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  1. Perceptron

    US drone strike kills three in North Waziristan

    Oh no...we r gonna have eJihad from a JihadE. Pass the "Netwa" (or eFatwa take ur pick), my curiosity is killing me as to what it would be, my virtual head or my image being eburned !!!
  2. Perceptron

    Imran Khan challenges Obama to give names of the people killed in Drone

    Then what ? Go around with a begging bowl substituting America for China and F for J as in F-16s for J-16s to replace the lost F-16s. In the meantime, we will see more queues outside Amreekan consulates utilizing their families hard-earned money to fund Amreeka for further wars against their...
  3. Perceptron

    US drone strike kills three in North Waziristan

    Fantastic news ; More of these Ababeels should be flying to clean out the vermin infesting the badlands of Waziristan. The only remedy lies in implementing my Signature !!!
  4. Perceptron

    Anti-Jihad 'Savage' Ads Going Up In NYC Subway

    U mean DIVINITY and PERFECTION substitute for each other ? Perfection is simply a quest to look inwards, believe what we can think logically and be at peace with oneself. An individual who accepts the word of a book as divine has simply stopped to make things better. Which BTW is precisely...
  5. Perceptron

    Anti-Jihad 'Savage' Ads Going Up In NYC Subway

    I am not splitting hairs if u ask me about it. But what happened there in Gujarat over that period happens every other week in Karachi. And Gujarat has been peaceful after that incident, not a peep from anyone after that. Whereas, one sees PureLand burning and killing and looting on a day when...
  6. Perceptron

    Anti-Jihad 'Savage' Ads Going Up In NYC Subway

    Yes, to any rational person, there is ALWAYS room for improvement. Creationists and Evolutionists go at it all day long, but u do not hear Creationists burning homes of evolutionists. Nor do u hear Evolutionists beheading Creationists. Let me enhance upon my statement. And you have to be on a...
  7. Perceptron

    Anti-Jihad 'Savage' Ads Going Up In NYC Subway

    How does it even relate to the topic ? Sam Bacile aka Nakoula Basseley Nakoula simply posted a demeaning video on the life of Mo. Whereas what happened in Gujarat was a violent reaction to the burning of Kar Sevaks in the train in Godhra. Not that i condone their actions. But Godhra and Gujarat...
  8. Perceptron

    Anti-Jihad 'Savage' Ads Going Up In NYC Subway

    No one's confusing clash of religions with anything. Indians or the majority community in India are not in clash with anyone except stagnancy, poverty and corruption. There is no blowing up of Hindus amongst themselves, nor are there any sectarian massacres within Hindus. Secondly, the topic u...
  9. Perceptron

    Anti-Jihad 'Savage' Ads Going Up In NYC Subway

    One thing for sure, we won't be burning embassies, putting bounties and calling for jihadists like AQ and Taleban to kill nor would we be killing other Hindus/Muslims/Christians/Sikhs/Zorastrians/Martians/Klingons for the hate message. The worst would be destruction of public property and legal...
  10. Perceptron

    India Chooses ' Barfi !' for Oscars Foreign-Language Entry

    Damn, they shoulda sent Kya Supercool Hain Hum !!! That is a movie that has multiple latent interpretations in almost every line of its script ; Sheer genius from the Writer !!!
  11. Perceptron

    Anti-Jihad 'Savage' Ads Going Up In NYC Subway

    It doesn't matter to a man from the Religion of Peace hailing from the Land of the Pure does it ? A Non-Muslim is a Kuffar for the followers of Mo, the rest are just labels like those on Pet Jars.
  12. Perceptron

    Peace talks the only option to defuse tension in Assam

    One should actually thank the Nagas for having turned civilized, else their headhunting in case the pole-vaulters come encroaching would be enough to make them scamper down to Arakan deep into Rohingyaland :lol: !!!
  13. Perceptron

    Peace talks the only option to defuse tension in Assam

    Nagas are the Waziris of the east. Fiercely independent, they are as likely as to spit on your face as to fight the illegal pole-vaulters. They don't take sides with anyone except to protect their land and their customs. So in case, all thoughts on using them to stop those pole-vaulting...
  14. Perceptron

    India and Russia going to sign biggest-ever defence deal worth $ 35 billion

    This was precisely the Russian mindset when the Americans blew the Russian thinking through their back-wall when it introduced the F-117 A. I would say, if the current generation SAMs can still detect the Nighthawk, then it is a quantum leap for SAM systems to have achieved it. It would be...
  15. Perceptron

    India and Russia going to sign biggest-ever defence deal worth $ 35 billion

    It is not as much as the thinking as much as the cost overruns that IAF will have to bear to avoid compromise on LO for the T-50. Secondly, i am unsure if we can even come close to the RCS demonstrated by the current prototypes in case we go in for the twin-seater (even 15% looks like an...
  16. Perceptron

    One country, three Eids

    The first of many disasters to come in that jih@di-infested wasteland called Waziristan. NWFP is slowly being infected by those radical moulvis from the badlands of Waziristan. No wonder, drones are the only game in town in these lawless no-go areas. Pakistan should start taking control of these...
  17. Perceptron

    IAF to showcase ‘Vayu-Shakti’ event in February next year.

    Awesome news !!! Will the Super-30 also be on demonstration ? Love these birds go on a turkey-shoot (DACT like) with our Mig-29s and upgraded Mirage-2000s. The Rafale is just the icing on the cake. It's unfortunate though that apart from the current Rafales and the Super 30s, none of these have...
  18. Perceptron

    India's Olympics shame, once again

    I am not sure of the decade thing. We could very well treble our tally at Rio provided we focus on our strengths. Archery, shooting, badminton, wrestling, boxing, badminton must be some of our focus areas for the coming Olympics. In the meantime, we should move to new avenues that includes...
  19. Perceptron

    India's Olympics shame, once again

    :lol: :lol: :lol: obsessed weirdo , i like that !!!
  20. Perceptron

    India's Olympics shame, once again

    What can be expected from the OP whose country's failure to win a single medal on the Olympics was labeled as a American-Zionist-Hindu-Illuminati-Martian-Venusian conspiracy to keep the Olympics in the month of Ramadan ? One only wonders what is more hilarious, the Ramadan Olympic conspiracy or...
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