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  1. herakles

    Rooting for the turban

    Rooting for the turban-Khuswant Singh- Hindustan Times A week before the Indo-Pak hockey match, I started getting worked up. In the past, Pakistan had beaten India more often than India had beaten Pakistan. By all reckoning, hockey is now sport number one and for some years we were world...
  2. herakles

    No Pakistani TV channels in India

    which is the top pakistani channel? can anyone be watched online?
  3. herakles


    cheers uncle ji:rofl:
  4. herakles


    who stopped you from flirting???:cheesy:
  5. herakles


  6. herakles

    Men built to have lustful, wandering eye: book

    New York: Men are built to have a lustful, wandering eye but women should not worry that their partners will stray like Tiger Woods. So says the author of the new book "The Male Brain," psychiatrist Louann Brizendine, known for her bestseller "The Female Brain." "The way Mother Nature made us...
  7. herakles

    Empire of Punjab: Videos from Youtube

    flame post. need to respect the only person of punjab who ruled its own post................ well historians says that It was golden period of Punjab when King ruled and expanded his kingdom to kashmir and kabul.....................even took Red fort delhi...........economy of punjab was on...
  8. herakles

    China snubs India on Security Council Seat

    thats what I was saying..........It wasnt in the joint statement and news agency made a news out of it
  9. herakles

    Top LeT militant nabbed in Bangladesh

    Bangladesh is very active in counter-terrosim and taking preactive steps. my best wishes to Bangladeshi security forces keep the good work going.:cheers:
  10. herakles

    China snubs India on Security Council Seat

    strange..............just because it wasnt in joint statement, news agency made a news out of it..........let the dust settle, Mr.Krishna will explain to Indians , how succesful was his trip...........
  11. herakles

    India, A threat to itself and to Neighbors

    Read the article ( plz give the link also) hard to find mention of India's neighbours . I wonder how the title is suitable for this article. The article speaks mainly of Maharastra , but the writer seems to forgot that maharastra is alone dont make India. He says that Bal thakaray and...
  12. herakles

    Happy Baisakhi

    Baisakhi is not exclusive to Sikhism.its north-west Indian festival (mainly of Punjab and Haryana) Sikhs celebrate Hola-mohallah .:cheers:
  13. herakles

    Happy Baisakhi

    happy baisakhi to all. Its time to celebrate the harvast season.
  14. herakles

    China to back India’s UNSC bid

    hindi chini bhai bhai:cheers:
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