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  1. P

    Maoist Rebels Kill 11 In Attacks In Eastern India

    We should take help from china to deal this problem. They know how to run tank over people and suppresed other democratic supporter in their country. @ All Chinese members, Please share your technics and ideas with us. Thanks
  2. P

    2011 World Military Strength Ranking released

    agree but there is no instrument to measure unlike the number
  3. P

    2011 World Military Strength Ranking released

    Population does not matter. Pakistan's population is .18 billion but still behind taiwan and USA's population is 1/4 os china but who is ahead
  4. P

    Open Letter: A Sikh Leader Begs Clinton To Intervene In India

    First post the link becuase a newspaper can't make that amount of spelling mistake(for example it is mumbai and moombai). And about LTTE, For your kind information sri lanka is not like india and do not deserve a buddhist country status because what they did to tamil who focefuly migrated by...
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    China hacked India's intel network: Assange

    really? First dream about beating ROC than think about. How many missiles aimed towars that tiny island but still can't beat.LOL
  6. P

    INDIA reaches FIH finals!!!

    but quaterfinal was the best.
  7. P

    India is Inter Continental power

    There is two face of india. In one side India is already a super power that includes top ten richest person in world, bollywood star, corrupted rich politician, 2nd largest army, 4th largest navy and airforce etc but on the other hand prople are dying from starvation, extream proverty and dying...
  8. P

    Nepal PM Bhattarai is nothing more than an Indian tool: Chitra K. C

    Simple because it is not a pro-india forum
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    Nepal PM Bhattarai is nothing more than an Indian tool: Chitra K. C

    you mean one another member in list of puppet( karzai, hasina, abdulla. Could be zardair, PM of P O K and CM of balochistan but can't say)? We should celebrate this because it shows the growing infuence of India and one another member of friend list. Thanks for informing us. Who said that...
  10. P

    World’s largest weapons buyer India joins China as emerging military superp

    Now you are no more agree with me? So i am going now to find some chinese immigrant in USA
  11. P

    World’s largest weapons buyer India joins China as emerging military superp

    so we agree with each other so please join with me hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahhahah ahahahaahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  12. P

    World’s largest weapons buyer India joins China as emerging military superp

    Laughable? Than lets laugh hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahhahahahahahaahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  13. P

    China's General threatening WWIII (Nuclear War) to Protect Pak or Iran

    What a joke? Where were they when US attacked Iraq with no reason?
  14. P

    Sri Lanka’s MRCA – MIG-29 vs JF-17 vs F-16

    How fool is chinese? They are still operating copy of mig-21 but reject aircraft which is better than mig-29
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    Sri Lanka’s MRCA – MIG-29 vs JF-17 vs F-16

    How much Tejas is Indian? Hmmm less than chinese contributed in JF -17( which means less than 99.9999999999%)?
  16. P

    Another Tibetan sets himself ablaze in China.

    Its better to burn hemself than blasting himself . This is different between Islam and buddhism. Extreamist terrorist who claim to be follower of Islam( popularly known as zihadist) and buddhist who want librate their homeland from a powerful and brutal occupair
  17. P

    Sri Lanka’s MRCA – MIG-29 vs JF-17 vs F-16

    You missed the main point " DID YOU ABLE TO SAVE YOUR CITIZEN AND SOLDIER FROM OUTSIER". Why are you wasting money in making any wepons that can't protect your country? How pathetic? And about INSAS( you did not described about Omen). Question was that india made any rifle or not, anything you...
  18. P

    What India did after NATO attack

    OK But who were denying?
  19. P

    India Sinks Lower in Corruption Index

    It is because more corrupted people caught thanks to media, RTI and police. Unlike older times where people know nothing about those people who are corrupted
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    Sri Lanka’s MRCA – MIG-29 vs JF-17 vs F-16

    Do you mean INSAS was made by pakistan and exported to nepal and omen. We are superpower or not, does it matters to you. My advice is to you that first become a self reliant country than think about shoting a drone. Leave everything, first tell me that you made a tank called Al-khalid and JF-17...
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