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  1. Fireurimagination

    Since Earliest Historical Times Hinduism Was Never Popular in Pakistan

    Good that means the majority who betrayed there religion and converted, were slaughtered and raped by Muslim invaders in today's Pakistan were not Hindus :partay:
  2. Fireurimagination

    Since Earliest Historical Times Hinduism Was Never Popular in Pakistan

    LOL is it this hard to understand? Did the so called 'lingual study of RigVedic Sanskrit' state that there was no Hinduism before RigVeda or religions followed in Dwarka or IVC were not Hinduism?
  3. Fireurimagination

    Since Earliest Historical Times Hinduism Was Never Popular in Pakistan

    But how can you prove that RigVeda was composed by the 'earliest' Hindus? RigVeda was passed down orally for many a generation that means there was Hinduism which pre dates penning down of the RigVeda. How much of it got lost or modified before getting penned down nobody knows. How can you prove...
  4. Fireurimagination

    Since Earliest Historical Times Hinduism Was Never Popular in Pakistan

    LOL you have a mental block that the Rig Veda is beginning of Hinduism, which defies both logic and common sense. Surely somebody someday doesn't just got and penned the Rig Veda. It has evolved from somewhere and most probably from something that predates Vedas. The IVC guys may have called...
  5. Fireurimagination

    Kashmiri students protest at raising of Indian flag at film shoot

    Few miscreants I believe, not a big deal.
  6. Fireurimagination

    Since Earliest Historical Times Hinduism Was Never Popular in Pakistan

    What conclusively proven is that origins of Hinduism are unknown and that it is atleast 5500 years old. Nobody can be sure and prove how old is it or from where it came.
  7. Fireurimagination

    Since Earliest Historical Times Hinduism Was Never Popular in Pakistan

    LOL have you even gone though the links, What was the religion of IVC according to you then?, according to the links Hinduism was the most likely religion of IVC (with similar beliefs, similar deities and similar symbols). Yes it can't be conclusively proved that Hinduism was the religion...
  8. Fireurimagination

    Since Earliest Historical Times Hinduism Was Never Popular in Pakistan

    Indus Valley Civilization -- Ancient History Encyclopedia Indus Valley Civilization - Society
  9. Fireurimagination

    Since Earliest Historical Times Hinduism Was Never Popular in Pakistan

    Indus Valley Civilization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Hinduism (religion) :: Other sources: the process of "Sanskritization" -- Encyclopedia Britannica Foundations of Indian Religion There are 100s more you can Google them yourself.
  10. Fireurimagination

    Since Earliest Historical Times Hinduism Was Never Popular in Pakistan

    Many researchers believe IVC followed Hinduism (remember the Swastika, Shiva, Goddess of reproduction, temples, worship of nature, animals etc etc). researches believe that beliefs of civilization such as that of IVC could not have vaporized in to thin air. Now so Hinduism may have been or it...
  11. Fireurimagination

    Since Earliest Historical Times Hinduism Was Never Popular in Pakistan

    Dude, are you low on comprehension? I am not talking about the Rig Veda, read again slowly. I am talking about Hinduism. Rig Veda can be 2500/3500/5500 yeas old that doesn't make Hinduism that old it makes it atleast that old. Got it? You are assuming that the Rig Veda is beginning of Hinduism...
  12. Fireurimagination

    Since Earliest Historical Times Hinduism Was Never Popular in Pakistan

    The RigVeda which you say is the oldest evidence of Sanatana Dharma may not be more than 5500 years old. So yes I agree that Sanatana Dharma is atleast 5500 years old but it doesn't mean that it is 5500 years old. In fact it can be the religion of IVC whose language has not even been deciphered...
  13. Fireurimagination

    Since Earliest Historical Times Hinduism Was Never Popular in Pakistan

    Atleast we have agreed that the origins are unknown, it can 2500 or 5500 or 10000 or God knows when. I agree that the artifacts found in the IVC can be post Rig Veda, but if the religion of IVC was Hinduism then Hinduism predates the Vedas, but nobody can be sure about it. Infact the debate that...
  14. Fireurimagination

    Since Earliest Historical Times Hinduism Was Never Popular in Pakistan

    Independent but parallel efforts which merged once the Aryans started entering the Punjab:rofl::rofl: Now you are shooting from your hips, proof?. I am not the one making claims, it's you who is making the claims that the Hinduism (Sanatan Dharma) is 2500 years old and Vedas are the beginning of...
  15. Fireurimagination

    Since Earliest Historical Times Hinduism Was Never Popular in Pakistan

    If the religion of IVC was Hinduism then surely Hinduism predates Vedas what you are stating
  16. Fireurimagination

    Since Earliest Historical Times Hinduism Was Never Popular in Pakistan

    Do you want me to bring you an affidavit from Lord Krishna? :rofl::rofl: What do you believe was the religion in the pre-Vedic era or in the IVC? I know it has not been conclusively proven but many researchers believe it was Hinduism (the Swastik seal, the Lingam, Shiva carvings, the temples...
  17. Fireurimagination

    Since Earliest Historical Times Hinduism Was Never Popular in Pakistan

    That's what I am saying that the pre Vedic era could have been or not been that of Sanatan Dharma. Although theoretically it was going by the beliefs. So saying that the Vedic era was beginning of Sanatan Dharma is wrong (it can't be proven). Probably the Aryans brought the Rig Veda with them...
  18. Fireurimagination

    Since Earliest Historical Times Hinduism Was Never Popular in Pakistan

    What about Pre Vedic era? Mehgarh and Dvaraka era dating back 10000 BC, Sanatan Dharma was present duing this Pre Vedic period also. So Vedic era is no way the begining of the Sanatan Dharma.
  19. Fireurimagination

    Since Earliest Historical Times Hinduism Was Never Popular in Pakistan

    As I said that Vedas or documented proof may go back 5000 BC but Vedas are not the start point of Sanatan Dharma. Thus you can't pin point origins or time period of Sanatan Dharma.
  20. Fireurimagination

    Since Earliest Historical Times Hinduism Was Never Popular in Pakistan

    :rofl::rofl: OMG Oh mann conspiracy theories here too, okay okay Bro they followed a mysterious religion (Sanatan Dharma) and Vedas that later Hindus stole :rofl::rofl:
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