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  1. samv

    Nigeria likely to throw out Indians after Goa’s crackdown on Africans

    Nigeria likely to throw out Indians after Goa’s crackdown on Africans By Mayabhushan Nagvenkar Panaji: Nigeria will throw out thousands of Indians residing there, if the Goa government does not stop evicting Nigerians living in the tourist state, their consular official has warned, even as the...
  2. samv

    India says relationship with Sri Lanka is very strong

    What “friend” India did to Sri Lanka It’s getting a little tiresome hearing speeches and reading diplomatic statements that claim Sri Lanka is a friend of India’s. In our dictionary a friend does not act like a traitor but India’s dictionary is obviously different. What friend would secretly...
  3. samv

    China Builds Port City in Sri Lanka - US $15 billion Investment

    Another Chinese project in Colombo is progressing well: This is the 350 metre high "Lotus Tower" that is going to grace Colombo's skyline. When completed it will be the tallest tower in South Asia and the second tallest building in South Asia after "World One" in Mumbai.
  4. samv

    Let’s get this very clear. India is definitely a Third World country

    Truth is that India has become a "darling" of the western media, as a counterweight to China. There is nothing wrong with this, but many Indians actually believe all the trollop dished out about how advanced India is and how great it is. When in actual fact, if you dig a little deeper you will...
  5. samv

    India says relationship with Sri Lanka is very strong

    Yawn! - Armed, trained and funded the LTTE yet has trouble having a full defence relationship with Sri Lanka - Did nothing to help the Sri Lankan government defeat the LTTE until they saw China enter the scene - Votes against Sri Lanka twice at the UN (only Asian country to do so) - Indian...
  6. samv

    China Builds Port City in Sri Lanka - US $15 billion Investment

    This should be great once it is constructed. If China is behind it, then you can be guaranteed that it will be built -- in stark contrast to the Indian projects in Sri Lanka. The island will be coming up right next to the massive Chinese-built port and will be a nice addition to the coastline...
  7. samv

    Onion price leading to murders in India

    Only in India?
  8. samv

    Poaching: Lanka rejects India’s ‘one-day’ proposal

    Can't believe that India's "solution" is to allow its fishermen to poach unhindered. They boast about being such a huge country with a massive economy and yet want to steal from a small island on their southern border.
  9. samv

    Poaching: Lanka rejects India’s ‘one-day’ proposal

    Poaching: Lanka rejects India’s ‘one-day’ proposal By Chris Kamalendran Sri Lanka has rejected an Indian proposal that Tamil Nadu fishermen be allowed to fish in our territorial waters at least one day a week. The proposal had emerged from the Indian High Commission in Colombo during...
  10. samv

    IMF Latest GDP Forecasts for South Asia

    And 1 in 4 Indian men have comitted sexual violence. Two out of every three children in India are physically abused, according to a landmark government study. BBC NEWS | South Asia | Abuse of Indian children 'common' India is far less developed than Sri Lanka. You guys still poo out in the...
  11. samv

    IMF Latest GDP Forecasts for South Asia

    LMAO. No one kisses your *****. Everyone of your neighbours laughs at you. The only kissing is done by India - China only has to blink and India is on bended knee. You are a nation that cannot even control its own territory. Random bomb blasts that you cannot control. 1/3 of your country is...
  12. samv

    IMF Latest GDP Forecasts for South Asia

    While 14.5% of Sri Lankan men have admitted to rape, 25% of Indian men have done the same. So yes, India certainly does better than Sri Lanka in the rape department. You must be so proud. Actually no children are killed anymore, now that the Indian-sponsored terrorist organisation has been...
  13. samv

    IMF Latest GDP Forecasts for South Asia

    Why hangings won't stop India's rape culture Considering research showing that one in four Indian men has committed sexual violence at some point in their lives, is India serious about pursuing bloody barters in still more cases? The answer is unclear, but the eye-for-an-eye sentiment that...
  14. samv

    IMF Latest GDP Forecasts for South Asia

    LMAO. Have a look at any Indian newspaper - it is India that is a nation of murderers and molesters. Not a day goes by where women and children aren't raped, beaten and killed. You guys kill your baby girls for the crime of being female; does that make you proud to be Indian? The only place you...
  15. samv

    IMF Latest GDP Forecasts for South Asia

    Wrong. Sri Lanka is a Middle Income Country with a poverty rate of ~ 7% Compare that with "Bharat Mata" :lol: Blood well spilt, to get rid of a terrorist organisation armed, trained and funded by India. Yeah, that's right your country has blood on its hands. Yeah, India has done terribly...
  16. samv

    IMF Latest GDP Forecasts for South Asia

    Even with India's appalling treatment of: Muslims Kashmiris Dalits Christians North Easterners Women Female babies Tribals India has done terribly. AIDS capital of the world Female infanticide Malnutrition, with hunger a bigger problem that subsaharan africa 1/3 of the country controlled by...
  17. samv

    Sri Lankan economy grows by 6.8%

    Sri Lanka's August tourist arrivals jump 26.1 pct yr/yr Sept 16 (Reuters) - Tourist arrivals in Sri Lanka jumped 26.1 percent year-on-year in August, government data showed on Monday, with the number of foreign visitors rising for the 52nd straight month since the near-three-decade civil...
  18. samv

    Colombo and its new look !

    Clean and Colombo, a combo Clean and Colombo, a combo - The Hindu
  19. samv

    Dirty diplomacy

    Interesting. I do hope India can show the same determination on its own soil. The Sri Lankan high commission in Chennai has been attacked several times. Sri Lankan pilgrims, both Christians and Buddhists have been attacked Sri Lankans worshipping at Hindu temples have been attacked...
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