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  1. SatishChandra's Assistant

    RAW's Trafficking of Indian Children To Israel To Be Used As Food

    Just as M. K. Gandhi reveled in his "slavery with a vengeance" to the white man, Indians today revel in their "slavery with a vengeance" to the white man (and woman). Indians put full page advertisements in newspapers saying how they are lying "at your feet, Madam" to the white (Italian) woman...
  2. SatishChandra's Assistant

    India Must Resume the Testing of Nuclear Warheads Immediately

    I have described India's task, after the nuclear destruction of New Delhi, as follows (see my blog, 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U.S.'):- --------START QUOTE--------- The fact that thousands of nuclear warheads ... will be exploded to destroy the United States means that the vast...
  3. SatishChandra's Assistant

    RAW's Trafficking of Indian Children To Israel To Be Used As Food

    The following article which appeared in the Atlantic Monthly of October 1908, more than a century ago, described the absolute slavery of India to Britain and the same absolute slavery to the white man continues today of which RAW's trafficking of Indian children to Israel to be used as food is...
  4. SatishChandra's Assistant

    China's Online Propagandists Revealed

    At least 90% of the posts here under Indian user names are by operatives of RAW; often the same operative posts under multiple user names. They are not free-lancers but employees though not necessarily full time. The same is the case with posts made on Indian defence boards like Bharat-Rakshak...
  5. SatishChandra's Assistant

    India Must Resume the Testing of Nuclear Warheads Immediately

    High yield thermonuclear warheads cannot be tested at Pokhran and I have said that India must immediately identify islands in the seas around it that can be used to test nuclear warheads in the high kiloton and megaton range.
  6. SatishChandra's Assistant

    India Must Resume the Testing of Nuclear Warheads Immediately

    This is what I said on November 9, 2011:- I said in JoinIndiaWarOfIndependenceDOTblogspotDOTcom: "The fact that CIA kingpin K. Subrahmanyam staged his fake death right after India said its nuclear warheads have been emplaced in a number of cities/countries (he was in Orlando, Florida a...
  7. SatishChandra's Assistant

    RAW's Trafficking of Indian Children To Israel To Be Used As Food

    India's current chief of air staff, N. A. K. Browne, that I have referred to below, is a CIA-RAW man; he was posted in Israel for several years and was deeply involved in the trafficking of Indian children to Israel to be used as food; he was also the source of the proposal, that I have referred...
  8. SatishChandra's Assistant

    India Must Resume the Testing of Nuclear Warheads Immediately

    In September '11 I wrote (see JoinIndiaWarOfIndependenceDOTblogspotDOTcom ) of the near-certainty that India's nuclear warheads have been sabotaged by RAW. An article in the December '11 issue of Atlantic magazine describes a United States program of "remotely disabling a weapon of mass...
  9. SatishChandra's Assistant

    RAW's Trafficking of Indian Children To Israel To Be Used As Food

    I have written that the Indians easily accepted a handful of the British from half way around the world as rulers and, after the nuclear destruction of New Delhi, Washington and New York (my previous post), they will easily accept Satish Chandra as ruler. They would have accepted, even demanded...
  10. SatishChandra's Assistant

    India Must Resume the Testing of Nuclear Warheads Immediately

    In my opening post of this thread I have said that the nuclear warheads to be tested must have non-digital triggers that cannot be interfered with by microwaves signals from satellites. In my press release dated January 11, 2012 I said:- ---------START QUOTE--------- Why Were Iraq's...
  11. SatishChandra's Assistant

    RAW's Trafficking of Indian Children To Israel To Be Used As Food

    India's nuclear forces are less enslaved than the rest of India. The only hope is in the simultaneous nuclear destruction of New Delhi, Washington and New York, with a warning that additional U.S. cities will be destroyed, with nuclear warheads already emplaced in them by special forces, if...
  12. SatishChandra's Assistant

    RAW's Trafficking of Indian Children To Israel To Be Used As Food

    Here is another example of the character of Indians from my press release dated January 26, 2012, titled "Nigger Slaves of the Indian Media":- "Whether it is science, literature or any other field, no one is allowed to succeed in India unless he has the approval of CIA-RAW (see 'What You...
  13. SatishChandra's Assistant

    RAW's Trafficking of Indian Children To Israel To Be Used As Food

    Here is an example of the Indians' character:- This is the full text of my press release of July 11, 2011:- "The violence Ram Dev and followers faced was not a billionth part of the violence I faced in a Harvard University seminar which I described in my letter dated July 27, 1982 to Indira...
  14. SatishChandra's Assistant

    RAW's Trafficking of Indian Children To Israel To Be Used As Food

    Yes, it is a pawn, a slave, a society suffering from mass-psychosis. Despite the recent revelations about M. K. Gandhi being a homosexual who reveled in his "slavery with a vengeance" to the white man, who engaged in a fake 'freedom struggle" with the British managed by the Intelligence Bureau...
  15. SatishChandra's Assistant

    India Must Resume the Testing of Nuclear Warheads Immediately

    The following is from my press release of January 25, 2008:- The bottom line is that India must have military supremacy over all nations of the world -- which in this age means nuclear supremacy -- and since the United States is the most powerful nation in the world today, India's principal task...
  16. SatishChandra's Assistant

    RAW's Trafficking of Indian Children To Israel To Be Used As Food

    I have referred above to my 'Source of Manmohan Singh's Deep Love For Bush'. This is what I said about it:- ----------START QUOTE----------- Sunday, October 5, 2008 Source of Manmohan Singh's 'Deep Love' for Bush Indian politicians have condemned Manmohan Singh’s telling Bush that...
  17. SatishChandra's Assistant

    RAW's Trafficking of Indian Children To Israel To Be Used As Food

    The point is that India is in a state of slavery to the Jews, Americans and other white countries. This slavery is maintained through RAW which functions as a branch of the CIA against India; see what I have said under "This is what you should know about RAW" in my opening post of this thread. I...
  18. SatishChandra's Assistant


    The following is from my press release of January 25, 2008:- The bottom line is that India must have military supremacy over all nations of the world -- which in this age means nuclear supremacy -- and since the United States is the most powerful nation in the world today, India's principal task...
  19. SatishChandra's Assistant

    RAW's Trafficking of Indian Children To Israel To Be Used As Food

    The thread-opener is as far above the criminals from RAW who are posting abuse here as they may be above cockroaches (his biography is in Marquis' Who's Who in the World,2012 and earlier editions; Who's Who in America, 2012 and earlier editions; Who's Who is Science and Engineering, 2012 and...
  20. SatishChandra's Assistant

    RAW's Trafficking of Indian Children To Israel To Be Used As Food

    First a little about the Grover murder:- The victim was there at the invitation of the woman who invited him for the purpose of engaging in fornication. What kind of a "fiance" was the killer to her if not just another fornicator? Had they been married, he would have had the right to divorce...
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