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  1. Perceptron

    Indian schoolboy genius solves 350 year-old Particle dynamics theories.

    Here you go As far as i can recollect, this is a 2nd order Differential, and the general solution of this gives the solution to the actual problem.
  2. Perceptron

    Should Pakistan change it's name? Poll

    Or like the Arabs or Somalis call them :: Baakistan .
  3. Perceptron

    HUGE propaganda is being waged against Pakistan from all fronts (FOX NEWS)

    U have been watching too much of Baghdad Bob's videos there :lol: ; The US quest of going into Iraq was militarily a success. The post-war reconstruction and political reconciliation though faltering initially, later gained rapid ground. The best lesson that the US learnt in Iraq was the COIN...
  4. Perceptron

    HUGE propaganda is being waged against Pakistan from all fronts (FOX NEWS)

    In the past 64 years, Pakistan could not make a democratic government function for its full tenure or make adequate dams (Kalabagh etc.) for solving its water woes, and somehow we can believe that they can integrate internationally when a Superpower is at play in its backyard.
  5. Perceptron

    HUGE propaganda is being waged against Pakistan from all fronts (FOX NEWS)

    The problem for Pakistan is very few friends in the Administration as well as up the Hill ; I very much fear the consequences of a possible confrontation once the election season of 2012 is over and Obama (possibly) is reelected. In 2008, we saw the Drone Wars taken to new heights after his...
  6. Perceptron

    HUGE propaganda is being waged against Pakistan from all fronts (FOX NEWS)

    The Terror State We Call Our Ally For the first time, there may be some hope for Afghanistan. Except that Pakistan is intent on crushing it, and U.S. officials are “paralyzed” about a solution. By Michael Hirsh Updated: May 26, 2012 | 1:00 p.m. May 24, 2012 | 5:00 p.m Sometimes, the...
  7. Perceptron

    Our national security ‘prison’

    The revisionist tendencies of the Pakistani establishment has been championed to such an extent, that suppressing all facts on Operation Gibraltar, Pakistan still celebrates September 6 as its Defence day as the day it claims of India having attacked Pakistan and saving Lahore from them. The...
  8. Perceptron

    US Drone strikes in Pakistan are illegal under international law.

    The Drone-A-Day prescription for these foreign terrorists looks similar to the Apple-A-Day treatment to keep away the Doctor. The CIA joystick-wielders sure have a sense of twisted humour.
  9. Perceptron

    Baroness Warsi says the failed declaration was an 'oversight'

    I know she's a life peer and also a member of Cameron's cabinet (though she didn't win her election). But what's stopping you from questioning your government to revoke her life peerage and instead give it to you ?
  10. Perceptron

    Baroness Warsi says the failed declaration was an 'oversight'

    Well, so when are we going to see the wannabe-lawyer in Leeds or his cousin stand against Warsi ? His strategy to fight for the rights of his countrymen was in populating more of his breed, i wonder what his cousin's would be ? We are pretty slummed in the Mumbai slums knowing the true...
  11. Perceptron

    Baroness Warsi says the failed declaration was an 'oversight'

    I live in Mumbai, India, and study at IIT Bombay. You can report me all you want to (have been banned several times over and over again) but what i have written are not farther from the truth (i am simply more informed). Baroness Warsi represent what is called as the "Liberal Fascist" section of...
  12. Perceptron

    Baroness Warsi says the failed declaration was an 'oversight'

    Sayeeda Warsi has the courage for calling a spade as a spade and what happens in the meantime ? Some Nazi Muslims pelt her with eggs for touching a raw nerve by calling them as "their conduct not in accordance with Islam". Don't worry ; Pakistanis are slowly self-correcting that mistake.
  13. Perceptron

    Baroness Warsi says the failed declaration was an 'oversight'

    I commend Sayeeda Warsi on her principled stand she takes from time to time even though it means riling up her own community there. She along with Shreela Flather know the black sheep existing in the UK and being plain about it.
  14. Perceptron

    Indian schoolboy genius solves 350 year-old Particle dynamics theories.

    Unfortunately no. There was an attempt by a guy from HP Labs, Vinay Deolalikar on the same. But unfortunately, it turned out to be flawed. He still is working on a refined proof but it has yet to see the light of this world.
  15. Perceptron

    The murder of history in Pakistan

    Reminds me of the Khuda Hafiz to Allah Hafiz article of NFP. An excerpt
  16. Perceptron

    Indian schoolboy genius solves 350 year-old Particle dynamics theories.

    I wish he could take up P vs NP on priority. It is considered to be an Elixir's Gold in CS which would greatly benefit us CS Researchers in designing effective polytime algos. On another note, for the interested readers on Grigori Perelman and the struggle on who solved it first, this is an...
  17. Perceptron

    The murder of history in Pakistan

    One should actually read "India : A study in profile" by the principal architect in the Gang of Four on Kargil, Lt-Col Javed Hassan. The book is an exercise of brainwashing the highest levels of the Mullah-military alliance existing in Pakistan. An excerpt from there The rot in murdering...
  18. Perceptron

    Indian schoolboy genius solves 350 year-old Particle dynamics theories.

    Schoolboy 'genius' solves puzzles posed by Sir Isaac Newton that have baffled mathematicians for 350 years Shouryya Ray put the historical breakthrough down to 'schoolboy naivety' Modest Shouryya began solving complicated equations as a six year old but says he's no genius By...
  19. Perceptron

    Thar coal mining project in Pakistan | Updates & Discussions.

    Dr. Mubarakmand befooling nation on Thar Coal: Dr. Qadir Islamabad: Reiterating his opinion about ineligibility of Dr. Samar Mubarakmand in operating Thar Coal Project, Pakistan national hero Dr. Abdul Qadir Khan says Dr. Mubarmand is only befooling the nation. “You see, as I am a Doctor...
  20. Perceptron

    Ek Zardari sab par bhaari.

    Presidency says $1 million paid to Ajmer Sharif from exchequer Umar Cheema Friday, May 18, 2012 ISLAMABAD: Finally, a million dollar question has been answered. President Asif Ali Zardari’s hefty donation for Dargah Ajmer Sharif is from the taxpayers’ money that, according to the Dargah’s...
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