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  1. turkaholic

    Turkish Navy and PM to accompany more aid ships to Gaza

    Don't act like it wouldn't scare you to death if you saw the Turkish Navy escorting an aid ship to Gaza though I think it is not the right to do. No need to escalate things and it would be very selfish of him to get on a an aid ship. I wouldn't give Israel a day of survival without USA umbrella.
  2. turkaholic

    Israel loses Turkey, gains Greece as strategic partner

    oh yeah? What is the point of becoming a NATO member if that's the case? "oh we have to let you use it! we are the boss" Such arrogance doesn't make you any better.
  3. turkaholic

    Israel loses Turkey, gains Greece as strategic partner

    Wow good news. Greece as an ally. :D Israel: I want you to be our ally Greece: Ok. We want 10 billion dollars Great Greek sucking up begins.
  4. turkaholic

    Turkey's rhetorical guns trained on northern Iraq

    We should organize another operation into N.Iraq. Harboring terrorists is not acceptable. Barzani is intentionally doing this. Everytime we cross the border, he threatens us saying they would attack. Why haven't you attacked yet Barzani? I dare him to attack the Turkish army. I dare him. Such a...
  5. turkaholic

    Won't apologize Turkey: Israel

    wtf do you know about those 2 issues? "oh, you did the same to the Kurds and the Armenians". wow what a comeback. Why would we admit something that we didn't do. How many Kurdish civilians have been killed during our conflict? Do you know? Does anyone have a footage of Turkish soldiers killing...
  6. turkaholic

    Turkey threatens to sever Israel ties for the first time

    Netanyahu said that he did not care. :D Get off your high horse Netanyahu. You're playing with fire.
  7. turkaholic

    Google not welcome in Turkey as well

    I dont understand why our gov't would ban oogle or even youtube. It does not make any sense at all.
  8. turkaholic

    Turkish airspace closed to Israel, Erdoan says

    Man, you guys are clueless, absolutely clueless. To you guys, this is just an issue of Muslims vs non-muslims. So, you automatically take the side of a non-muslim. You do have a brain somehow. Now use it.
  9. turkaholic

    Bomb Explodes in Istanbul,Turkey. Hits bus.

    Not saying Israel is involved, but on June 1, one day after the raid, PKK announced the they will start increasing their attacks.
  10. turkaholic

    Bomb Explodes in Istanbul,Turkey. Hits bus.

    Anyone out there still thinks they are freedom fighters?
  11. turkaholic

    The so-called Armenian Genocide

    Oh I see, then your level of comprehension must at a kinder garden level. Because if there was any plan to mass kill them, we would have done it without deporting them.
  12. turkaholic

    The so-called Armenian Genocide

    Did you even read what I wrote? Is this what you can come up with to counter it? Nice try.
  13. turkaholic

    The so-called Armenian Genocide

    oceanx, Thanks for your input and contribution to this point. It was a very respectful post, and I appreciate that. However, one thing you are missing related to this issue which is included in my original post is the Armenians' rebellious activities thanks to their Russian brothers. My...
  14. turkaholic

    The so-called Armenian Genocide

    ^ Yeah I was debating that myself. Mods please move it to the appropriate section.
  15. turkaholic

    The so-called Armenian Genocide

    I felt the need to open up this thread even though I know it will stir up a lot heated discussions, and I kindly ask everyone not to blindly accept that it was genocide without any substantial evidence. The way Armenians represent themselves is by telling everyone about their “my grandma told...
  16. turkaholic

    Turkish jets raid northern Iraq, clashes kill 23

    Man you dont know **** about Turkey, so just be quiet. Go learn some history. There are millions of Kurds living in Turkey in peace and there's no blockade of any sort, so you cant even compare the Kurds and the Palestinians. There are probably 5-10k terrosists out there out of 12 million Kurds...
  17. turkaholic

    Turkish jets raid northern Iraq, clashes kill 23

    True that brother.
  18. turkaholic

    Turkish jets raid northern Iraq, clashes kill 23

    Yup, they are rebels according to CNN, BBC, Yahoo News, MSNBC etc... But I have never seen them calling hamas or Al Q as rebels. It must be a Turkish thing.
  19. turkaholic

    10 Turkish soldiers killed in PKK attack in Southeast

    We need to do something pretty soon. A large scale operation to kill as many as possible at least to cripple them. I don't care what the US says, I am sick of seeing our soldiers being killed everyday.
  20. turkaholic

    Has Israel lost lone regional Muslim ally Turkey?

    Believe me. Deep inside they do care.
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