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  1. Cerian

    NATO missile agreement meets demands, says Turkish leader

    um.. what? Do you mean full cooperation of NATO instead of a USA based system?
  2. Cerian

    Aselsan Leopard-II Upgrade

    That's the way every defense company advertise its product, isn't it?
  3. Cerian

    US plays 'genocide' card to pressure Turkey on NATO missile system

    Btw, the guy who wrote the article that Jigs posted, must have watched too much Fox News in his life. I mean, its very similar how Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly treats Muslims, just for this case the guy who wrote it is a Turkish-American, and its about politics, not religion.
  4. Cerian

    US plays 'genocide' card to pressure Turkey on NATO missile system

    Dependence on just West, and ignoring your economic interests for the sake of so called "Western World" just doesn't work today thanks to developing markets of China and Russia. As the economic hub of European Union began to shed, Turkey had to consider new options for stable growth rates. Hence...
  5. Cerian

    Turkey and US in critical talks over fate of missile shield plan

    True. Without getting into specifics of Hezbollah organization, it's very vague today to call a group as terrorist organisation thanks to some countries. We must also acknowledge though, an organisation may commit terrorist acts even if it's not one in core. It sounds confusing but that's the...
  6. Cerian

    Turkey and US in critical talks over fate of missile shield plan

    I kinda wonder why Arabs fear and hate Iran, but only hate Israel.. Israel is like a mother bird who does everything in its power to protect its children without moral borders. But ideology of current Iran regime is not only provocative but also has a ability to create internal conflicts. At the...
  7. Cerian

    Turkey and US in critical talks over fate of missile shield plan

    I won't be so sure about that. Iran has long-range missiles in its inventory and in a rush to create more and better ones. And that has a potential to create instability in the region. Non-existence of stability equals to no oil, and that is the heart of economy. If the weather is cloudy, I...
  8. Cerian

    China's leaders meet to plan economic future

    China's ruling Communist Party is meeting in Beijing to draw up its next five-year plan for the economy. The agenda is secret but analysts say that instead of seeking a high rate of economic growth, China's leaders want to close the gap between rich and poor and between coastal and inland...
  9. Cerian

    Nobel laureate's wife detained

    Can any of the Chinese guys can respond to this? Is it true that with every generation of new Premiers, some kind of political reforms are done for the sake of smoothing the transition of implementing a plural party system?
  10. Cerian

    China's hi-speed railway - Symbol of toil and efficiency of the Chinese people

    I think there is a plan to establish a rail silk road through china->turkey->europe. Check out the latest visit of Chinese PM to Turkey.
  11. Cerian

    USA angry about Turkey's military exercise with China

    I object your first argument but agree with the second. F-4 planes were used in the drills so observing a plane that's gonna phase out in coming years is not that of a big issue.
  12. Cerian

    Turkish General: "Even burning a mosque was an option”

    Apart from all the discussions on Cyprus, this act of thinking, even if it's good for people as some claim, is wrong on so many levels. It's sick even to think about it. I'm not saying nobody does or think to use this kind of propaganda apart from this very general, I'm sure all the world does...
  13. Cerian

    Turkiye a NATO Member? Think Again

    It's give and take ... It's not like USA established this close relationship just to help another country. She has interests over this relationship and so does Turkey.
  14. Cerian

    US wants to offer best defence technology to India: Pentagon

    I think it's more of a balance issue with China rather than Pakistan. US has interests in Pakistan via stability of Afghanistan and a foothold in the region.
  15. Cerian

    Armenia seeks long-range weapons against Turkey and Azerbaijan

    Do you have any source regarding that? If not, stop trolling here.
  16. Cerian

    Armenia seeks long-range weapons against Turkey and Azerbaijan

    I wonder sometimes how people can use "nuclear strike" in a sentence and don't make a total stupid of themselves. And you have no idea what would be the consequences if Turkey intervened on the side of Azerbaijan. Do you think Russians will just sit and watch if such a thing happened? And...
  17. Cerian

    * F-15 Silent Eagle stealth fighter could be considered as alternative to F-35

    True. But F-35 is not offered to everyone atm.
  18. Cerian

    Turkish economy recoups crisis losses

    It is PPP, but that still counts :)
  19. Cerian

    Turkish Aviation Programs

    My point was not sticking to old equipment but burden of costs that will come if it was chosen to join a program after all those years. I'm sure TuAF and MoD analysed this to a great extend. Maybe they think current capabilities of F-16 fleet, with upgrades to CCIP level, can serve well with...
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