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  1. Nemesis

    Indian cops term freedom fighter as Bangladeshi terrorist

    What do you expect in Modi's Gujarat? Let's hope that the mass murderer is voted out of power in the next elections.
  2. Nemesis

    Indian Army at 50% of it's capabilities

    Flush with funds to revive an ailing economy and fight the de facto civil war going on in your country. And you're suggesting that India is in trouble? Ironic.
  3. Nemesis

    Proof of India's role in Balochistan at 'suitable time': Gilani

    Suitable time essentially means that they do not have any proof. These kind of accusations against India are done mainly in front of domestic audiences (perhaps to trumpet domestic support?), they have no credibility on the international stage. Pakistan also accuses us of sponsoring the TTP...
  4. Nemesis

    Iran Is Not The Problem

    People forget that the regime in Iran is in place because of US interference. There was a time when Iran was a democratic nation, but since the West didn't like democratically elected anti-imperialist leaders during the cold war (perhaps even now) , Mohammed Mosaddeq - the secular Prime Minister...
  5. Nemesis

    Delhi V/s Mumbai:which one is better?

    Obviously Delhi is better than Mumbai. There is no comparison. However, i would prefer to live in Bangalore.
  6. Nemesis

    Indian Drama Serials!

    We watched Pakistani drama serials?? When? Indian serials make me want to kill myself. I'm completely serious. It is such a disappointment that after Ekta Kapoor, our standards have plummeted. There was a time when we had some good serials on TV. Now don't watch anything on TV except sports...
  7. Nemesis

    Indian Muslim Lawmaker Assaulted and Beaten for Taking Oath in Hindi

    Because the MNS doesn't care about Marathi culture, Maharashtrians, India, etc. They are intentionally engaging in xenophobic activities to get elected. The othering of a people is a standard practice of all right wing organizations. Why would we Delhi-ites migrate to Slumbay? Delhi is far...
  8. Nemesis

    Indian Muslim Lawmaker Assaulted and Beaten for Taking Oath in Hindi

    So whatever Raj Thackeray says is the law in Maharashtra? You can take an oath of office in any national language in any state of India. If people care only about their own community and not the nation, There will be no national unity. Me? And what pray might you know about me? A...
  9. Nemesis

    Indian Muslim Lawmaker Assaulted and Beaten for Taking Oath in Hindi

    Firstly, stop writing in capitals. Not all us have a deficiency in reading English. Secondly, so you're saying that only the people who live in Maharashtra should be given employment and only if there are vacancies, people of other states should be employed? So, in the financial capital - the...
  10. Nemesis

    Indian Muslim Lawmaker Assaulted and Beaten for Taking Oath in Hindi

    Uhh no you don't. Hitting someone for speaking in HINDI IN INDIA is the grave insult. You know who else does that? Separatists in nagaland. Delhi is not only the capital. It is right now in a limbo between a union territory and being declared a state. Regardless, there are original...
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