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  1. B

    China and India: Contest of the century

    High speed railway is going to be built, and CWG was never in any danger of getting cancelled. Don't read my post, you ought to go back to designing that buggy piece of code that supposedly will allow "100 million" users to use it concurrently. I hope it handles at least 100 users without...
  2. B

    India, US plan to join hands to counter Chinese influence in Africa

    Comparisons not necessary, thank you. Just do something instead of blabbering non-stop like empty vessels. Take Arunachal if you are soooo confident of your power. Don't waste bandwidth with nonsense information. Pass this message upwards in the next session of your communist party meeting.
  3. B

    China and India: Contest of the century

    Actually we are using them as much as they are using us, and one of the things we need to do is to start thinking about how to put China in its place. This was long overdue anyway, and things are falling in place finally. We've had enough of Chinese crowing and their delusions of being at the...
  4. B

    India, US plan to join hands to counter Chinese influence in Africa

    Actually, a lot of people feel that China is a mortal danger to the world. And Chinese trolls like "Peaceful" (what a misnomer of a name) ought to get that fact knocked in. My comment was a response to his constant empty bragging about taking Arunachal, which they don't have to guts or the...
  5. B

    China and India: Contest of the century

    Oh yeah, and we know what communism under "Mao" did to your country till 1978. Read the book 'Wild Swans' by Jung Chang. You weren't even born back then. Why, even your sworn enemy, who was actually nuked and destroyed in WWII, managed to become one of the most advanced nations on earth in...
  6. B

    China and India: Contest of the century

    Propaganda? Excuse me while I puke. Last I heard, China was world-renowned for propaganda. You have made it an art form. And you talk about propaganda with people who actually have a free press?!?!?! Talk about hypocrisy!
  7. B

    China and India: Contest of the century

    Hell, who cares what the big-mouth Chinese think? Actually the whole world dislikes you. Nobody likes you except Pakistan. Japan, India, Vietnam, US, Europe - you name it, they hate you. Man, it must suck to be so despised. And this despite crowing about your power and development on...
  8. B

    China and India: Contest of the century

    Sure. And also, some of the people in the videos and articles posted by 'IND151' should come to Bangalore, Mumbai, Delhi etc. and understand how filthily they have been treated by the communist regime in China.
  9. B

    India, US plan to join hands to counter Chinese influence in Africa

    If that's indeed the case why does the "Communist Part of China" not simply take Arunachal Pradesh instead of sending trolls to vomit all over the internet about the supreme Chinese power? I'll tell you why. They are scared of the bloody nose they will get if they try such a thing. For all...
  10. B

    Colombo City - Sri Lanka - Gem of South Asia

    Cool pics - nice city :cheers:
  11. B

    Arundhati Roy Says ‘Kashmir should get Azadi from bhookhe-nange Hindustan’

    Forget reading, the most scary thing here is that she actually writes for newspapers! I am beginning to understand why the Pakistani public is so much into conspiracy theories and stuff like that.
  12. B

    Arundhati Roy Says ‘Kashmir should get Azadi from bhookhe-nange Hindustan’

    Millions? Are you drunk? I thought Islam forbids it? And one small, little fact: Pakistan has killed more Muslims after independence than India has. Think about it. And yeah, India has had riots in the past, where both Hindus and Muslims died in large numbers. Only utterly dishonest...
  13. B

    1947 Migration to Pakistan

    Yes, certainly. And does Pakistan not need to look into the past? Whom are some Pakistani posters trying to fool here? Again:
  14. B

    Arundhati Roy Says ‘Kashmir should get Azadi from bhookhe-nange Hindustan’

    And Jana is conspiracy theorist who writes Masala journalism for Green media :bounce: Seriously, get rid of the conspiracy theories already!
  15. B

    Visit to Chennai – India

    Are you a sports reporter?
  16. B

    Visit to Chennai – India

    Oh, come on - he must have gone there for work, not tourism. He must've clicked photos of whatever was visible from his cab! Thank him for sharing them with us. :cool:
  17. B

    China can no longer plead poverty

    Don't give me this crap about good-mannered Chinese and ill-mannered Indians. You want me to post incidents of Police being ill-treated by civilians in India? Or would you rather have me post images of the real face of China's police and forces, courtesy Falun Gong? I'm guessing, neither.
  18. B

    1947 Migration to Pakistan

    Seriously, the point actually is this:
  19. B

    China can no longer plead poverty

    Yeah, and China's life expectancy is 73 while India's is 70. And India's literacy rate will be 90+ within a decade or so, don't bother your head about it. And don't crow too much about it as of today. And yes, we will certainly 'dare' to teach you people a few things about democracy because...
  20. B

    China and India: Contest of the century

    I did notice the troll, but did you report the troll posts?
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