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  1. turkaholic

    Turkey freezes all ties with France

    Yeah they do. Take Obama for example... The man believes that the genocide happened which pissed me off at first, however even he got pissed off when his own country tried to pull this same **** off in their parliament. That was a very considerate move by him which I still do appreciate.
  2. turkaholic

    Turkey freezes all ties with France

    OH yeah? Then why do I see my country's name in their constitution? We are not overreacting. We are showing the world that it's not easy to mess with our country's reputation by licking Armenian balls. "Oh look. us, the French show so much passion to recognize this so-called genocide, so this...
  3. turkaholic

    Turkey freezes all ties with France

    It's Recep Tayyip Erdogan. And you'd only understand us if you were in our shoes, so I don't expect you Indians to understand our decision to cut ties with France. They should clean up their own house before interfering with somebody else's business. Slavery was invented by the Europeans...
  4. turkaholic

    Turkey freezes all ties with France

    I'd rather have one good friend rather than 10 half/fake friends. I hope you get it this time. But I do understand where you're coming though considering you (Israel) literally have no friends. :lol:
  5. turkaholic

    Turkey freezes all ties with France

    Why the fuk do you care what we do with our foreign policy? We don't want France's fake alliance.
  6. turkaholic

    Sarkozy challenges Turkey to face its history

    Right genius. You were just sitting on your sorry azzes while we were fighting a world war, and just for a change, we started killing Armenians... I wonder if the killings were due to you low life mofos backstabbing the Turks, forming gangs, and allying with the Russians.
  7. turkaholic

    Sarkozy challenges Turkey to face its history

    I'm sorry, but none of us want to join the EU.
  8. turkaholic

    Sarkozy challenges Turkey to face its history

    If this crap passes tomorrow, Erdogan announced that there are going to be several sanctions on France starting as early as tomorrow.
  9. turkaholic

    Gallipoli War: Great Victory Of Islam ( ) ÇANAKKALE zaferi

    The number keeps going up every year. Somebody needs to stick with a certain figure.It's getting old.
  10. turkaholic

    Turkey's GDP up by 8.2

    Yes, but a lot of anti-Erdogan supporters will not admit it. I don't support any particular party or person, but the man has done some great things for the economy.
  11. turkaholic

    Top military body to discuss long-range missile purchase

    Right, there's you who are blessed with USA support, and there's us standing nice and strong without a big brother.
  12. turkaholic

    Turkey's GDP up by 8.2

    And also a type of sauce. :lol:
  13. turkaholic

    2011 World Military Strength Ranking released

    When the F did I say I want to fight UK. It's just their cocky attitude that pisses me off. I never objected to their ranking. They are obviously technologically more advance than us, but that doesn't mean we don't deserve where we are ranked. Besides, it's not an official ranking so we are...
  14. turkaholic

    First Mi-35Ms for Azerbaijan

    Ohh Armenia... Dear Armenia... :lol: Hiding behind big brother. No guts to face Azeris alone, ha? :lol:
  15. turkaholic

    2011 World Military Strength Ranking released

    Some of you guys really don't know how to read. It says nuclear capabilities have not been taken into consideration. I dare UK to use that single aircraft carrier and attack Turkey. Why are we overrated please enlighten us.
  16. turkaholic


    Wow. My hometown Edirne housed more tourists than Izmir. Edirne is a beautiful little city though. I love it! Selimiye mosque is gorgeous.
  17. turkaholic

    Gallipoli War: Great Victory Of Islam ( ) ÇANAKKALE zaferi

    hahahaha lol hahahaha lol hahaha lol. Wow that was funny. Now time for a little history lesson. What did you accomplish in the Gallipoli battle? What did the Brits, or the Greeks get out of it? The main objective was to secure the bosphorus so that the ships can pass thru the bosphorus towards...
  18. turkaholic

    Gallipoli War: Great Victory Of Islam ( ) ÇANAKKALE zaferi

    Everyone's talking about how much of muslims we are, but what they are forgetting is this... It's none of your god damn business!!! We live however we want and we will do whatever it takes to keep our nation alive and stronger than ever. I don't pray 5 times a day, I don't go to mosque every day...
  19. turkaholic

    Turks say Syrians open fire near border

    I spoke with a Syrian friend of mine and he actually supported the idea of Turkish military doing something about this. However, he only wants the Turkish Air Force to interfere and no ground troops which is understandable.
  20. turkaholic

    Turkish Football | News, Updates, and Discussions

    LOL. This man knows it. :) I'm not upset one bit over GS's win. They needed it to feel important again.
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