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  1. sha123

    India to get most lethal and advance Cluster Bombs from USA

    Why u bring China in between this ? If you don’t add friends, better keep quit.
  2. sha123

    Indian culture cutting across boundaries

    Bollywood in Times Square Jai Ho in Prison
  3. sha123

    VHP demands ban on entry of non-Hindus into Kashi

    I am not against or support of any organisation but want to know where we just discuss and leave it, or make more aware of solution; India is secular country any one is free to travel any where...
  4. sha123

    VHP demands ban on entry of non-Hindus into Kashi

    After second time failure of state and central government to protect Varanasi from blast then what is option available for? This question for all but more specific to Hindus of this forum... VHP has giving their view, Right or wrong that different matter but they are trying for solution.
  5. sha123

    India Developing, but still a long way to go

    Experience Rajdhani Express First AC service...
  6. sha123

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    ejaz007 please right now Pakistani are not in condition for blem any other government (Country) reading any dam issue look at current condition in Pakistan, Worst flood in Pakistan’s history, 1.5 Crore people affected and thousand of dead till your all political parties aren’t...
  7. sha123

    What comes first?Nation or religion?

    Nationality and Religious identity two different thing Nationality come first because it is LAW OF LAND that is constitution of country for me is constitution of India and individual identity is come from religion beliefs... In case of Pakistan, Pakistan has formed on the basis of religion but...
  8. sha123

    Julia Roberts is now a Hindu

    Not only Julia there are lot of people are adopting eastern (Hinduism and Buddhism) belief system... Just youtube search on London Ratha-yatra 2009
  9. sha123

    India has raised the stakes

    Definitely Indian influence increasing now in political level economic is strong and future opportunities In case of cultural influence, thanks to overseas Indian they have done a lot in favour of India.
  10. sha123

    India state-run banks 'turn away Muslims'

    In my view, Islamic Religious Politic.
  11. sha123

    ISI chief cancels UK visit

    ISI chief or President of Pakistan going to UK or not it is not so important because most important thing is what Pakistan is going to offer for UK?. What is UK offer for Pakistan? In my view at any condition UK has upper hand on Pakistan because there are lot of overseas Pakistani in UK.
  12. sha123

    What do you like the best about the other nation?

    Reading to Hinduism main difference come from Truth is one; sages call it various names- "ekam sat vipra bahudha vadanti " This lead to pluralism society, So that reason individual Hindu is free to experience god, spirituality. According to his/her choice.. For Example In Science:- There is...
  13. sha123

    Terrorism: An Ideology or a Conspiracy

    In my view pakistan has a problem of dangerance mix of religion and politics with slow economy.
  14. sha123

    57 Hindus forced to convert to Islam in 10 days

    This you attitude say How safe HINDUISM in you country. because you are not going to tolerate slight difference of ahmedis and muslim then surely Hinduism suffer lot in pakistan with force conversion. don't show poor mentality my friend Following is link differnce between ahmedis and...
  15. sha123

    57 Hindus forced to convert to Islam in 10 days

    That killing happened at mosque they where pray same god which other muslim pray. method may be deference .In pakistani people can't tolerate ahmedis then question is arise what about other religion. be open minded friend. Don't close you mind..
  16. sha123

    Dilemmas of Muslims Living in the New Age

    I don't think so muslim mindset can sustain in present and future because look at Iran, due there Islamic government Iranian already thinking about there ancient cultural or substitute religion. lot of people say islam is increasing in number it may be true but I see that definition of personal...
  17. sha123

    57 Hindus forced to convert to Islam in 10 days

    What Hindu has deed there personal matter and more situation on surrounding but I surprise when muslim killing muslim in pakisatan recent lahore mosque attack.
  18. sha123

    Chinese think India backward

    If we look to public development (Govt) sure china is well developing but If you see individual development level, right issue India is way ahead of china. One question for china's people that how many member of communist party and what are the percentage they hold in total china's population.
  19. sha123

    Must read: Chinese embrace may prove costly to Sri Lanka

    There is no need to bring India between Sri Lanka and China, you people just search this news is allover.
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