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  1. P

    INS Vikramaditya was spied upon by NATO aircraft & ships

    LOL. The govt. of India did not think so. They have made a diplomatic protest to both NATO and the US :lol: Do you know more than the govt. of India now ? :P You can continue to be cheer leader for the US, but Indian govt. has made its displeasure quite clear. BTW its the US which controls...
  2. P

    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

    BJP takes its moral bearing from the Mahabharat because they are hindus. ( unlike you ) Gujarat govt. has already clarified that they were providing protection to the girl based on her fathers request. That is well within their scope and how they provide the protection is their business. If...
  3. P

    INS Vikramaditya was spied upon by NATO aircraft & ships

    So as per your either the US is stupid to drop sonar buoys and attempt to to find out viki's EM signature and risk diplomatic incident ? (since they are going to get it anyway during the exercise) Either that, or Indians are stupid enough to let the Americans get details of the Viki but the US...
  4. P

    Did colonization ruin India's image?

    Is winston churchill your white master ? :lol: We consider him a racist and kicked him out of India. Go back to your master to learn how to be civilized and stop drinking urine, and household pets and human fetus. :sick: .........is funny to hear a nation of impotent men talking about class :P...
  5. P

    Resolution in US House to deny visa to Modi

    Its not about Handling US. We do not need to "handle' US. We need to handle ourselves and our constant need for public humiliation and acute need to bad mouth ourselves. Be it rape, poverty, caste etc..its a long list. We find gratification in bad mouthing other Indians, our culture and our...
  6. P

    Did colonization ruin India's image?

    :lol: ......who can understand the ways of these uncivilized barbarians.
  7. P

    Did colonization ruin India's image?

    LOL. India reports 22,000 rapes a year while China reports 31,833 rapes a year :lol: We can all see who the sick freaks are. :P The United Nations Multi-country Study on Men and Violence asked men in urban and rural areas of China if they had ever forced a female to have sex. 22.2% said yes...
  8. P

    Did colonization ruin India's image?

    ONLY IN CHINA :cheesy: Snake preserved in wine bites woman A woman in northern China has had to receive hospital treatment after a snake preserved in rice wine jumped out of the bottle and bit her hand. According to the Global Times, the surprise attack happened when the woman, surnamed...
  9. P

    Rumours trigger panic-buying of salt in northeast India

    This is what happens when people loose faith in the government.............rumors replace news and fear replace hope. Clearly we need more 'secular' congress rule.
  10. P

    Russian Expert: Liaoning-Test Platform, Vikramaditya-Fully operable combat capable

    Well this Aircraft carrier that 'looks' like its been built by amateurs has conducted over 778 flights trials with 88 landings :cheesy: It has sailed 1,700 miles under India command with more than 1000 Indian sailors on board. It can / will carry 24 Mig 29K and 10 Helicopters i.e. a total of...
  11. P

    Russian Expert: Liaoning-Test Platform, Vikramaditya-Fully operable combat capable

    This carrier with 53,000 tons is far less capable than Viki with 45,000 tons. ........... in fact the carrier is a sitting duck and a floating target. The escort ships will have to protect this carrier rather than the carrier protecting the escort ships :lol:
  12. P

    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

    Unless MNS and SS agree on a seat sharing formula, they will only end up dividing votes and allow NCP and congress to exploit this and win again. There is nothing so far that indicates a workable solution and focused coalition.
  13. P

    Resolution in US House to deny visa to Modi

    This thread is not about a simple matter of US visa. Its about a much bigger issue that is facing India w.r.t US. Do you want to stick you head in the sand and pretend that it does not exist ?
  14. P

    Army gets final nod to deploy 50,000 more troops along China border

    LOL. This news seems to have created some sort of nervous reaction from the chinese. Funny to see them fall over each other and chest thump like monkeys. :lol:
  15. P

    Did colonization ruin India's image?

    26 % of your men are impotent :lol: ........... and of the rest 24% chinese has admitted to rape. LOL at your claims.
  16. P

    Resolution in US House to deny visa to Modi

    They might welcome NaMo, but what are you going to do about their Anti Hindu mindset, policies and actions ? That is the real question.
  17. P

    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

    I think NaMo needs to campaign extensively in Maharashtra to win Maharastrian hearts. They already admire him, he just needs to reach out to them more. Raj is too new and small, udhav is just incapable. BJP has their hands full in Maharashtra. Its a shame BJP has no real mass leader in...
  18. P

    Did colonization ruin India's image?

    Nope. Its my study of chinese eating habits and your fascination for Indian feces that makes it obvious. Let us see, drinking urine, urine soaked eggs, dog penis, pig, lizards, cockroaches and artificial beef made of pig remains and toxic chemicals. :lol:
  19. P

    Resolution in US House to deny visa to Modi

    That would be providing needless importance to the US. I would rather have Indian policies become pro India and pro Hindu when NaMo becomes PM.
  20. P

    Resolution in US House to deny visa to Modi

    Barely. Most Indians still think that US is acting from the 'goodness of their heart' and that defending Hinduism and Hindus is 'communal'. Defending Hindus and Hinduism makes you saffron terrorist and RSS chandi wala or Religious nut case. That is the extend Indians have been brainwashed and...
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