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  1. K

    Dynamics of China Bangladesh Relations

    "According to the provisions of UNCLOS, the coastal State that intends to delineate the outer limits of the continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles, is required to submit particulars of such limits along with the supporting scientific and technical data. The claims are required to be...
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    Four Indians among 15 dead as Taliban bombers attack Kabul

    Dear Idune, That is precisely the reason for my suggestion. We need to know what the Government (supposed to be democratic and fiercely competitive politics, which includes religion, caste, region, etc) is doing on our back. That no political parties will notice and point out even if they are...
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    Dynamics of China Bangladesh Relations

    Dear Toxic_pus (!!!!!!!!), The geo-politics is not so simple and it is better to engage experts to be the arbitrator. That way none will have much grudge. It is better to have a neutral arbitrator decide than India doing it. I am a scientist and have dealt a lot with our oceanographers...
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    Dynamics of China Bangladesh Relations

    In case of doubt Bangladesh has all the right to go to UNCLOS. If their stated facts are right, Bangladesh should go to an arbritrator. What is preventing this ? India is no saint and that way no one is. If there is one organization with better ability & rationality to judge this, that recourse...
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    Dynamics of China Bangladesh Relations

    Dear Damiendehorn, I am not here to propose a zero sum game. As the thread will go, you will find many of the perceived concerns are politically and emotionaly motivated (or nurtured) and not on actual paper. Being neighbours, there will be some areas of disagreement and concerns as many...
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    Four Indians among 15 dead as Taliban bombers attack Kabul

    Dear Windjammer (!!!), If it is sweet to the ears, let us thrive for it. It does not matter who says what in which forum. Where ever we are there, we should thrive to make it more meaningful. There will be positive and negative vives in all countries. Allowing the negative vibes majorly takes...
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    Dynamics of China Bangladesh Relations

    I can understand India is slow to react and act, as it is a young unmatured democracy still (US took more than 100 years to mature). So India might not have produced the results immediately as can be done by authoritarian government of China. But it feels bad that, India, after supporting...
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    Four Indians among 15 dead as Taliban bombers attack Kabul

    Is there any meaningful exchanges of ideas happening or is it like hate filled browny points being scored ? It would have been great if all Indian origin people desist using this forum for some time to cool down the temper. This might also have some effect on the PDF forum as there will...
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    Hockey World cup Pakistan VS India Match (Thread)

    I am sure Pakistan will win. Best wishes to them. They had been a great team but unfortunately both Pakistan and India is still going through building up the skills and winning ways. Pakistan is way ahead in this. India's hockey federation is a mess of politics and the game is not patronised, so...
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    Taliban is the Future

    Good quote Sherdil. I hope that the same goes with the followers of Allah of the other religions. :smitten: & :cheers:
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    Zakir Naik rejects Two Nation Thoery

    Ejaz bhai, Defending the picture of social integrity in India is meaningless as we all know how the generations have been brainwashed in Pakistan about cruel hindus of India, merciless torture of muslims from the time muslims came to India, cunning brahmins torturing the shudras all over the...
  12. K

    Indian military growth threatens Regional stability: Pakistan

    Let me add some new vigour to this thread. I entered the thread to find out what India is doing to destabilise the region (apart from whatever the conspiracy theories floating around). I sadly found that it is about the defence budget. I was remembering another thread by another friend...
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    For God sake , what we are doing

    Dear Sehar, Thanks for the great post. I hope others learn from it. I was pretty depressed by the general hatred shown by members to neighbouring countries which is a big blot on the humanity We have been using every excuse to fight, hate and abuse. This is refreshing. We could have...
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    Four Indians among 15 dead as Taliban bombers attack Kabul

    Dear Jana, Can't your mind think straight or simple ? Is this the reflection of the state of Pakistan's society ? It does not matter for the people who have died. But to know that the hatred is so deep makes me wonder how much human value is retained in the mind. I am sure Allah does...
  15. K

    Three Huge Ways Pakistan Still Isn’t Cooperating

    Dear Aquil, Let us not hide behind semantics. We can discuss at length on Pakistan's stand on Kashmir in another thread. However let me give an example of what the world thinks as tyranny (may be normal for you). Read the article below : 22/02/2010 3 Sikhs beheaded by Pak Taliban...
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    Three Huge Ways Pakistan Still Isn’t Cooperating

    Big words Aquil. Before commenting about other countries which you know only through some televangalists, some specific media and groups like JuD, etc, please look around in your country - in Balochistan (if your memory is short then google), SWAT - remember the flogging, FATA and NWFP (where...
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    India-Pakistan Talks - 2010

    A post from M J Akbar. Talk without hope so there’s hope for civilityM J Akbar, 21 February 2010, 12:22 AM IST Sensible nations either go to war or negotiate peace; they don’t sulk. So it is sensible for India and Pakistan to resume talks at a formal level. The tricky part is to...
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    Bangladesh and India to jointly build $1.7 billion power plant

    Let us not bother about detractors which will be there in any visionary engagements. Let us understand the positives : 1. Indians pay Rs 5.00 average per unit (you can validate) of electricity so the deal is possibly on cost basis (though my analysis shows it should be loss - we do project...
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    Three Huge Ways Pakistan Still Isn’t Cooperating

    When will some members of this forum take a pause and introspect as every other responsible country is trying to work out with Pakistan Government regarding the futility of nurturing proxies and inadvertantly creating cozy nests for foreign merceneries ? Name it - China, UK, Germany, Russia...
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    Pakistan Supports India for United Nations Security Council Seat

    Fortunately The Government of Pakistan and Government of India do not hate each other as many people in this forum do. If you do a careful research, Pakistan and India cooperate on many world forums and also support each other's candidature. Yes there are a few areas of disagreement but...
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