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    India Developing, but still a long way to go

    Not really - those are buses brought to Bangalore from Maharashtra for trial run. You can read more about it in skyscrapercity.
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    what brings you in to PDF

    Jana: Has it occurred to you that I might possibly be someone who has lurked here for months, simply viewing posts, and decided to join only much later? Surely that's easy enough to verify - the mods can check the IP address against previously banned ones. "Orange media" is a funny term I...
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    what brings you in to PDF

    When I first got to PDF through Google searches, I was expecting this to be a hate site with all kinds of fundamentalists posting nonsense. However, when I read several posts, I realized that the moderators and senior members of this forum are actually balanced and sensible individuals - and I...
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    China wants India in state of low-level equilibrium:Indian PM

    I hope everyone in India and China realizes that war between these two nations will screw both nations big time. If this realization becomes popular, warmongers on both sides of the border will cease and desist.
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    A nation in denial

    "Widow Burning" as you call it, no longer happens in India - that practice vanished decades ago. You need to get your facts right before typing. 99% of all criticism against India on defence.pk is like this - simply false propaganda. India has several faults, but most of the time I see Pakistani...
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    China wants India in state of low-level equilibrium:Indian PM

    This applies to Pakistan more than anyone else in the world. India's defence budget is such a small percent of it's GDP. On the other hand, look at Pakistan. You really CANNOT afford to spend the kind of money you do on your military. So, watch out before pointing fingers.
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    After Blackberry, India may crack down on Google and Skype

    And I have a question for the MODS. Not sure where to post it, so I'm posting it here. While creating my account I entered Iran instead of India by mistake. I can't figure out how to correct it - can someone help with that?
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    After Blackberry, India may crack down on Google and Skype

    You ought to be saying the same things about China, UAE, Saudi Arabia, and several other countries, since all these countries have similar concerns about BlackBerry - do read the news. Indian Muslims do not face any 'this sort of thing from majority'. Such brainwashing is provided only in...
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    After Blackberry, India may crack down on Google and Skype

    Really? Maybe that's why the entire world accuses China of copying stuff! And no - we don't want to copy China, which is an average nation, just like India. India started development in 1991 when the economy was liberalized, whereas China started in 1978, when Deng XiaoPing opened up the...
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