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  1. B

    Sixty-four years of failure ??

    I'll be honest - I'm an Indian who takes interest in events that happen in Pakistan, but I am not "obsessed" with Pakistan. There's a difference. And I do have a pretty good idea "wtf I am talking about". You don't want to accept the reality in front of a "Bharti" on an internet forum, that...
  2. B

    Sixty-four years of failure ??

    Hardly. India is poor because of its overpopulation and the flawed economic policies that we followed till the 1990s. I'll grant that leadership had a role to play. In Pakistan's case, the military and intelligence in Pakistan are the major reason for not just Pakistan's poverty, but its...
  3. B

    Sixty-four years of failure ??

    And why should Indians feel "inferiority complex" when it comes to a country as reviled and in-the-dumps as Pakistan? Do you even know what the phrase "inferiority complex" means? :crazy:
  4. B

    A Indian named Satendir Virsingh was arrested in link of Oslo bombing

    Pakistaniyat on display by the thread starter. Desperate attempt to make an equal-equal between India and Pakistan. Pakistanis being arrested for terrorism is commonplace, so the thread starter thought of throwing mud on India through false allegations. Now, will the MODS have the courage to...
  5. B

    Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

    You should have thought of that when Pakistani members began screaming about RAW and India almost as soon as the thread started. If you don't want Indian members commenting here, advise your countrymen to ditch the rotten conspiracy theories and stop bringing India's name in.
  6. B

    Pakistan warns US "disastrous consequences" on more raids

    ^^ May not be at the same level as the US, but it is powerful enough compared to Pakistan's forces conventionally, and you know that. The only thing that saves you is the nuclear blackmail.
  7. B

    And India Wins The 2011 Cricket World Cup!

    Guys, why are you all pouncing on Webmaster for expressing his opinion? I don't agree with him, but lots of Indians feel that he is overrated - so let it be, and just enjoy the current moment of winning the world cup.
  8. B

    Poverty declines at faster rate

    Only a complete loser like the thread starter will try to throw on India instead of quietly rejoicing in his own country's achievements. What a goddamn bunch of thorough losers.
  9. B

    Pakistan accused of match-fixing after semi-final loss to India

    With people like you in Pakistan, no wonder your country is such a mess. I have been reading your tripe in the last few pages, and this was the last straw. Now do you realize how stupid and dumb your comment looks? Losers, pathetic sore losers. People like you are the reason for the...
  10. B

    Raymond Davis Case: Diyat Paid by Saudi Arabia? US Denies Payment.

    LOL, I'm going to reply, irrespective of whether you like Indians or not. :cheesy: There are more Indians on PDF than Pakistanis, and we have all been watching this thread for 2 days. If we had wanted to gloat and poke fun at you, there are enough uncharitable and hurtful things that can be...
  11. B

    Raymond Davis Case: Diyat Paid by Saudi Arabia? US Denies Payment.

    Actually, there is no comparison at all between Bhopal and this. Only a thorough troll like Jana will try to do an "equal equal" here. Let's look at the facts: 1. Bhopal was an industrial accident. Its not as if Americans came here and murdered people and went. It was a sad accident, and very...
  12. B

    Pakistan demands apology over drone strike

    I don't want to interfere in the discussions that you guys are having about your Army, but I need to correct a couple of misconceptions. 1965 was not successful defence, it was unsuccessful offence. I hope you know that Pakistan attacked Kashmir first, entirely unprovoked, in the hope of...
  13. B

    Hindu Ramayana and Islam (Allah) in a religious text!

    The post by LadyGaga sums it all up. Many people on this forum (and outside) cannot fathom the concept of not having a prophet, or one religious book, and many people secretly think of "idol worshippers" as lowly and inferior (just look at some comments on unmoderated sites like youtube). In one...
  14. B

    Hindu Ramayana and Islam (Allah) in a religious text!

    It is good to know that you are interested and enthusiastic enough to read other religious books to increase your knowledge first hand, but then, I remember you mentioning on another thread some weeks back that Abdul Kalam (former President) is not Muslim because he has read Bhagwad Gita...
  15. B

    Pakistan: Christian women are considered the booty of war

    :tdown: :tdown: :tdown: The poster kept saying Kaafir, Kuffar, several times. What if T-Faz is Ahmadi (suppose)? I agree with T-Faz, the point is simple: stop judging people based on how pure or how strictly "Islamic" they are, according to individual whims and fancies. Let god judge, you...
  16. B

    Anyone who is/was in Australia for studying?need help

    Oh, just cut this "racism" crap. Let us not get into this business of stereotyping Aussies and Australia based on media reports. I am saying it right now, so that the discussion doesn't go that way, because I know that's what is going to happen here.
  17. B

    Jawaharlal Nehru 'pleaded' for US help against China in 1962

    Cardsharp: Discrimination against women reduces as a result of urbanization, increased economic power and of course education. In urban India, due to the above factors, there really isn't any discrimination, and as more of the country becomes urbanized and the overall wealth increases, the...
  18. B

    Super Superbug now detected in 13 EU countries

    I can tell you about India: no, you cannot get antibiotics over the counter here. You need a doctor's prescription for most things apart from really basic stuff like Paracetamol or Aspirin. But the problem here is that doctors seem over eager to push antibiotics! Every time I have gone to a...
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Maybe, or maybe not, but what makes you think that China's infrastructure will be in the same un-disrupted state at the end of it all, eh?
  20. B

    India has to wait.....wait....wait....

    This is the fifth or sixth thread this Hapizzzzz chap has opened on this issue. Shows his mental agony at the prospect of permanent seat for India!
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