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  1. DALAI LAMA 4477

    Martyrs burning bright

    dont worry xinjiang freedom fighter in ur words (terrorists) would also get their support including from LeT ;)
  2. DALAI LAMA 4477

    Martyrs burning bright

    oh yes thats why pakistani ISI chief went to china to get ur support am i right :cheesy:
  3. DALAI LAMA 4477

    Martyrs burning bright

    oh really then who said this:lol: China has blamed terrorists trained in Pakistan for an outbreak of deadly violence and imposed heavy security on Monday in a bid to prevent further unrest. Xinjiang unrest: China blames unrest on Pakistan-trained terrorists – The Express Tribune dont...
  4. DALAI LAMA 4477

    Martyrs burning bright

    tibetians , & muslims friends in xinxiang region & taiwanese freiends all fight for their independence & they would get it at all cost BTW who told china is free from terrorsit attack, do u forget what happened in xinjiang region this august?
  5. DALAI LAMA 4477

    Martyrs burning bright

    well what were u waiting for in xinjiang province terrorist attack ? wont u guys have extra balls :D
  6. DALAI LAMA 4477

    Martyrs burning bright

    long live japan imperial emperor :smitten: ---------- Post added at 05:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:45 PM ---------- long live japan imperial emperor :smitten:
  7. DALAI LAMA 4477

    Martyrs burning bright

    well are u guys not satisfied with karokaram pass that pakistan gave u that u want also Pakistan occupied KA$$$$IR;)
  8. DALAI LAMA 4477

    Martyrs burning bright

    ya ... ya our daddy also help u guys when u guys were under wonderful rule of the great japanese :rofl: ---------- Post added at 05:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:38 PM ---------- ya ... ya our daddy also help u guys when u guys were under wonderful rule of the great japanese :rofl:
  9. DALAI LAMA 4477

    Martyrs burning bright

    well what u got in return of southern tibet ,:cheesy:u guys having barking for decades that arunachal pradesh is ours what happened to it :rofl:,keep dreaming & save northern tibet if u can :whistle:(which i doubt) ---------- Post added at 05:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:31 PM...
  10. DALAI LAMA 4477

    Martyrs burning bright

    u call his holiness a terrorist ,a man u must have lost ur mind or u have sold it to chinese like oil:hitwall:
  11. DALAI LAMA 4477

    China's Debt Problem Worse than Portugal

    Government officials in China, the largest foreign holder of U.S. debt, have been chastising the U.S. over Standard & Poor’s downgrade to AA+. Guan Jianzhong, chairman of Dagong Global Credit Rating, has said the U.S. dollar is “gradually [being] discarded by the world,” and the “process will...
  12. DALAI LAMA 4477

    Martyrs burning bright

    listen u false flagger tibet would be freed & our indian brothers dont need another 1962 bollywood blockbuster but another 1931-1945 japanese blockbuster to get that what they want
  13. DALAI LAMA 4477

    1733 Members of PLAAF killed since 1949

    no brother joking & humilating are nt same
  14. DALAI LAMA 4477

    To Save Our Economy, Ditch Taiwan

    truth hurts son:wave:
  15. DALAI LAMA 4477

    To Save Our Economy, Ditch Taiwan

    you also forgot to mention pakistan :rofl:
  16. DALAI LAMA 4477

    Indian Missiles - News, Developments, Tests, and Discussions

    plz dont worry about agn i2 operationalization ,plz worry about agni 5 (C**** killer) ,well agni 2 & 3 would be inducted by 2013
  17. DALAI LAMA 4477

    To Save Our Economy, Ditch Taiwan

    me tooo :rofl: why the hell would america ditch taiwan ,if they ditch taiwan then all it's eastern pacific allies incuding japan and phillipines would ditch US as they would lose faith in the US .
  18. DALAI LAMA 4477

    1733 Members of PLAAF killed since 1949

    why do u guys think that way i cant understand ,It's an honour for any sodier or pilot to die for their country no matter of whichever nationality. There is a difference betweeen trolling & ethical trolling .
  19. DALAI LAMA 4477

    China’s Bizarre Claims On The South China Sea.

    :rofl: man this is the biggest joke of my lifetime ,Present-day India cannot claim based on ancient Hindu kingdoms while u guys can claim anything which is not a part of ur ancient kingdoms like tibet ,taiwan ,xinjiang & arunachal pradesh .What do u guys think of urself do u guys inherit the...
  20. DALAI LAMA 4477

    A layman's analysis on our last two MMRCA contenders

    but u have said the word SKEPTICISM & also ur previous posts contadicts it . well the same seeker thing i had also said above that a IR seeker is more important than it's long range of missile .Well the question i want to ask u whther it is good or effective for IR guided missile to have such a...
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