have been brainwashed into believing that the Indian army is full of "Hindu terrorists" - that is the pathetic level of conditioning. For them, the Pakistan army is as pure as roses...
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    Why are conspiracy theories popular in Pakistan??

    SMC and other Pakistani posters: This kind of thinking is exactly what makes the world say that Pakistan is a nation full of conspiracy theories. The contention of the thread starter is being proved correct by such people. And defence.pk has educated and modern Pakistanis. When around...
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    The Drag on India’s Military Growth

    ;) Being a Bangladeshi, you should be the last person saying that Indians prefer not to use the direct method of military confrontation. And no, you are wrong. Military hardware development has been lopsided because of corruption, excessive bureaucracy and state control, and lack of...
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