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  1. turkaholic

    Assad's Tanks Destroyed by Mujaheeds near the Syria-Turkey Border

    Well... If you are a moron, you are a moron whether you are a muslim or not. Not all the muslims are friendly, not all the muslims have good intentions (See Assad) and not all the muslims are going to heaven.
  2. turkaholic

    Greece is in panic on impending acquisition of the F-35 by Turkey

    amalakas, we don't want to invade or attack Greece. That would just be stupid. However, you guys on the other hand flinch every time we make a fast move. :) It just kills us... We roll on the floor, laugh and crap. Ridiculous really. We have fun with you guys. So much fun :D
  3. turkaholic

    Greece is in panic on impending acquisition of the F-35 by Turkey

    Says a deluded Armenian behind his PC.
  4. turkaholic

    Turkey's army on red alert, Syria in "real war", Spec. ops. in Syria

    You are just assuming things my friend. Being in state of emergency is no excuse for shooting down that plane. If we were to attack Syria, we wouldn't have sent only a recon plane. Please don't make any more assumptions.
  5. turkaholic

    Turkey's army on red alert, Syria in "real war", Spec. ops. in Syria

    Exactly!!! People know jack **** and they are talking. Unless Syria's AF is full of incapable dogs, there's no way they weren't able to identify the aircraft.
  6. turkaholic

    Turkey's army on red alert, Syria in "real war", Spec. ops. in Syria

    Syrian AF violated Turkish airspace 5 times in recent months and we didn't shoot their ***** down. They should try again though and see what happens. I am really looking forward to seeing Assad making that mistake.
  7. turkaholic

    Turkey's army on red alert, Syria in "real war", Spec. ops. in Syria

    Fighter jet? Am I missing something here? When has a F-4 Recon plane with no weapons become a "fighter jet"? Please elaborate!
  8. turkaholic

    Otokar Kaya-II

    At least we don't make counterfeits of every single product on the planet like the Chinese do.
  9. turkaholic

    Turkey can fatally respond to syrian regime by going indirect

    By the outside world you mean your own little world? No one is crying for anything. We are in NATO for a reason and asking for consultation was the right thing to do and we did it. You can fuk off now. Cheers.
  10. turkaholic

    Britain puts Fighter Jets on Standby to Launch Attack on Syria with Turkey

    UNFUKINGBELIEVABLE!!! I had no friggin idea how many people actually supported the Assad regime!!! Ummm hellooooooo!!! He's killing his own people!! Anyone? Helloooooooooooooooo?!?!? Some idiots say "a muslim country shouldn't attack another muslim country". Again, helloooo?!?! Where the...
  11. turkaholic

    Syrian Airdefences shot down Turkish plane

    Dude, why don't you just STFU!!! The thing is Russia can't do crap. You are all talk my friend. You think invading Turkey is a piece of cake. Take those Russian tanks and shove them up some place comfortable. Cheers!
  12. turkaholic

    Syrian Airdefences shot down Turkish plane

    Why are we bashing the Jews here? Can we stop blaming everything on others? That's exactly why we are getting a bad image all the time.
  13. turkaholic

    Syrian Airdefences shot down Turkish plane

    hahaha The Syrian Foreign Ministry basically says that it was an "accident" and not an "attack". Fuk off you little rat!
  14. turkaholic

    Syrian Airdefences shot down Turkish plane

    haha exactly!!! A lot of things they will say in the future will NOT add up! Watch! No news regarding the crew just yet.
  15. turkaholic

    T-129B Helicopter ready to take on the Apache and Super Cobra

    Why do we always have to compare our new products to USA's ones? I mean come on guys. Let's be realistic!!! Thye make better weapons with more advanced systems. They have much more experience. Yet, we build our first attack heli and there you guys go and say it's better than this, it's better...
  16. turkaholic

    Syrian Airdefences shot down Turkish plane

    How did we get fuked you little piece shat! Are you saying you are supporting Assad and calling who are rebelling against him terrorists? Then you support a psychopath who is at the same level of Saddam whose country you invaded years ago. Get lost kid!
  17. turkaholic

    Syrian Airdefences shot down Turkish plane

    Already confirmed by both sides... what kind of confirmation are you looking for?
  18. turkaholic

    Syrian Airdefences shot down Turkish plane

    hahahah that guy is a friggin moron. You shot down one god damn plane and you are the **** now? Idiot!
  19. turkaholic

    Syrian Airdefences shot down Turkish plane

    We have to retaliate! Please don't give the bullshit that we don't want a war! They will shoot my plane and I will just sit and watch? Fuk that!!! Assad HAS TO go down!!! I can't stand this crap!
  20. turkaholic

    Syrian Airdefences shot down Turkish plane

    How about a little warning there tiger? Isn't that how it goes? You go for your gun before asking or what.
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