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  1. Ruag

    US objects to China-Pakistan nuclear deal

    I just want to say this... NSG was created specifically in response to India's Smiling Buddha nuclear tests in 1976. The United States had played a pivotal role in denying India right to access global nuclear fuel and technology for more than three decades. It was of the opinion that by using...
  2. Ruag

    US objects to China-Pakistan nuclear deal

    Why single out USA? Let China propose a waiver for Pakistan to the NSG and then we will see who all are being "hypocrite". I don't want to start a storm here... but fact remains, actions speak louder than words. One can go around shouting that he is a victim of "double standards" but your...
  3. Ruag

    China's J-15 Carrier-Based Fighter is Inferior to Russian Su-33 fighter: Russia

    LOL... so if Russians compare their Su-33 (which first flew in 1995) with the Chinese Su-33 clone known as J-15 (which is still a prototype), are they actually "comparing themselves" or their military technology to that of the Chinese? And even if someone compares the two jets, mind the years...
  4. Ruag

    Shenyang J-15 aircraft carrier-based aircraft

    Curious... China offered to buy only 14 Su-33s from Russia? Definitely, China was not planning to use these meager 14 Su-33s in strike formation in the PLAAF. Its main intention is pretty obvious here. And also, Russia did not primarily reject the offer because of production line related costs...
  5. Ruag

    India's nuclear deterrence lacks capability

    India's nuclear deterrence lacks capability India's nuclear deterrence lacks capability: Analyst-Politics/Nation-News-The Economic Times
  6. Ruag

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    So... let me get this right... Pakistani agencies are forcing local Kashmiri people to serve as guides for the anti-India mujahideen forces and those local Kashmiris who refuse to follow their orders are abducted?! And this article clearly points out that because of Pakistan's repeated...
  7. Ruag

    South Korea's 1st rocket, Naro-1, explodes after take-off

    Naro-1 explodes after takeoff INSIDE JoongAng Daily
  8. Ruag

    France to provide sensors and INS for IAF MiG-29s

    French new gen system for IAF's MiG-29 French new gen system for IAF`s MiG-29 upgrades ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This news officially confirms the awarding of contract on April 2nd -...
  9. Ruag

    BAE sending faulty parts for IAF Hawk trainers

    British firm sending faulty parts for Hawk trainers: Minister in RS British firm sending faulty parts for Hawk trainers: Minister in RS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- HAL's bitter experience with Hawk project could result in a serious blow to the...
  10. Ruag

    How "Indigenous" is Dhruv/ALH?

    :lol: All of them are either human rights activists, or charity groups, or peace activists or arms control groups. Wonder how much credibility they have in military equipment development. :rolleyes: But yeah, when it comes to criticizing India, even the Propagandaministerium will be cited as...
  11. Ruag

    How "Indigenous" is Dhruv/ALH?

    Growler, you quoted a document from Amnesty International. What credibility does Amnesty have in military equipment development? Forget Amnesty, the report itself states that it is based on work done by Omega Research Foundation, which is nothing but a charity and human rights activist...
  12. Ruag

    India should avoid ICBM Race

    Now I understand why you are regarded as a "Think Tank" here. :rolleyes: If anything, Indians don't need lectures on wealth management from people of a country which lags way behind in per capita income, human development index, life expectancy and literacy and yet spends 50% more on...
  13. Ruag

    Eurofighter still a “Big Disappointment “for its Operators

    Unit cost of one Eurofighter is 42 million pounds. ILA 2008: Indian bids add spice I would just like to state a French proverb - L'argent ne se trouve pas sous le sabot (English: Money is not found under a horse's hoof)
  14. Ruag

    At least we are not Dubai

    I have been to Dubai twice and I can't understand what's the big deal about it. Visiting Dubai is like hiring a limousine and staying in a 5-star hotel for 3 nights. Malls, buildings, sand dunes and belly-dancing. That's Dubai for you. There's nothing else to talk about. One of my friends is a...
  15. Ruag

    China, Pakistan, Germany most negative about India

    Interesting. The percentage of Indians who view India unfavorably is higher compared to the percentage of Japanese and Russians who view India unfavorably. Anyways, :cheers: to India's relations with Japan, Korea, UK and Russia.
  16. Ruag

    Bangladesh purchases Jiangwei II frigates from China

    A Lot Of Warship For The Money Surface Forces : A Lot Of Warship For The Money Info on Jiangwei II frigates - Type 053H3 frigate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
  17. Ruag

    India and Bangladesh to jointly build 1,310 MW power plant in Chalna

    India, Bangladesh power venture to come up in Chalna The New Nation - Internet Edition ---------------------------------------------------------- :cheers: to Indo-Bangla ties
  18. Ruag

    Maldives gets Dhruv helicopter from India

    India donates a helicopter to Maldives HaveeruOnline Beta - India donates a helicopter to Maldives
  19. Ruag

    Relations between Indians and Chinese living in the West

    It's obvious. Anyone who has studied in a US university will note that Indians and Chinese students get along with each other very well. In my opinion, it has more to do with work ethic. Most Indians (well, at least the studious ones) and Chinese are very hard working and dedicated. During my...
  20. Ruag

    India and Commonwealth Games.. will india show its power??

    Badminton Stadium - Nehru Stadium renovation - Dhyanchand Stadium - Indira Gandhi indoor stadium renovation - Thayagaraj stadium -
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