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  1. K

    Three Indigenous Aircraft Carriers being built at the Cochin Shipyard

    I think you are all aware of the news as mentioned below. Indian Express Posted: Wednesday, Aug 05, 2009 at 1748 hrs Mumbai: After the launch of the country's first indigenously built nuclear submarine, India has the "technical expertise and capability" to build nuclear-powered aircraft...
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    India tested AUV ( autonomous underwater Vehicle)

    I know this AUV development from close quarters. Let us not dream of anything exotic. It is an usual system for surveying an area for flora, fauna, bathymetry, topography, etc. It is mostly designed for working near shore and in protected zone. It has nothing to do with DRDO and is purely a...
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    India’s first unmanned submarine

    Thought most of it was given in the paper (TOI) or that article. Apart from that what more you would like to know ?
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    Pakistan - Bangladesh reunion

    (First I apologise for intruding) Oh ! No ; You are asking for trouble again. India is trying its best to remove the tag of hegemonistic power of the region and you are trying to sneek in the same concern. Live and let live. Please do not dream of uniting the subcontinent - the countries...
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    More Pakistanis should listen to this guy instead of Zaid Hamid....

    Brothers from Pakistan - thanks for all the comments and your stand point. We wish from our heart that you succeed in making Pakistan a properous and admired country. Please carry on with your ideas and dreams. As neighbours and blood brothers and sisters, we cannot change the...
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    More Pakistanis should listen to this guy instead of Zaid Hamid....

    How popular is these people in Pakistan ? That will be an indicator to which direction the society is taking. Found this article byFarhat Taj in Daily Times today. analysis: Zaid Hamid and strategic depth —Farhat Taj "FATA continues to be used and abused as a strategic space by the...
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    Five dams being built in occupied Kashmir

    Sorry the plan does not include the cross country rivers or the stakes of other countries. As of now the plan is only for the rivers in the south of India. :cheers:
  8. K

    Five dams being built in occupied Kashmir

    Though off topic, India should definitely start working on interlinking. Gujrat is doing another smart thing. Building a dam (65 km long) across the gulf of Cambay - name Kalpasar project to store the water from the 4 or 5 rivers those are going to the sea. Great understanding :cheers:
  9. K

    Five dams being built in occupied Kashmir

    The Repesentatives of the Countries are at work and Team from Pakistan is also supposed to visit India (as per Dawn and Daily times) to verify the ground facts. Let us wait and see what is the outcome. Water will be a problem for the subcontinent due to the global warming and other...
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    India-Pakistan Talks - 2010

    Brothers from Pakistan, Considering the fact that neither side is willing to move from their respective stated position (further land negotiation), the talks & solutions will always remain unfruitful. If this is the situation in the foreseeable future, what will Pakistan do ? 1. Will...
  11. K

    China’s hawks demand cold war on the US

    The perceptions have to be different as we all are unique and have different environments for living. So I neither defend nor counter the arguments as I am not a prophet. There is another perception which we have. Again it is only a perception which might not be agreed upon. Communism...
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    China’s hawks demand cold war on the US

    The biggest challenges for China are the following : 1. To resist internal pressure in the view of the emerging success of the alternate model of governance (India), which has more open society and economy. 2. To resist the demands of religious groups like Tibetians and Uighurs. The...
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    China’s hawks demand cold war on the US

    I agree with this. I do not think China will go the Russia way. There are several reasons to that. 1. China has allowed and grown certain safety valve pockets by opening up the economy partially. 2. That has also created a slightly openness in governance also. 3. Unlike Russia the...
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    COLD START=Indian Threat To PakistanAnd China?

    Once in four years, the doctrines are revisited by IA and subsequent refining is done based on the percieved threat at that point of time. I am sure all armies of the world do that periodically. Based on the inputs, IA thought it is necessary to prepare for defending two fronts. So this...
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    Truth about Pakistan

    Brother Amir, We can go on accusing, justifying and defending but there would be no conclusion. Both sides have enough grievances and reasons which will cloud the rational thinking. But is this the state we want to be ? I am sure you are also proud of the video of Pakistan - which started...
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    Truth about Pakistan

    Salik - Please accept the fact that in any democracy, there are some heirarchies. In India Parliament if at the top of that heirarchy and the decision taken by the Parliament is final. Yes, if what you say is correct and not a hype by the Pakistan, then understand that members of the parliament...
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    Truth about Pakistan

    :smitten:The video is great and the world would appreciate if this openness and progress can be sustained and cultivated. India, in particular, would benefit the most. And Pakistan can replicate South Korea. Please do not blame India for everything that is bad for Pakistan. Be honest (Islam...
  18. K

    China mulls setting up military base in Pakistan

    I am a new entrant to this forum, though I am a regular follower of "The Daily Times" and "Dawn". This forum also gives me an opportunity to understand the different perceptions better and how we all can move towards a better tomorrow. "China mulls setting up military base in Pakistan" was...
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