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  1. Demion

    GlobalFirePower 2014 puts Egypt ahead of Pakistan

    I'm surprised Iran is so far down the list. Makes me wonder about the method used here, specially since Nukes are not taken into consideration. I guess they lose out in the numbers game.
  2. Demion

    United against Iran

    There is no doubt that the Saudi Wahhabi's will provide logistics to the Jewish state of Israelis to decapitate their only perceived and real threat from the only Shia theocracy in the world. The enemy of my enemy is a friend. Once Iran has been neutered, the Saudis will feel less challenged by...
  3. Demion

    China & Israel vow to improve military ties

    Actually, i hope Pakistan opens diplomatic ties with Israel. There is no reason for Pakistan to have animosity towards the Israelis. In fact i have always wondered, whether a warmer Islamic relationship towards Israel would in turn actually help the Palestinians more.
  4. Demion

    Video: Iranian F-5 crash landing

    The Aircraft is old, but the reason why the nose gear buckled under cannot be attributed to that just by watching a video. I've seen two incidents 1- An F-18 Super hornet in Pensacola Florida landed and the nose gear went in, the airplane and the pilot were okay but it was a scary thing to...
  5. Demion

    Iran to take action if US aircraft carrier returns

    Yes the only way to solving this is a genuine desire to solve the problem if there is one.
  6. Demion

    Iran to take action if US aircraft carrier returns

    I'd like to share a few points of view. I am baffled at the way the US administration is pushing Tehran so much. There is nothing good that will come out it. The calculations may be, if Iran gets cornered, it will give in, not wanting to face an all out war with the US. Anyone with a little...
  7. Demion

    Iran is driving a hard bargain!

    This narrative of age is not really valid if i may. The United States is a relatively new nation but established by people of a very old civilization. In fact its strength lies in the very fact that the people from the old nations were able to break away from all that was holding them back and...
  8. Demion

    Iran is driving a hard bargain!

    No comments on the politics here, but I agree with Harry as far as what is a good barter. Don't buy fish, learn how to fish. I would think that the Iranians would be more interested in Technology transfer rather than simply purchasing items that they will run out of. However, if the Iranian...
  9. Demion

    U.S. Pursues Sale of Armed Drones to Key Allies

    It doesn't make sense. How many allies are involved in Iraq and what mileage they get out of it without all the rest of the Command, control and communication infrastructure that only the US has the capacity to utilize effectively. The only thing i see is that we want to dump the ones we have to...
  10. Demion

    Cheney calls for air strike on Iran over captured drone

    This one aspect of the US war still confounds me. And want to hear what you guys think about it. The US invades Iraq for Oil under the pretense of WMD in Iraq and their likely use in the near future. This was no small claim and the credibility of the US was on the line in a global court of...
  11. Demion

    US Stealth UAV RQ-170 downed in IRAN

    Uhhh .... what tax payers?
  12. Demion

    US prepares military package for UAE against Iran

    Pakistan will be wise to remain neutral. Iran is a strong neighbor with a large educated population that shares a lot of heritage and history with south Asia, specially Pakistan. I don't think there will ever be a scenario where Iran and SA or the UAE are going to be at war. There is no reason...
  13. Demion

    US prepares military package for UAE against Iran

    Removed - wrong thread
  14. Demion

    China-Pakistan : The End of the All-Weather Friendship?

    Hey guys, This is my first post on this forum. I was a member of the ********************* forum for 8 years and got booted out yesterday for asking fellow members not to use offensive language for other nations around us. Long story short, i was instructed sarcastically to join this forum...
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