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  1. SatishChandra's Assistant

    India Must Resume the Testing of Nuclear Warheads Immediately

    Thanks, BATMAN! The following I wrote about the Grover murder provides more insight into RAW's role in India. The rest of this post expands on some of the points I have made in my first and second posts in this thread:- The victim was there at the invitation of the woman who invited him...
  2. SatishChandra's Assistant

    India Must Resume the Testing of Nuclear Warheads Immediately

    The abusive posts above are by RAW. This is what you should know about RAW:- I have written (for example in my article titled ‘India’s Technological and Economic Emancipation’ in my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U.S.' : nuclearsupremacyforindiaoverusDOTblogspotDOTcom ) about...
  3. SatishChandra's Assistant

    India Must Resume the Testing of Nuclear Warheads Immediately

    The Hindu Business Line has the story "Now, RBI okay with rupee payment for Iran oil: ... Earlier too, suggestions were made to make rupee payments, but the RBI had reservations as there were technical issues such as invoicing." I was aghast to read the Reserve Bank of India had objections to...
  4. SatishChandra's Assistant

    Why Were Iraq's Aircraft & Tanks Behaving Erratically During the Gulf Wars?

    During the first Gulf War, it was reported that Iraq's fighter planes that rose to meet the American attackers were just flying randomly instead of attacking the attackers. In the second Gulf War, therefore, Iraq simply buried its fighter planes in the sand or sent them to shelter in Iran...
  5. SatishChandra's Assistant

    India has no problems that can't be solved by killing a million Indians/day

    The Indian press is full of headlines like "Harvard removes courses taught by Subramanian Swamy". In a press relese dated October 12, 2011 I said: Subramanian Swamy receives red carpet treatment from India's press, courts, etc. because he is a "Harvard professor". His achievement, in...
  6. SatishChandra's Assistant

    India has no problems that can't be solved by killing a million Indians/day

    Indians as a rule are inferior Indian nig gers unfit to talk about strategic matters, especially if it involves the White Master in any way, which it always does. That is why in his 'Mein Kampf' Adolf Hitler said "As for India, I would rather see India under the British than under any one else"...
  7. SatishChandra's Assistant

    India has no problems that can't be solved by killing a million Indians/day

    The sudden decision to allow Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in retail, whose timing has amazed everyone, was prompted by what I wrote on November 18, 2011 about more than a thousand Indian Air Force aircraft having crashed since 1970, the vast majority of the crashes caused by microwaves from...
  8. SatishChandra's Assistant

    India has no problems that can't be solved by killing a million Indians/day

    In the above article in Kashmir Times, I had shown that since human beings, in their biological nature, are far more strongly inclined to take goods away from others than to supply them in the form of help, any governmental schemes for development meant to improve the lot of the poor are likely...
  9. SatishChandra's Assistant

    India has no problems that can't be solved by killing a million Indians/day

    December 1, 2011: In an article titled "Accelerating India's Development" which appeared in Kashmir Times in 1996, I had proposed that India set up a "Development Army" of first ten million then one hundred million, each soldier equipped with a rifle, etc., of course -- "no need for foreign...
  10. SatishChandra's Assistant

    How to Avoid U. S. Disablement of Your Nuclear Warheads by Satellites

    Just as not any radio signal will activate or control a radio-controlled model aircraft, not any microwave signal -- microwaves are electromagnetic waves like the radio waves that control model aircraft but of very different frequencies and very different capabilities -- will control a...
  11. SatishChandra's Assistant

    How to Avoid U. S. Disablement of Your Nuclear Warheads by Satellites

    The "Aakash" in the thread I referred to may be a tablet but India does have a missile named Aakash and it is as vulnerable to disablement by microwaves from satellites as any equipment containing digital circuitry.
  12. SatishChandra's Assistant

    How to Avoid U. S. Disablement of Your Nuclear Warheads by Satellites

    A thread just opened in the World Affairs section is headed " India's Akaash gets global demand Panama, Malaysia, Philadelphia, Thailand". But like Aircraft and tanks, a missile like Aakash can be disabled by microwaves from satellites. India's Defence Research and Development Organisation...
  13. SatishChandra's Assistant

    How to Avoid U. S. Disablement of Your Nuclear Warheads by Satellites

    Even tanks have a lot of digital electronics and can be disabled by microwaves from satellites. But, as I have said, Pakistan does not need its conventional forces -- which in fact will be worthless against the United States -- to defend against the United States; all it needs is its nuclear...
  14. SatishChandra's Assistant

    How to Avoid U. S. Disablement of Your Nuclear Warheads by Satellites

    I said in post # 1 of this thread that it would be a grievous mistake for Pakistan to wait for the United States to escalate its attacks on Pakistan instead of using its nuclear warheads to destroy Washington and New York BEFORE the United States does any thing, with a warning that additional U...
  15. SatishChandra's Assistant

    How to Avoid U. S. Disablement of Your Nuclear Warheads by Satellites

    Just a day or two before the November 26 '11 NATO attack on Pakistan's military posts, a JF-17 jet fighter of Pakistan Air Force had crashed. My immediate thought was that the crash was caused by the United States to demonstrate to both Pakistan and China that it can disable/control the...
  16. SatishChandra's Assistant

    India has no problems that can't be solved by killing a million Indians/day

    INDIA HAS NO PROBLEMS THAT CANNOT BE SOLVED BY KILLING A MILLION INDIANS BEFORE BREAKFAST EVERY MORNING (see my blog for how to do that). November 18, 2011: When I say the new Chief of Air Staff, N. A. K. Browne, is a CIA-RAW man, I mean he literally sits at CIA-supplied terminals to...
  17. SatishChandra's Assistant

    How to Avoid U. S. Disablement of Your Nuclear Warheads by Satellites

    At this A. K. Antony on November 23 '11 said that the Sukhoi-30 MKI assembly line can only make 16 aircraft per year. Why couldn't you set up another assembly line?
  18. SatishChandra's Assistant

    How to Avoid U. S. Disablement of Your Nuclear Warheads by Satellites

    November 16, 2011: The 3,000 kilometer range of the Agni IV missile just tested is about one-sixth of the range India's missiles need to have. India could have tested missiles capable of reaching the continental United States decades ago but for prohibitions by India's CIA-RAW government which...
  19. SatishChandra's Assistant

    How to Avoid U. S. Disablement of Your Nuclear Warheads by Satellites

    If you read the first post of this thread, it says that CIA-RAW has the ability to change the content of web pages and frequently does. It often deletes parts of my posts, posts fake comments in my name, etc., as is described in post # 1 of this thread. This seems to be its latest such act. In...
  20. SatishChandra's Assistant

    How to Avoid U. S. Disablement of Your Nuclear Warheads by Satellites

    I said above that nuclear weapons are made and used in a context which provides the motivation for making and using them. The most important part of the context is the psyche and genes of the leader. Mahmud of Ghazni invaded India like clockwork every year for over twenty years and Indians did...
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