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    Must read for those comparing India to China

    Shows your lack of knowledge. India is 12 years behind India because India stared reforms in 1991, as against 1978 for China. Entirely India's fault - I am not externalizing the problem or deflecting blame. Looks like people like you enjoy firing off China's back since you have nothing of...
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    Willing to work with India for peace in S Asia: China

    I agree that many middle class Indians rationalize corruption by saying that is the the "politicians" who are the cause of all problems, while ignoring their own occasional brush with bribes! In general though, China and India are both corrupt, and both countries need to change. Whether it is...
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    Babri Mosque bench judge goes public with dissent note

    Agree 100% with your sentiments. I want the people who demolished that Mosque to be jailed.
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    Babri Mosque bench judge goes public with dissent note

    One mosque demolished in 63 years, and all this nonsense about 'crime against Humanity'? India has a much much better record than Pakistan as far as protecting minorities is concerned. Much better. Off the back of my head I can think of 2-3 recent instances immediately, such as a gang of...
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    Wahabi infiltration worries Sri Lanka

    Err... speaking of terrorism, maybe you wanted to refer to a certain country to the West of India called (gasp) - PAKISTAN! That country which has gained world renown for terror export! That country of which two neighbours constantly and openly accuse it of terror export, while the third...
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    Wahabi infiltration worries Sri Lanka

    The only aspect where I agree with 'somebozo' is w.r.t. Saudi-Wahhabi oil money being pumped into countries worldwide to propagate their ultra-hardcode Wahhabism and poison thousands of impressionble minds worldwide. You need to realize that Saudi (and other Arab) oil money has brought...
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    Ban Pakistan from cricket, says Ian Botham

    While I agree that the amount of money supply in India with respect to cricket betting is GIGANTIC, your suggestion to 'ban Indian bookies' is funny. As if the bookies will line up publicly to get themselves 'banned'! A more realistic thing is: India should legalize betting. Some statements...
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    Huawei to set up $500m plant in India

    If American, Chinese, European, Japanese, Indian or any other country's companies were to set up their office in a Pakistani city, Pakistan would probably beg that country to give them the technology for free. Seriously, companies set up shop in India because it benefits them. If they...
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    Work harder to beat the Bangalore ,Beijing challenge: Obama to students

    Watch it. Giving credit where credit is due is not "sycophancy". I don't need to be "sycophantic". India, Indians, Indian leaders, Indian Government, do not need to be "Sycophantic" to the USA. Pakistan and Pakistanis might certainlyneed to, for obvious reasons. Coming to the point, my post...
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    Work harder to beat the Bangalore ,Beijing challenge: Obama to students

    And this is why I appreciate America. Trust me, most Indians adore the USA and look up to it. In a worldwide survey conducted recently, Indians had one of the most favourable opinion of the USA among many countries polled, even when worldwide American popularity is at an all time low due to Iraq...
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    How India betrayed Pakistan

    And there's more. They are taught terminology like bania, Brahmin, etc. in school itself. And the picture of a devious, sly, cunning and weak Hindu is imprinted in their minds from a young age. We all remember the famous cocksure staement: "One Pakistani equals Ten Indians". When these kids...
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    How India betrayed Pakistan

    The Pakistanis committed genocide and mass slaughter of Bengalis, just like a typical Wahhabi-Pakistani pseudo-Arab mass murderer.
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    How India betrayed Pakistan

    And you show typical Pakistani-Wahhabi pseudo-Arab hypocrisy. Indian political circles are sick of Pakistan, no one 'fears' you. Your ISI can send terrorists to kill people on trains in Indian cities, but in the overall picture, those are just pinpricks to our country. And we are getting...
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    How India betrayed Pakistan

    With comments like the ones by 'Somebozo' above, is it any wonder that the whole world is beginning to treat Pakistan like a Pariah? Brahmin and Bania indeed! It seems like the Pakistanis are more caste conscious than the Indians. We, in India, don't want any Pakistani territory (thank god...
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    Zaid Hamid commentary

    People like Zaid Hamid have such a cool job - all they have to do is to constantly make passionate speeches. No technical or strategic analysis, no careful study of strengths and weaknesses - simply screaming in a rabid manner: "Hum Dilli se Pehle Nahi Rukenge!", "Hum India to todke Sri Lanka ka...
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    Chinese to be introduced in CBSE, says Kapil Sibal Read more: Chinese to be introduc

    I have always wanted to go to China once and see the country. Looks like my next project will require me to travel to Shanghai for a couple of months next year. Looking forward to it! (I know absolutely ZERO of the Chinese language though)
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    India's anti ballistic missile capabilities

    This is the second time I am saying this on this forum: the USA destroyed the USSR with Pakistan's help. Many Pakistanis seem to think it's the other way round! :what:
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    U.S., Saudis close to largest arms deal ever

    I cannot believe that I am actually agreeing with 'somebozo' :what: Imported Saudi (and other gulf countries) Wahhabism is one of the main reasons that Pakistan finds itself in the mess it is in today. You guys ought to impose a ban on Mullahs from Saudi from entering Pakistan.
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    France is Racist !

    The point is moot, since many Muslim countries (like Saudi Arabia) actually have such rules where not wearing a Burqa is a crime, and even Westerners, Indians and any other foreign women there have to compulsorily wear Burqa!
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    Chinese to be introduced in CBSE, says Kapil Sibal Read more: Chinese to be introduc

    Yes, you 'thought' right, India is a rising superpower. But Pakistanis will never be able to understand that India has more than a thousand languages, and more than a dozen official languages. If you could understand and imbibe this simple fact perhaps your Punjabi-dominated regime would not be...
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