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  1. D

    Export bids for JF-17 Thunder Multirole Lightweight Fighter Aircraft

    How much does it costs? I heard they are real cheaper.
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    Pakistan will not tolerate cross-border attacks, says Kayani

    Pakistan army and its jarnail kiyanahi are double speakers. Showing exceptional bravardo in their media statements, ghazi postures during photo shoots, issuing strict "warnings" every now and then without any substance in their intent and capacity, to take on mighty US or its agents like RD or...
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    Iran says space launch failed

    No probs my Irani friends, you will succeed next time. Best luck!!
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    Turkish gay pride march draws thousands

    Some pakistani member on this forum said that turkey is a role model muslim country for his nation.
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    Afghan helicopter mission that killed SEALs had been soundly planned, repor

    I can safely assume, but Lets wait and see what they have to say further....
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    US strike kills Haqqani commander in Pakistan

    They are targeting High value targets like Commanders and other top brass. Thank you USA for taking out this A hole terrorist skunk.
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    Pakistan will not tolerate cross-border attacks, says Kayani

    Does that include drones attacks too?? Or is this 'strict' warning meant to intimidate sober afghanis on the border only.
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    India to spend Rs 30 billion on Afghan development under Indian Army

    That is pure BS propaganda. Benny discussing such baseless news means serving the purpose of propaganda. Havent you been accused of that at some other place? Giving legitimacy to pakistani propaganda? I mean look at the news item, 3 line report in a pak daily which is mouthpiece of army. Does...
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    Top Hizb-ul-Mujahideen commander killed in Kashmir.

    Bye Benny... A Monkeys-Ayesha waitin for you in IDF :wave:
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    Top Hizb-ul-Mujahideen commander killed in Kashmir.

    OK on topic. See this terrorist was killed after security forces had actionable intelligence about who this man was, where he will be found at what time. So it was specific intelligence that we killed this guy not some random counter insurgency act. So we know who he is what outfit he belongs to.
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    Top Hizb-ul-Mujahideen commander killed in Kashmir.

    OK on topic. See this terrorist was killed after security forces had actionable intelligence about who this man was, where he will be found at what time. So it was specific intelligence that we killed this guy not some random counter insurgency act. So we know who he is what outfit he belongs to.
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    Top Hizb-ul-Mujahideen commander killed in Kashmir.

    VEENA MALIK :cry: :cry: :cry:
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    Top Hizb-ul-Mujahideen commander killed in Kashmir.

    Yes we will be more than happy to give you back your ugly amanat. We are fed up of it. :rofl:
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    Top Hizb-ul-Mujahideen commander killed in Kashmir.

    If its local people then whole of the political oppn. parties and hurri-Rats would have took to streets, like they have done in the past (*even if someone dies by drowning lol) . WHICH THEY HAVE NOT DONE. So that proves people are happy to get rid of these swines. Really?? But who will give...
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    Top Hizb-ul-Mujahideen commander killed in Kashmir.

    Watch Kashmir nama on doordarshan every week. Not only they give news but also show dead bodies of the killed r@ts. I watch it every week. You too watch the same and that will clear your any doubt. And have fun watching the dead bodies of foreign terrorists, just like we do. :)
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    Top Hizb-ul-Mujahideen commander killed in Kashmir.

    It seems we are killing these terrorists like r@ts on a consistent basis. Everyday getting news that so many foreign terrorists and terror commanders getting killed. Its not surpising to see terrorism in JnK declining sharply in past 6-8 years. I guess this is it. Kashmiri chapter of pakistan...
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    India to spend Rs 30 billion on Afghan development under Indian Army

    Ohhh a 3 line news report. Great.
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    How to Overtake the Indian Armour ?

    So you are saying that since your are going down the sh!t hole, so you can afford to wage a war with India as you have nothing to lose. And India will not reply, since it is a prosperous and thriving economy and would not risk losing its economic prosperity. Now that I look at it, you surely...
  19. D

    How to Overtake the Indian Armour ?

    First time ever, you are completely right.
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