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  1. punnu83

    IAF set to lose its fighting edge

    We are going through a phase of transaction where we got top fighter jet in asia sukhoi 30mki. we are phasing out migs, that counts numbers not quality. Even we drop to lowest quantity but even then our quantity will be moving in higher direction is top quality. In couple of years rafael will...
  2. punnu83

    Vietnam SU-30 locked by J-10, 10 times

    improve your f***ing english please
  3. punnu83

    India's Two-Front War Plans

    What if we prepare ourselves for two front war but at the war we need to fight only at one front war. Imagine the firepower we will get out of this when we shift resources for two fronts to a single front Damn ! eagle one u r war crazy. India needs to learn that art :D
  4. punnu83

    What happened to Pakistan's drones ??

    Well said man. And for the pakistan they can tell the world that they own the predators aswell because it flys from pakistan, kills in pakistan, land back in pakistan. Conclusion pakistan has most advanced drones in the world.:D
  5. punnu83

    Red Cross suspends Pakistan work

    they r not comin back in pakistan anymore i think
  6. punnu83

    India steps into Philippines-China spat over South China Sea

    something happeniing here people. :D
  7. punnu83

    ISRO's new 'monster rocket'

    Want an indian in space on an indian rocket. Putting a man in space will give us the stature in the world what superpowers got.
  8. punnu83

    U.S. to intensify drone strikes in Pakistan

    And guess which country is next in line ! :D
  9. punnu83

    Its time to declare India a terrorist state

    Yeah right ! Next
  10. punnu83

    Refitted Viraat more lethal

    I think we should keep it running until we got sufficient number of aircraft carriers in the sea. More the better. Force projection
  11. punnu83

    " Chinese Flankers are a unique family of aircraft ! " - reconfirmed

    your one article is true and 100 others articles, news, alligations saying chinese jets are nothing but mere copies of the original are false.
  12. punnu83

    US-AF vs Indian AF in 2016?

    funny. lmao:rofl: that was legend man " suicide migs"
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