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  1. Fireurimagination

    Since Earliest Historical Times Hinduism Was Never Popular in Pakistan

    The obscure origins doesn't prove that it is 2500BC old also now does it? It just means that it has been documented from 2500/5000BC or whatever. Origins are still as I said unknown.
  2. Fireurimagination

    Since Earliest Historical Times Hinduism Was Never Popular in Pakistan

    LOL and them many others where do they think Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism) sprout out from then?
  3. Fireurimagination

    Since Earliest Historical Times Hinduism Was Never Popular in Pakistan

    Then can you please enlighten me with origins of Hinduism (Sanatan Dharma) which every resource states is unknown? You have a bias that follower of Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism) can't be monotheism and I am saying that 'monotheism religion in IVC' 'after IVC' 'during Vedic Period' was Sanatan...
  4. Fireurimagination

    Since Earliest Historical Times Hinduism Was Never Popular in Pakistan

    You started a thread about religion and now you are saying that it is not a religious discussion :undecided:, okay then please enlighten us what was the religion of Pakistan after the IVC period and before Buddhism? Your problem is that you know a damn about Hinduism (Sanatan Dharma). Hinduism...
  5. Fireurimagination

    Since Earliest Historical Times Hinduism Was Never Popular in Pakistan

    What don't they believe in that the founders of Sikhism, Jainism and Buddhism were Hindus? Everybody knows that what is there to believe in? Or are you saying that Sikhism, Jainism and Buddhism were founded by Muslims in the deserts of middle east :rofl:
  6. Fireurimagination

    Since Earliest Historical Times Hinduism Was Never Popular in Pakistan

    I used the word time immemorial as that is what it is, you have to understand that Hinduism (Sanatan Dharma) is nothing like 1500-3000 year old man made Abrahamic religions with one set of believes. The Sanatan Dharma absorbs both monotheistic nature of Vedas/Shaivism/Vaishnavism/IVC etc and...
  7. Fireurimagination

    Since Earliest Historical Times Hinduism Was Never Popular in Pakistan

    Hinduism (Sanatan Dharma) dates back time immemorial and Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Shaivism, pre Vedas, post Vedas etc are all either part of Hinduism or have emerged from it and are the native culture and religion. Islam was born just 1400 years ago and was imported from the middle east.
  8. Fireurimagination

    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

    If it's about communalism Kangress is 10x more communal than the BJP
  9. Fireurimagination

    Peaceful Nation But Hidden Super power

    Only Superpower but I thought India was a Super Duper power :D
  10. Fireurimagination

    Suggestion for a new car

    If it's for your father go for Honda Amaze
  11. Fireurimagination

    Kargil War: from Pakistani point if view.....

    :rofl::rofl: Is this the cr@p they are teaching in Pakistan these days, you people should sometime read newspapers or use Google to check the which country is being called a failed state and which one a superpower before fantasizing about inferior/superior cr@p
  12. Fireurimagination

    Anti-Drone Peshawar Dharna by PTI | Dharti Hamari, Marzi Hamari (Our land, our choice) .

    Most probably a political gimmick: Dharna - Lathi Charge - Back to square one
  13. Fireurimagination

    India winning the war against AIDS

    The government propaganda of have s** even once without a condom and you will surely get AIDS and you'll surely die is working :victory:
  14. Fireurimagination

    The T-50 PAK-FA Fighter In All-New Colours

    Beeeeeeeeeeeeeautiful :smitten:
  15. Fireurimagination

    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

    OMG this was predicted by a friend of mine just yesterday, he said just wait and watch the congress will fetch a wife for NM next.
  16. Fireurimagination

    India's IT Exports to US Wildly Exaggerated

    The GAO in 2003 (a decade ago) said that are there are differences in figures of what India claims it exports and what US says it imports and that is because of reasons such as different accounting practises, different definitions of services, Indian data includes both affiliated and...
  17. Fireurimagination

    Vikramditya & the IAC Vikrant Threat To Pakistan Waters

    Pakistan's Navy is defensive in nature and we will not exactly be sailing the CBG to Pakistan's shore on the first day of conflict. So will the relatively small PN leave it shores to hunt for the Indian CBG.
  18. Fireurimagination

    India’s Emerging Blue-Water Navy

    International Diplomacy - Walk silently with a big stick, India is doing just fine in equipping itself and remember strength will respect only strength. Indian armed forces have to seek parity with China, not as an adversary but as a healthy competitor, this will help improve Indo-China...
  19. Fireurimagination

    Can India afford to run INS Vikramaditya, asks Pakistani Newspaper

    Q) Can India afford to run INS Vikramaditya? Ans. Yes Infact India can afford to run 2 more IC which it's planning
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