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  1. DroneMailini

    Crunch time: pick one, Haqqani network or the US

    US used Afghanistan till 1989, but not after that, India never used Afghanistan, I wonder how taliban came to power in 1996? The terrain which you used to bleed Soviet's are now used against you, You also tried the same against Americans, But since they possessed certain technological...
  2. DroneMailini

    Crunch time: pick one, Haqqani network or the US

    Pakistan will now choose the haqqani network, I can point out why? a) US cannot confront Pakistan beyond a certain extent because Pakistan is a nuclear power, US may be a super power, but it wont have any impact in case of pakistan. b) Pakistan at the present does not rely on US equipment for...
  3. DroneMailini

    Will Indians backstab china if China is militarily conflicting with Japan?

    India and China must set aside their differences & Settle their border disputes through talks. :agree:
  4. DroneMailini

    The battles of Tarain & Islamic conquest of India

    Princess samyuktha wife of prithiviraj chauhan was not captured by ghori she comitted jauhar, I think it was Queen Kamaladevi the wife of Karnadeva was captured by Alaudin khilji in 1296 in batte of gujarat.
  5. DroneMailini

    Pak blames India, U.S., Afghanistan of funding banned militant outfits in c

    You are absolutely right mate, RAW is used as a cannon fodder here, If a thread is ISI vs RAW none of the things happening in pakistan is credited to RAW, but if something happens in pakistan, It is blamed on RAW.
  6. DroneMailini

    Six killed in drone attack in North Waziristan

    Drone attacks create huge psychological impact on militants who consider these areas as a safe heaven, They could not even sleep peacefully fearing drone attacks.
  7. DroneMailini


    Every Terroist group that operates in the region has got certain safe heavens example (Haqqani network - North Waziristan, Kurram, Kunar, Nuristan) For TTP (North Waziristan, Some parts of kurram agency which is still uncleared, Kunar), Only difference is Groups which are fighting against NATO...
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