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  1. FEDEX

    India's silent scientists

    Really guys I do not know what the fuss is about , Noble prize has no meaning , For God sake they gave the peace prize to Obama , the Guy who has killed more innocent people through drones than any other president in US history. So you tell me do you want to be seen in the same league as...
  2. FEDEX

    'Pak Taliban trained me, my hitlist included Indian ambassador'

    He was stupid...he should have done it in INDIA. He could have lived long & that too in a luxury. Biryani, kabab & all facilities along the top class security. & then precedent mercy. GREAT. INDIAN GOVT. IS GREAT!
  3. FEDEX

    Lashkar, not Qaeda, is most dangerous terror group: Former CIA analyst

    Washington: With Al Qaeda on the ropes, Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), with the help of its Pakistani backers, is now probably the most dangerous terror group in the world, according to a former CIA analyst. The November 2008 attack by ten LeT terrorists on multiple targets in Mumbai, India was the...
  4. FEDEX

    Pak hospitality leaves Indians awestruck

    this is not hospitality. it is the standard procedure. these aman-ki-asha clowns are pathetic. Have they forgotten about hospitality that the Pakis showed to Lt Saurabh and 6 other men of his team when Kargil war hadn't even started and rest of Indian POWs including pilots after that ?
  5. FEDEX

    War on terror bills: Pakistan forgoes $1.3b claim under CSF

    Mate, I have posted a Video, in the Thread. It explains why Pakistan opened Nato Supply Routes & Other Facts:cheesy:
  6. FEDEX

    War on terror bills: Pakistan forgoes $1.3b claim under CSF

    Aapas ki baat - 3rd july 2012 part 1 - YouTube
  7. FEDEX

    Terrorists?: US Congress to vote on Haqqani network bill

    US's biggest complaint against Pakistan is that it provides safe havens to Haqqanis and Quetta Shura. It would be fine if Pakistan did not think they were terrorists and stated that openly. But Pakistan claims to be a NATO ally. In that capacity, it is Pakistan’s duty to take action...
  8. FEDEX

    Narasimha Rao performed puja during demolition of Babri Masjid: Book

    what PV Narsimha Rao did on that black day is of no relevance today...he is dead and cremated..let this issue also be dead..we have already lost so much beacause of this hopeless issue..let people have peace..the muslims have let go of this issue and so do the hindus..ony a few fanatics keep...
  9. FEDEX

    Congratulation to PDF

    Welcome to PDF Mate..
  10. FEDEX

    Pakistan government to finally clip ISI wings

    If this is not a joke or prank, I really doubt whether the bill ever be passed and become a law in Pakistan. Secondly, even if the current PPP govt. daring to do something is just because they have hardly less than a year time to rule, and they knew they won't be elected rather allowed by the...
  11. FEDEX

    Zero in exam? In India, you can still get admission

    What is the big fuss about. The solution is simple. They should have a minimum mark for the test as well. They should have had it from the start. Since they did not, they can correct it now. Why blame reservation ? It si the stupidity of those who framed the entrance criteria, and it can be...
  12. FEDEX

    Sikh in india killed for delay in serving tandoori chicken

    May his soul rest in peace.
  13. FEDEX

    'Pak Taliban trained me, my hitlist included Indian ambassador'

    Zombies, without emotion, soul, feelings or remorse are for real. This guy, and the many like him are examples. And then there is the group who will defend the actions of such fellows, putting all the blame on "others". A fake profile of a gentleman, with the mindset of a barbarian.
  14. FEDEX

    Pakistan termed biggest stakeholder in post-2014 Afghanistan

    Please sombody tell me, is it first of April today?:lol:
  15. FEDEX


    Mate, Everyone has Bad days in life. I am sure you'll Overcome this :tup:
  16. FEDEX

    US Ambassador to Pakistan Cameron Munter supports drone strikes

    Congrats to US, they are doing a commendable job, americans have done well in identifying symptoms and the disease and the treatment formulated is exceptional. all sane people will continue to welcome. I would personally assist US in any way I could if given a chance. Kudos and Keep it up:tup:
  17. FEDEX

    Taliban publicly executes a woman; Karzai orders manhunt

    Talibans are animals, they are not human beings. These thugs should be wiped out from the face of earth. May the Soul of deceased RIP.
  18. FEDEX

    Taliban publicly executes a woman; Karzai orders manhunt

    Nero fiddles while Rome burns What are all those puffed up leaders doing in TOKYO when such things continue to happen in Afghanistan. Modern leaders are as USELESS as fundamentalists are BRUTAL
  19. FEDEX

    Why are indians so corrupt?

    Only Indians are Corrupt??? How about Pakistani's and rest of the World... Name a Country whose people are not Corrupt... There are countries who welcomed Western Troops. WT kills there people every other day....What do you think of those countries too????
  20. FEDEX

    The rise of Kashmir's alternative media

    Few days back Kashmiri Youth Blackened the face of Hurriyat (funded by Pakistan) leaders Shabir Ahmad Shah and Nayeem Khan. Don't Mess with them :cheesy: your fiat would be same...
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