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    Pakistan Army warns Indian workers to stop road construction near LoC

    The road is not being laid by Indian soldiers. Its Kashmiri villagers and workers
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    Indian consulate post attack Pics

    Good work by ITBP and Afghan Security forces. Kicking some serious Taliban butt in Afghanistan. ITBP getting foreign experience :)
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    Pakistan Army warns Indian workers to stop road construction near LoC

    No. Its called murdering innocent Kashmiris
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    Pakistan Army warns Indian workers to stop road construction near LoC

    Looks like you are forgetting what happened after that. And about your signature, its Pakistan which is facing an existential threat of breaking up again like it did in 1971. So Khalil Khan sahib, Fakhta udaani band karo aur sapno se baahir nikal ke aa jaao.
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    Hafiz questions Sharif over his probable May 26 India visit

    Yup. I agree with you. UNSC is not above the court of law of the country and its parliament. That is exactly why we do not consider the UNSC resolution on Kashmir worth the Paper its written on. ;)
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    Hafiz questions Sharif over his probable May 26 India visit

    Quite normal in Pakistan. Specially if you see the history of last decade.
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    Air Strikes in North Waziristan leave 70 militants dead

    What blatant hypocrisy. When there is collateral damage in J&K, its the biggest sin on earth. When Pakistani army kills its own civilians as collateral damage, it becomes strategy to pressurize the TTP. :lol: some strategy. And not allowing press makes it more suspicious.
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    Kejriwal sent to judicial custody

    Its a criminal defamation case not a civil defamation one and hence a bail bond (or a personal bond without surety ) is needed as per the law, unless concessions are made because of his status as Ex CM. Now since he is totally against being treated as a Khaas Aadmi, the judge has just followed...
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    Air Strikes in North Waziristan leave 70 militants dead

    Given this, there is no way to ascertain whether the dead are actually all TTP rebels or a mix of TTP fighters and innocent civilians. A bomb from a fighter plane has no way of distinguishing the two. But on the flip side, I don think Pakistan has any other option left than to accept this...
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    So my proud Pakistanis, what are you basically proud of?

    You are right. Haq was the originator of the idea and Sen was the brains for finally formulated it
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    Modi and South Asia

    Why do Pakistanis only come up with terrorism related alternatives to everything? Is it geography or something else?
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    Modi Obsession on PDF

    Bekaar will rhyme better
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    Modi Obsession on PDF

    Keep your friends close. Keep your enemies closer
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    Can West Capture Pakistani Nukes using Same Strategy as for Syrian Weapons

    :rofl: :rofl: Saala Chootiya.. Calling you a Madrassa brainwashed idiot is to insult all the Madrassa brainwashed idiots .. Ha Ha
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    Sukkar: ISI office under attack

    Where is all this being reported? Or are you refering to some internal sources?
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    Sukkar: ISI office under attack

    I still believe there is something fishy in the numbers. Just like the actual damage to the SAAB AEW planes was underplayed in the beginning. The gap of 24 and 4 is too high plus the magnitude of the attack was too high. Specially since ET also gave the breakup of 23 intelligence officials and 1...
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    Sukkar: ISI office under attack

    Dont unnecessarily go after @foxbat. ET did show it as 24 dead and then changed the story..Even Pakistani member reported the same number
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    Sukkar: ISI office under attack

    was too detailed to be a reporting error..But yes, nothing is impossible. God willing, casulties wont be so high God willing, you will be right ....
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    Sukkar: ISI office under attack

    Tribune.pk has changed the story back to 4 killed.. looks like ISI does not want such heavy casualties to be made public 4 dead in five consecutive Sukkur explosions – The Express Tribune
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