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  1. turkaholic

    Turkey in command of newly deployed Predator Drones

    So these drones are going to provide real time data or what? And what is this kind of like a rental? In return for what? I don't get it.
  2. turkaholic

    PKK (Öcalan Davas - Gerekçeli Karar)

    haha. Ayiiiiiiiii...
  3. turkaholic

    PKK (Öcalan Davas - Gerekçeli Karar)

    Ben istedigim zaman,istedigim sekilde, istedigim zaman, istedigim kisiye cevap yazarim. Cevap verecek kadar akil olmadigi icin sadece ve sadece en iyi yapabildiginiz seyi yapiyorsunuz, yani kufur ediyorsunuz. Soruyorum sen de mi askerligini yaptin? Kusura bakma ama askerlik sanada yaramamis...
  4. turkaholic

    PKK (Öcalan Davas - Gerekçeli Karar)

    Ingilizce bilmiyorsan, peki bunu nasil anladin? Etseler bile, biz burdayiz sen hic merak etme. Bu ulkenin namusu bir tek sana kalmadi. Gerektiginde biz gerekeni yapariz ve senin gibilerine hic ihtiyacimiz olmaz. Ikincisi, forum bir Turk forumu degil ve dolayisiyla ingilizce yazmak forumun...
  5. turkaholic

    Turkey’s army chief says up to 270 PKK terrorists killed

    Oh god! I wish I was standing right next to that ugly fuk. I would friggin punch the **** out of him and make him eat his own shitt!!!
  6. turkaholic

    1,000 feared dead in Turkey earthquake

    Everything is coming one after another. But we all need to be strong as a nation to get through this.
  7. turkaholic

    Turkish troops entered northern Iraq

    Easy for you to say. Would you, for example, support the same ideology if an Al-Qaida backed USA party was in the US parliament expressing their so-called "opinions" in the great Western world? Didn't think so. Thanks.
  8. turkaholic

    Abdullah Gul visited S. East troops...

    WTF is going on here? First of all, stop typing in Turkish!!! I can see how it could be annoying to other members who don't speak our language. Second of all, RedBeard, you either STFU, or actually CONTRIBUTE to the Turkish section! All Cabatli is doing is posting pictures which no one else is...
  9. turkaholic

    Turkey to buy its first heavy-lift army copters

    Exactly... This is kind of an emergency so I absolutely don't mind us buying these beasts.
  10. turkaholic

    12 Turkish Soldiers Killed In Clash With Kurdish Militants

    BDP = PKK. Why are we still letting these terrorists into our Parliament? Then some people on here say that they don't have rights, and all that bullcrap. How the F*** do you know what kind of rights they have in Turkey? When I went to Kars back in early 2000, I was told by several Kurds "to...
  11. turkaholic

    Sri Lanka Report is based on politics: Israel

    Sri Lanka need a lot of help with the infrastructure. I have been there back January, and the road trips weren't the most pleasant. It's such a beautiful country, though so they can definitely use some help.
  12. turkaholic

    Altay MBT will not include foreign parts

    What's so funny? Oh I forgot, nothing comes close to what Israel manufactures.
  13. turkaholic

    HK-417 seems likely replacement for G-3

    haha... That guy is the President of Turkey.
  14. turkaholic

    US plays 'genocide' card to pressure Turkey on NATO missile system

    That is how we say it in Turkish. Kind of like Atina for Athens. I didn't mean to disrespect. If that is the case, please stop calling Istanbul Constantinople. I am sure your Greek brothers sent our people with flowers. Dude, come on... dont try to act angelish. And they told you this after...
  15. turkaholic

    HMS Invincible sold to Turkish ship recyclers

    Yeah, we really don't need one. We should just protect our borders and that is all I want.
  16. turkaholic

    US plays 'genocide' card to pressure Turkey on NATO missile system

    Turn it around, spin it around, bounce it on the ground, take as many back flips as you can, but do not tell me we are the ones obsessed with this idiotic theory.
  17. turkaholic

    US plays 'genocide' card to pressure Turkey on NATO missile system

    Status quo? that is only your opinion. The preferable thing, of course, would that, but this wouldn't work if they rebel against you, would, it? Thus, the RELOCATION OF ARMENIANS... Get it? :) How do you think all of this started? If the Armenians were sitting on their and not being violent...
  18. turkaholic

    US plays 'genocide' card to pressure Turkey on NATO missile system

    Dude, if we wanted to, you wouldnt be in front of your computer talking to me right now. Your country is nothing without outside support. You are nothing. You are the ones living in the past. You deluded everyone's minds with your BS stories and now asking for an apology. I am sure you don't...
  19. turkaholic

    US plays 'genocide' card to pressure Turkey on NATO missile system

    Ok cool... but then we had every single right on earth to retaliate... Our army had every right to protect its citizens and they did so. I am sure your police and army would interfere if the Turks living in Greece would do the same. You guys are only talking about side of the story... Turks are...
  20. turkaholic

    US plays 'genocide' card to pressure Turkey on NATO missile system

    :lol: Are you going to start crying now? You don't really need to cry to suck up to big nations so that people would feel sorry for you. Humans have a tendency to take the side of the weak without looking at the whole picture. Your my grandpa told me stories are not enough to label a nation as...
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