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    Pakistan-9 year old girl critical after gang rape

    where are @Andromache and @ajtr. They were very vociferous on the other rape thread y'day.
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    Pakistan-9 year old girl critical after gang rape

    Are you kidding me? Rape instances are significantly more in Pakistan than in India. http://blogs.tribune.com.pk/story/4479/why-the-deafening-silence-after-rape/ http://www.defence.pk/forums/social-issues-current-events/227533-horror-being-woman-pakistan-4.html#post3759104
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    Indian Rape cases and protests | PKKH.tv

    anyway, lets discuss the topic and not the person
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    Indian Rape cases and protests | PKKH.tv

    Calling people bastards and equating them to rapists is as personal as it gets in my view..
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    Indian Rape cases and protests | PKKH.tv

    Are we discussing Indian forums here or the current issue. Do not go off topic please.. Not hundreds but Millions..
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    Rape India Rape | PKKH.tv

    As Karan.1970 pointed out, the rape statistics in Pakistan are twice as bad as those in India (4.7 rapes per 100,000 in Pakistan vs 1.8 in India). The difference being in India they are run up by the media and in Pakistan they are swept under the carpet
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    Rape India Rape | PKKH.tv

    Rape in Islam - WikiIslam Verse 4:24 Also (forbidden are) women already married, except those whom your right hands possess. Thus has Allah ordained for you. All others are lawful, provided you seek them from your property, desiring chastity, not fornication. So with those among them whom...
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    Rape India Rape | PKKH.tv

    So very right.. I posted a lot of such posts yesterday when this ajtr dude was going all over the place bashing Hinduism, but they were promptly deleted and my thread about Horror of being a woman in Pakistan was closed promptly. And here when it comes to India, even the administrators...
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    The horror of being a woman in Pakistan

    The horror of being a woman in Pakistan - Rediff.com India News The Delhi gangrape case has highlighted how vulnerable women remain in India. But the situation in neighbouring Pakistan is worse, as most cases of sexual assault in that country are hushed up due to the stigma attached to the...
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    Caste Hindus Torch 285 Dalit Huts in Tamil Nadu

    the M Ask the Moderators.. Caste System in India is a banned topic, just like references to Pakistan being a failed state or 50 cent army..Hindus in Pakistan is not
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    2014 Indian Elections Exit polls in PDF !

    The Prime Minister will again be from Congress. Sad but true.. Simply because there is no other viable candidate in any other party.. Unless we want a Mulayam singh or Mayawati or Mamta Banerjee as India's PM
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    Orders come from India to create unrest in Balochistan, says Malik

    he is waiting for the right time.. Now lets officially mark the death of the peace process and go back to the normal bickering between india and pakistan
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    Car bomb kills 17 people in market in Pakistan.

    That's what defines a terrorist.. Why do you even make a reference to these terrorists in the same sentence in which you use the term bravery ..
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    Attacker’s demonic tattoo draws fresh TTP conclusions

    Reminds me of the conspiracy theory about Kasab's accent and the Kasab is Amar Singh nonsense.. :)
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    Tattoo is seen on the back of a dead TTP terrorist.

    So by your definition, Jinnah was a non Muslim (since he used to drink alcohol which is haram in Islam) ?
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    Avalanche in Siachin kills 6 Indian soldiers

    Jitne hain, kaafi hain :)
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    F-86 Kills MiG-21

    I meant working for him in professional capacity. My boss at work reports to him. This cant be true. !!!
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    Avalanche in Siachin kills 6 Indian soldiers

    Sovereign integrity !! No price too high for that.
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    Uncanny resemblance: Is Balochistan the next Bangladesh?

    By handling it before, you mean what you did in 1971, then yes, I agree :lol: and u stfu
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    Avalanche in Siachin kills 6 Indian soldiers

    Neither have the courage nor the Physical fitness to do that..
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