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  1. C

    German press: 'The Asian Giants Arms Race Is Starting to Look real

    How does that become a indication of military power? USA only imports US$ 533,000,000 weapons from other countries, does that mean India military is more powerful than US? And you conviniently ignore the Expenditures Dollar figure that Japan's total military expenditure is US$...
  2. C

    China Space Military:Recon, Satcom, Navi, ASAT/BMD, Orbital Vehicle, SLV, etc.

    Just for the reference the carosat 2's swath is 9.6 km. Just for the reference the carosat 2's swath is 9.6 km.
  3. C

    Is China's Space Program Shaping a Celestial Empire?

    Someone needs to stop this Chandrayaam 1 discovered the water on the moon nonsense. Water on the moon was discovered by Moon Mineralogy Mapper, and it was built by NASA and managed by NASA. So if a taxi driver drove a scientist to someplace and the scientist discovered something, does the...
  4. C

    Korea Returning Chinese Character

    He knows very well the main reason why they have to use roman alphabet, but he is just relectent to admit it. However roman alphabet did help veitnamese common people in a very helpful way, it wildspread the literacy among the less educated people in vietnam. The drawback as a feminist...
  5. C

    Do you also think its time for a North East Asian Union against US an China

    Despite being poorer on average, the nation of Russia can still kick both north and south Koreas' a$$ from left to right easily. Stop putting down Russia to make someone else look good, because in the world no one would do anything internationally without thinking how Russia would feel about it.
  6. C

    Indian women's team defeats China in Final, Wins Gold Medal in Archery WC

    South korean team is still the best overall in the world
  7. C

    Hyundai Heavy Industries launches ROKN's second (and third) FFX-I frigate

    ROK is more than capable of making its own anti-ship missile SSM-700k, and 1000+km long range cruise missile Hyunmoo III.
  8. C

    George Zimmerman found not guilty

    Let's put racism aside, but in US your reaction towards a black man charging towards you and a white man charging towards you would be quite different. Let's say if George Zimmerman shot a white man in self defence and found not guilty, there won't be any protests or out cry against this...
  9. C

    CNN:Are China's economic statistics accurate?

    Wow how much more illiterate can one be? The article is saying the the official data from the Chinese government are more or less in tune with what those researchers at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco could compile.
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    The Submarine Race in the Malaccan Strait

    At thar time Japan owned indochine by defeated france in se asia.
  11. C

    CNN:Are China's economic statistics accurate?

    Damn , i did not know CNN is a CCP propaganda mechine. Now I can see it that CNN stands for Chinese National Network.:toast_sign:
  12. C

    India to give up Chumar post for Chinese withdrawal?

    First we need to exam the intention or strategic goal of the PLA here at this disputed territory this time. It is fair to say its goal was not to take Ladakh and assert its control over this disputed territory. Its action or reaction was due to the permanent bunker that had been established by...
  13. C

    ChinaIndia first broke the Tacit that's why PLA made tent

    Does anyone know how does the red and green line come to exist?
  14. C

    Russian police and security agents detained 140 people at a Moscow Mosque

    Lesson to be learned, don't mess with Putin Russia or FSB.
  15. C

    The CCP is most pro ethnic minority and stupidest party in human history

    So what would you have done if you were in power? Kill them all or drive them out to somewhere else? I won't mind that being done to Mongols and Manchurians thought, but the rest?
  16. C

    US asks China to safeguard rights of Uighurs in Xinjiang

    those are just minor incidents compare to what uyghurs did. When you have a large minority who has a different culture and religion than the majority, those incidents are destined to happen. Well the conflict wasn't manchurians intention, but the root of the conflict was more or less...
  17. C

    US asks China to safeguard rights of Uighurs in Xinjiang

    The hatre i was taking about was the hatre betwen hui and han that led to the 同治回乱 . It was the intention of manchurians to cause tensions between Hui and Han so each can be more easily controlled. Divide and conquer.
  18. C

    US asks China to safeguard rights of Uighurs in Xinjiang

    No more than how many was killed by manchurians. That hatre was actually caused by discriminating ethnic policies enforced by Manchurian ruling class of Qing dynasty.
  19. C

    India’s nuclear logic

    It seems that some people just don't understand the virtue of proprotional response.
  20. C

    US asks China to safeguard rights of Uighurs in Xinjiang

    This has nothing to do with Muslim and Islamic faith. Hui muslims have lived peacefully with Han Chinese for centuries, and they are quite successful in China if i might add. So instead showing your hatre toward Muslim and trolling here, why don't do something else useful.
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