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    [Analysis] India-Vietnam Strategic Partnership Getting Stronger

    I think there is already FTA existing between India and Vietnam indirectly though ASEAN.
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    LTTE's India links were far more dubious than are made out to be

    LTTE tried to cut the same branch on which it was sitting by attacking gandhi family which actually gave life to it .rajiv gandhi's widow sonia gandhi made it a point that she extracted her vendetta true italian mafia style from LTTE supremo Prabhakarn by helping srilankan govt in her ferst...
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    Iran Crisis: Major Indian firm suspends $400 million worth projects

    Its not economic sanctions against iran thats hurting indian companies but its the indian leadership's pusillanimity to stand against west is hurting indo-iran interests.Its quite open the congress is in hand-in-glove with west on santions against iran, however they pretend overtly but covetely...
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    'End of virginity' if women drive, Saudi cleric warns

    What could i say to these mullahs when we have mullahs to define jannat in such a fine language
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    [Analysis] India-Vietnam Strategic Partnership Getting Stronger

    There is more for india to learn from vietnam then other way round.
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    Chinese to overtake English as the dominant language of the internet

    not joke but just inferiority complex which they blame others of in their own ccp mouthpiece instead its their own inferiority complex.
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    Breaking news: ULFA chief Paresh Baruah arrested!!

    I'll trust if Sheerin mazari writes this news in the Nation otherwise not. its a fake news.:smokin:
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    PM Dung: Vietnam will stake claim to East Sea islands peacefully

    way you go Vietnam.It should fight for every inch of its territory under foreign occupation.there is a lesson here for india to help out those burning tibetians in achieving there free sovereign country tibet.
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    Nepal PM Bhattarai is nothing more than an Indian tool: Chitra K. C

    Lol Nepali Maoists themselves are influenced by Indian counterpart so that make nepali maoist what indian tool? Great !! india poilcy makers knows to keep both tools in different parties of nepal.
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    India could emerge as Pakistan's nemesis in Afghan-Pak Kabul River Dispute

    A Kabul River Treaty Pakistan is once again accusing India of water hegemony. This time, however, the accusation refers not to Indian damming of the Western Rivers in J&K, but to Indian support for Afghan development projects along the Kabul River. This accusation indulges in conspiratorial...
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    Plan to send memo was President Zardari’s idea: Mansoor Ijaz

    Is anyone even has a shred of credibility in pakistan?
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    Chinese to overtake English as the dominant language of the internet

    And you are proud to type in english here and dream to take on english.i too quit.:P
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    Chinese to overtake English as the dominant language of the internet

    Thats the difference between indian democracy and chinese theovracy which enforces language as tool to achieve artificial unity.even pakistan too tried enforcing urdu on their eastern part and see wat happenes.people communicate inn their different region (states,provinces) in thier regional...
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    Chinese to overtake English as the dominant language of the internet

    And here chinese themselves using english to communicate on this board.Why not communicate using ur chinese here?अब सारा गर्व क्या तेल लेने गय&#2366...
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    India plans to train 30,000 Afghan soldiers

    India can give all those Insas which IA dont want to ANA and send all those arjuns too with t-55
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    India plans to train 30,000 Afghan soldiers

    NEW DELHI // India plans to fly 20,000 to 30,000 Afghan troops to training bases in India over the next three years and is expanding its presence in Afghanistan as US troops leave. The US is reportedly eager for more countries to take on part of the US$12 billion (Dh44bn) training bill for the...
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    Indian Communication Intelligence, Big Brother is everywhere now!!!!

    Lol NTRO biggest joke created by indian govt.seems these days none of the indian govt department work their actual job but every department is busy in doing corruption www.outlookindia.com | The Bug
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    Pakistan welcomes Indian aid to Afghanistan:UK envoy.

    "Pakistan welcomes Indian aid to Afghanistan:UK envoy" and this news comes to india indirectly from uk envoy not from pakistan.why?till yesterday indian aid was suspicious work of RAW now today it is welcomed.baat kuch hajam nahi huyee.Its same like our PM lying to indian public that PM gilani...
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    Collapse of the US ----

    no one would have been ripped like the bengalis by pak army.Even tiger niazi in his interview had supposed to have mentioned that Pakistan's drift into extremism ... - Hassan Abbas - Google Books Pakistan's drift into extremism: Allah, the army, and America's war on terror By Hassan Abbas...
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    Pakistan has right to self-defense so does US: Pentagon

    Oh ah !!! pak got drowned in moral tide of usa or it was threat tsunami of usa? ;)
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