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  1. Dragon Emperor

    New Launch Window Set for Tiangong 1 China's first Space Lab Module

    The Tiangong 1 will and hundreds of other sats will be destroyed by meteors caused by Nibiru's passing soon. Read link below. End Times are here. It is time for us to begin some soul-searching. I was once living in "The Matrix" like almost all you guys here and throughout the world. But recently...
  2. Dragon Emperor

    New Launch Window Set for Tiangong 1 China's first Space Lab Module

    Recently there has been 2 X-class solar flares in 2 days, 22 Sep and 24 Sep. China must abandon the launch of all satelites until 2020 since ever since 2011 started, there has been SEVEN X-class solar flares. This is just the beginning. Next year, in 2012, solar activity will be 20 times higher...
  3. Dragon Emperor

    China to launch lunar probe around 2013

    Solar flares will cause that probe to be damaged so waste of money. The end times are almost here. Now is time for each human to conduct spiritual development, not economic and geo-political and nationalistic development, which is fleeting and a waste of time since.
  4. Dragon Emperor

    China's scientific research institute plans to launch five satellites

    Waste of time as those satelites will be fried by massive solar flares emanating from the Sun starting next year as the Sun interacts with the massive gravity of the Galactic Plane Center, which the Solar System will start to cross in 2012 and will be in the Center for thousands of years before...
  5. Dragon Emperor

    New Launch Window Set for Tiangong 1 China's first Space Lab Module

    I think China should stop sending satelites to space for 5-10 years since solar flares will be heating up next year causing loss to dozens of satelites and the Coronal Mass Ejections will cause geomagnetic storm on Earth that will fry all electronics, causing global blackout which could take...
  6. Dragon Emperor

    India concerned over military gap with China

    LOL of course India can't catch up. Since China is aiming to catch up with USA, which is 10 times more powerful than India. China looks up to US as competitor, so that is why China and US are both high above India since India is not even in the same league as China, USA, and Japan. India should...
  7. Dragon Emperor

    China offered Kadafi weapons: report.

    A dictator suppresses the freedom of the people and must be opposed at all costs. I'd rather die than live under a dictator. Rather than living like a slave, die a free man is better.
  8. Dragon Emperor

    Spacecraft Tiangong-1 launch delayed

    Dangerous for China to launch manned missions in 2012. In 2012 there will be MASSIVE and UNPRECEDENTED Solar Flares. China must realize that the world and universe does not follow the plans of mere humans like us.
  9. Dragon Emperor

    Guangzhou UFO becomes hot topic among netizens!!!!

    Prepare for First Contact with real-life aliens in 2012. "Humans the only intelligent creatures in the Universe" is nothing but a garbage statement coming out from the impudent mouths of arrogant humans, who can't even protect their planet from pollution.
  10. Dragon Emperor

    China should build unerground cities to prepare for 2012 global catastrophe

    In 26th September Comet Elenin will arrive between Earth and the Sun and if the electric universe theory is correct, there will be increased seismic activity probably 10 times the normal level. Please prepare yourself. Remember Comet Holmes in 2007? That time Comet Holmes increased its...
  11. Dragon Emperor

    UFO sighting in Shanghai and Beijing

    LOL aliens have tech millions of years more advanced than us. Our nuke weapons can't even dent their shields. Besides, if aliens want to conquer or kill us they could have done so 100,000 years ago, as most civilizations in the Galaxy are millions of years older than us, we're just the 2-year...
  12. Dragon Emperor

    UFO sighting in Shanghai and Beijing

    Hi, do any of you know about the UFO Disclosure Project. I am here to tell you that Aliens DO exist and that we humans are all actually descendants of human-type aliens from the Pleaides star system. That's right, Darwin and most Earth religions are wrong. The truth is, we are genetically...
  13. Dragon Emperor

    China should build unerground cities to prepare for 2012 global catastrophe

    It would be funny if all those doubters in the world found out with their own eyes that Nibiru is real next year and they'll all be like,"OMG!!! This is not Possible!!!" This Must be a Nightmare!!!"LOL. Nibiru is mentioned in ancient texts it has an orbit of 3643 years and coming next year or...
  14. Dragon Emperor

    China should build unerground cities to prepare for 2012 global catastrophe

    Nah it's too early too tell whether its Planet X/Aliens/Illuminati plans or not. I think, by the end of this year, we will see some major signs as to what really will happen(just 4 more months). If there are no such signs, then 2012 happenings are not gonna happen.
  15. Dragon Emperor

    UFO in China has 'military connection': Official

    LOL the above is conventional jet engine plane with the contrails and all. A real UFO does not move by jet propulsion. A real UFO moves by Anti-Gravity tech that makes it no need for primitive jet engine so no smoke, as well as a real UFO would be able to materialize/dematerialize at will and...
  16. Dragon Emperor

    China should build unerground cities to prepare for 2012 global catastrophe

    LOL 1999-2000 Y2K crap is just a crappy hoax related to computers that the media created fro fun. However, 2012 is predicted by not only the Mayas but other ancient peoples as well as 2012 being mentioned by ETs who spoke to abductees/contactees.
  17. Dragon Emperor

    5.8-magnitude earthquake felt in Nashua, Boston area

    I think its because of Planet X.:eek:
  18. Dragon Emperor

    China should build unerground cities to prepare for 2012 global catastrophe

    Still doubting coming global disasters? Read the news below: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/24/us/24earthquake.html Earthquake rattles Washington area - The Washington Post Solar flares threaten to disrupt devices as sun enters active phase | Katie Worth | Local | San Francisco Examiner...
  19. Dragon Emperor

    China should build unerground cities to prepare for 2012 global catastrophe

    Not quite end of world(just end of global economy and the world as we know it). I believe there will be some survivors, though, and they will be responsible for rebuilding civilization. Anyway, whether Nibiru exists or not, we will know by the time this year ends, since we are yet to enter...
  20. Dragon Emperor

    China should build unerground cities to prepare for 2012 global catastrophe

    The reason why we can't see Nibiru is because it has the most powerful magnetic and gravitational effect of all planets in our system that causes it to absorb and deflect the sun's light. They say it can be seen by infrared, though. Also, stop blaming Zionists for everything, they're BAD, but...
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