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  1. AhsanAmin

    Request For Suggestions And Help Regarding Calcaneal Fracture

    I was recently allowed to leave the forced detention at a mental health facility after fifty days. During these fifty days, the psychiatrist saw me only four times. Only the first meeting was ten minutes long and rest of the meetings barely lasted a few minutes. Here are some of the sentences...
  2. AhsanAmin

    The Need For A New Subject 'Human Studies' In Pakistan's Schools.

    There has been a long standing debate in our nation's intelligentsia about changing the regular curriculum especially the way history and Islamic studies are taught in schools. Though there might be a need for changes in the above subjects, I see a far greater need for introducing a new subject...
  3. AhsanAmin

    Special Kangroo court rejects Musharraf's plea for going abroad

    This is so true for those politicians who had to spend a long time in jails and still did not bow before Musharraf's regime. We were able to witness strength of their character and sacrifices for the country when they remained steadfast in following their conscience rather than getting...
  4. AhsanAmin

    Special Kangroo court rejects Musharraf's plea for going abroad

    When some of our soldiers is martyred in Siachen, I know what that means for me and my country. If it were only such acts of bravery, I would be praising army all the time. One of my good friends and room mate at Cadet College Hasan Abdal, Azhar Iqbal Tarrar, was martyred in Siachen and I know...
  5. AhsanAmin

    Special Kangroo court rejects Musharraf's plea for going abroad

    It was not an insult. It was a very appropriate criticism that would be held by professional people of PA in high regard. When the right criticism is called insult, means you are being a toady and you are serving vesed interests. I used the right words. I hold the good of my country in high...
  6. AhsanAmin

    Special Kangroo court rejects Musharraf's plea for going abroad

    I never challenged their professionalism on the frontiers and this was not the purpose of any criticism ever. If it were only for combat capabilities in a war, I would only have praised them.
  7. AhsanAmin

    Special Kangroo court rejects Musharraf's plea for going abroad

    As regards the Indian Army, I do not know about their professionalism on the frontiers and how good they are in guarding them since I am not a military analyst. But within the category of "indulging in politics of the country" they are certainly more professional as compared to Pak Army. Our...
  8. AhsanAmin

    Special Kangroo court rejects Musharraf's plea for going abroad

    I doubt I categorically said that. I cannot recall.
  9. AhsanAmin

    Special Kangroo court rejects Musharraf's plea for going abroad

    You cannot cite anywhere I said that Pakistan army is unprofessional. However acts of sabotaging the democratic governments are certainly unprofessional. I truly hope that they have the capability to thwart any attack on our frontiers by some foreign army and this is where competence should...
  10. AhsanAmin

    Special Kangroo court rejects Musharraf's plea for going abroad

    It is not about rhetoric. Most intelligent and patriotic Pakistanis feel this dilemma. We want our country to progress, and we see that other nations in rest of the world are developing fast and we are left behind. We just saw China double its GDP in about four years. We bitterly want our...
  11. AhsanAmin

    British woman jailed in Tehran for insulting Islam and Iranian government on Facebook fears executio

    This is very stupid of Iranians to try foreigners on religious charges that are frivolous at best. It earns their country a bad name and does not serve any good purpose at all. I really cannot fathom any wisdom behind such trials. If you do not like a foreigner, the worst your country should do...
  12. AhsanAmin

    Special Kangroo court rejects Musharraf's plea for going abroad

    I can recall my blog on this issue written about a year ago. Failure of Pakistan’s Institutions? Who is Responsible? | ahsanamin2999
  13. AhsanAmin

    Special Kangroo court rejects Musharraf's plea for going abroad

    You mean to suggest that I do not worry about the consequences of my writing. In other words, some general is going to get annoyed by my writing and start making their classic moves against me.
  14. AhsanAmin

    Special Kangroo court rejects Musharraf's plea for going abroad

    Since you did it right, you are not a hopeless case, I will have to take you step by step. Now let us find out if Imran Khan's PTI is in favor of trial of Musharraf and against martial laws. Please answer in 'Yes' or 'No'.
  15. AhsanAmin

    Special Kangroo court rejects Musharraf's plea for going abroad

    Your calculation is based on flawed premises like your arguments are. Recalculate the percentage while taking into account only registered voters, please.
  16. AhsanAmin

    Special Kangroo court rejects Musharraf's plea for going abroad

    Please do not be angry. We need mature, established and successful institutions in Pakistan. This could never be possible if the army continues to ambush governments elected by the people of Pakistan. If some politicians loot the country, why do you not release details of the loot in national...
  17. AhsanAmin

    Special Kangroo court rejects Musharraf's plea for going abroad

    Why would there be a coup? Meanings are that our Army is not professional. Though it has become too cliched to say this but it would mean that army would embark on the great and sacred task of conquering her own country. If there is a coup, there is a good possibility that coup members get tried...
  18. AhsanAmin

    Special Kangroo court rejects Musharraf's plea for going abroad

    I am glad that the government has decided to keep his name in the ECL. Commando just wanted to escape and run away. I also hope that the legal process completes its course and he gets the appropriate jail sentence for treason against the land of Pakistan. Otherwise people in uniform will...
  19. AhsanAmin

    When a communal terrorist is about to take over India !!

    It is absolutely the will of Indian people to decide for themselves their new prime minister and other leaders. I hope they make a wise and intelligent choice and it seems to me that they actually will make the right choice. And I hope that he does a great work towards prosperity and alleviation...
  20. AhsanAmin

    Pakistan a state sponsor of terrorism, Chris Alexander says

    I will request Americans to study both wars in the social and political science departments of their good universities and find what went wrong and what could have been done to win the wars and achieve your objectives with minimum expense. I am very sure that outcome of any intelligent analysis...
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