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  1. K

    Anti-Islam on the rise in Europe !

    Whine a little louder next time
  2. K

    Anti-Islam on the rise in Europe !

    I have no clue what this line means
  3. K

    Anti-Islam on the rise in Europe !

    Proof,:rolleyes: you don't want to intergrate onto society of course there will be some prejudice
  4. K

    Anti-Islam on the rise in Europe !

    Fair enough. But blaming the west for your problems is still seen through your posts.
  5. K

    Anti-Islam on the rise in Europe !

    Could ask you the same. Why are stating that these few dumb @ss neo nazis represent all whites or better yet all western countries?
  6. K

    Anti-Islam on the rise in Europe !

    Well all more the reason to love your homeland. It seems like you're doing significantly well, and much better off there than some third world country. Thanks for proving my point :tup:
  7. K

    Anti-Islam on the rise in Europe !

    Yeah sure but claiming Shariah in a democratic country and wishing for the demise of the country that feeds, protects and offers you what no other country could is real timid :rolleyes: what the heck is "a false flag"
  8. K

    Anti-Islam on the rise in Europe !

    Why not go to Dubai? They're a muslim dominant country? Or China/Hong Kong? Excellent economic growth and not anti islamic from what I hear on here. No because you chose a western country despite knowing you were colonized by them more than 6 decades ago
  9. K

    Anti-Islam on the rise in Europe !

    tsk tsk.. you understand that you're living in a predominant white country right? Therefore you indirectly called yourself a chicken :lol:
  10. K

    Anti-Islam on the rise in Europe !

    And yet most of our "victimized" muslim brothers on here continue to live in western countries :rofl: hypocrisy at its best I have yet to face discrimination "just because i'm of muslim background"
  11. K

    Why are Pakistan's 'moderate' clerics defending Salman Taseer's murderer?

    everyones friggen scared thats why...... anyone with guts would end up like salman taseer.
  12. K

    Blasphemy convict Aasia Bibi tortured in jail: Sources

    Another reason why im thankful for being born and brought up here than pakistan. its sickening
  13. K

    Facebook to be banned in Pakistan

    Facebook is pretty pointless, it does get addicting at times I have to agree with that. But banning from a country? That's outright stupid
  14. K

    Nosy US wants India to exercise restraint ahead of Hazare's fast

    Stupid Indian journalism. The US is trying to help you people from corruption and bribes. This is the thanks we get for trying to make your countries a bit more prosperous? And save the "damage America has caused to Pakistan" it's clear Pakistan is playing a double game with one hand shoving...
  15. K

    NATO: 7 troops die in day's clashes in Afghanistan

    RIP troops, you have served well. :usflag:
  16. K

    A well deserved promotion for Mani2020

    congrats mani !
  17. K

    Rangers murder young boy in Karachi

    pakistani shooting film paramilitary sentenced to death Sarfaraz Shah's family denied claims he had robbed someone A Pakistani paramilitary soldier has been sentenced to death for killing an unarmed man in an incident caught on videotape and broadcast on TV. Sarfaraz Shah, 22, was shot at...
  18. K

    Rangers murder young boy in Karachi

    I read this as well . Good. Those who kill innocent people should have the same fate.
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