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    Saudi beheads Pakistanis for armed robbery

    Saudi Arabia is not a Islamic state, it is a Bedu state with Bedu rules.
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    Tamil obsession with Pakistani girls?

    Nearly every Tamil guy I have met in Canada, has a huge obsession in Pakistani girls. WTF is this about? I know their own girls are ugly, but still. Why can't they obsess about Indian girls? I am sure there are nice girls in North India at least
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    Comparison| Pakistani,Iranian,Afghan,Indian,Bangali food.

    I am surprised at why pakistani punjabis eat so much spice
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    why south asian food is unhealthy?

    South asian cuisines are among the unhealthiest in the world, with so much oil, salts, sugars etc... no wonder there are so many people with diabetes, heart attacks etc.... In comparison, Iranian/Afghan/Middle eastern/Greek are so much more healthy. Why isn't there any effort to eat healthy...
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    Moral policing: Indian govt goes after ****, makes ISPs ban sites

    **** has destroyed indian and even pakistani society, the amount of rapes happening in India are a direct result of **** because **** makes people so desperate to do stuff that they see in these movies Indians and even Pakistanis will pay a heavy price for this
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    Persian culture was always superior to Indian

    lol sure, always blame the muslims for destroying buildings that never existed lol, this shows indian insecurity There is no evidence of such a city or civilization, except coming from Indian hindu nationalists.
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    Persian culture was always superior to Indian

    since when did indian hindus built a beauty like Taj mahal or invented a sweet language like Farsi? which influenced Urdu heavily
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    Persian culture was always superior to Indian

    it's not identity crises, I am just comparing civilizations, Persians have always been much more advanced then Indian Ganga based civilization.
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    Persian culture was always superior to Indian

    If you look at history, Persian culture/civilization has to be one of the most advanced and classic civilizations. Compared to persians, Indians were nothing. Even if you look at middle ages, Mughals and others brought persian muslim culture in full force to the subcontinent, that completely...
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    why afghanistan and India are so different?

    ^ but indians love to claim they owned pakistan and even afghanistan, where is anything Indian in these countries, especially afghanistan? Afghanistan is more like a west asian/middle eastern country then Indian (south asian)
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    why afghanistan and India are so different?

    why is indian culture/looks/food/clothing/attitudes etc... basically everything so different from afghans or Iranians? even pakistanis to be honest are hell lot different from Indians in most ways, my question is why though?
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    Language identity in India

    I personally think India should break up in to different countries, this is the only way to solve hindu racism against others. I think, Muslims, Sikh, Christians, Jain, Buddhists all should have their own land and their own identity, not hindu identity being forced down their throats.
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    Indian couples seek ‘white’ donors for fair kids

    Indians know that they are ugly, every indian would change his appearance if he had a option
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