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  1. AhsanAmin

    Imran smells conspiracy to detach N Waziristan

    There has to be a comprehensive planning for FATA that includes economic uplift, curbing extraordinary liberties and changes in administrative affairs. Either the area has to be merged with KPK or made another independent province. And we have to make sure that similar rules and laws apply in...
  2. AhsanAmin

    Pakistan Army Started its Preparations for Indian Cold Start

    We have to emphasize on the new Narendra Modi governemnt that we do not have any designs against India at all. Pakistan and its military must not allow our land to be used for anti-India activities. Similarly we must clearly request Indians to not back insurgency in Balochistan and never use...
  3. AhsanAmin

    India turns to Russia to help supply arms to Afghan forces

    Peace in Afghanistan is in direct interest of Pakistan. Destiny of the two cities of Kabul and Peshawar is linked together and there cannot be peace in Peshawar without peace in Kabul. The most important objective and target of Pakistan's foreign policy should be how to find peace in Afghanistan...
  4. AhsanAmin

    Can Pakistan Army Defend Pakistan in 21st Century Modern Warfare?

    Again, the important message of my post was to indicate, in a nutshell, if we can destroy enemy satellites eavesdropping on our territory, the war will become mostly conventional. And in a conventional war, any foreign enemy stands very little chance of winning on our own territory.
  5. AhsanAmin

    Can Pakistan Army Defend Pakistan in 21st Century Modern Warfare?

    Thank you for the compliment but it was written on an idle afternoon with just my general knowledge. Again since you are an Indian, I would like to tell you that I like Indians and a great proponent of friendship with Indians. But I am a very patriotic Pakistani and I fear that if India...
  6. AhsanAmin

    Habitable exoplanets are bad news for humanity

    I am very very confident that alien life must exist. Here is my post on a sister thread where I have made some basic calculations about alien life. Our complete lack of knowledge of distant galaxies is no excuse to say that we know for sure alien life does not exist. Population of Known Alien...
  7. AhsanAmin

    Can Pakistan Army Defend Pakistan in 21st Century Modern Warfare?

    Pakistan and India are two separate countries and we will always exist on the map of the world as separate countries. But we want to have great friendship between the two countries. Religion should be a personal matter for us. Islam, as I understand, does not teach me to harm any Indian or Hindu...
  8. AhsanAmin

    Can Pakistan Army Defend Pakistan in 21st Century Modern Warfare?

    If you know history, I will request you to recall Germany and other countries after World War 2. There was great hatred and now those countries are great friends. Can you remember the thousands of years of history of conflicts in Europe? If they can live like great friends, why can Pakistan and...
  9. AhsanAmin

    Can Pakistan Army Defend Pakistan in 21st Century Modern Warfare?

    Please! no stupid remarks on my thread. Though I have written the original post for professional excellence of Pak Army, I want my country to make great friends with Indians and I want Indians to feel the same way about us. We do not want to annihilate or win over any country especially India...
  10. AhsanAmin

    Can Pakistan Army Defend Pakistan in 21st Century Modern Warfare?

    Zarvan, it does not cost as much money as it takes brains to do something of the sort I mentioned. We can also seek Chinese help in this regard.
  11. AhsanAmin

    Can Pakistan Army Defend Pakistan in 21st Century Modern Warfare?

    Wars in 21st century are moving towards highly electronic warfare where the countries who use modern technology have immense edge over armies who rely on conventional equipment. Wars fought in past twenty years should have taught us that advanced countries who use electronic and satellite...
  12. AhsanAmin

    Very concerned with development of Indian navy: Pakistan naval chief

    Pakistan does not have any aggressive intent against India. Our strategy should be to be able to perfectly defend ourselves. This means that we need a naval strategy to counter Indian ships and submarines using our submarines, modern missiles and air force. It is very easy to thoroughly damage...
  13. AhsanAmin


    What you have said goes both ways. Military must not dream of meddling in the democratic process either.
  14. AhsanAmin


    Army is an institution with a role well-defined in the constitution of Pakistan. Military has its own independence within the constitution which no civilian government can exceed. Similarly parliament is another institution military cannot supersede. If every institution remains within its...
  15. AhsanAmin

    Osama bin Laden library for Pakistan religious school

    There is a sister thread that asks for the solution to this problem. I copy my post from there. Pakistan religious school students vulnerable to radicalisation
  16. AhsanAmin

    Afghan poll hopeful Ghani wants 'special relationship' with Pakistan

    Pakistan must follow with similar emotion that Ghani has shown in his statements. We want to support every government elected by Afghan people on their own and do everything that brings stability and peace in the Afghan country. And trying to support factions that are against peace in...
  17. AhsanAmin

    Pakistan religious school students vulnerable to radicalisation

    @SarthakGanguly , you said it so right. I have earlier thought about introducing a subject human studies in Pakistan's schools here The Need For A New Subject ‘Human Studies’ In Pakistan’s Schools. | ahsanamin2999 May be some moderate clergy people can introduce a subject that talks about good...
  18. AhsanAmin

    Osama bin Laden library for Pakistan religious school

    Government should take some quick and early serious action against the militants if they control mosques, before it is too late. The mosque administration has to be changed or monitored for strict compliance with the laws since we can see some violent aftermath of these actions. These might be...
  19. AhsanAmin

    US, Pakistan see ties with India improving WASHINGTON: The United States hopes that there will be p

    This is a great development that Pakistan and India are trying to improve relationship between the two countries. On a European model, where there is huge trade between different European countries in the region, we should try to increase trade in the region while simultaneously trying to...
  20. AhsanAmin

    Who Can Make The Most Interesting/Funny Comments On This Picture

    It would have been more realistic if he named his book "the audacity of the goat" instead of "the audacity of hope". Instead of bringing any change we were hoping from this moron, we look at Snowden mess, and other similar achievements.
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