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  1. C

    India Mars launch stokes Asian space race with China

    You don't have to put down other people's achievement. If this mission is successful the experiences IRSO gain from its primary objectives are more significant than some mere scientific study which has been done many times by other space agencies.
  2. C

    India Mars launch stokes Asian space race with China

    15 kgs is its scientific payload, its dry mass is 500 kg. As I mentioned before scientific study is just a secondry objective for this mission. Most of other equipments are devoted to communication, navigation and etc.
  3. C

    how to be a president, US, UK, CHINA

    How is multi party election any better than the selection system China has for its top brass? Judging from the result of Super Girls, I won't even trust people to vote on what should be put on TV let alone for the important decisions like who should lead the country. Since you also mentioned...
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    India Mars launch stokes Asian space race with China

    The MOM weights 1,350 kg. It is small comparing to US MRO, however I won't call it insignificant. Consider the objectives of this mars mission is not mainly for scientific study of mars but to test te following(Design and realisation of a Mars orbiter with a capability to perform Earth bound...
  5. C

    Chinese university 'expels' economist Xia Yeliang

    As I remember that last someone took people like him in ended up got bite on the a$$. Some people appears to be fighting for something, but in reality they are just trouble makers anywhere as they go. Jerome Cohen on Chen Guangcheng: 'You Shouldn't Bite the Hand That Feeds You' | FP Passport
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    how to be a president, US, UK, CHINA

    That isn't unique to China, just look how many political families there are in US. Just top of my head, Adams, Bush's families, both of them have father son as the POTUS.
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    Advantage China

    My dear friend this might explain some of the money involved, but not the majority of it. Let's say it is 10% of those deals, with an average annual $200mil+ those deals are rated at 2 trillion USD annually. However as the article Jaytal provided, the discrepancy can be explained if the data...
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    Advantage China

    Do you even bother read the article before you post it here to troll? The article is saying exactly the opposite of what you are implying. Again in this article its states that it is the local government's data are inflated, but the central government does not trust local government's data...
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    Advantage China

    I have some doubts about the figure from GFI regarding China, as RMB is not freely exchanged on the market, and China has one of the most strict control over capital outflows. Unless all those $ 2.18 trillion were smuggled outside of China without the government notice, which raise another...
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    Chinese giving up shark fin soup

    You do realize that shark fin has no taste at all, and the taste comes from other ingridents in the soup.
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    how to be a president, US, UK, CHINA

    Well, I am not the one insisting that the PM being the head of state for UK
  12. C

    India's Economic Recovery In Sight : Moody's

    You forgot to add ROC(become a democracy in early 1990's, Singapore(never), HK(never) to the list. You might want to look again, all the success stories of Asian countries(Japan, South Korea, Singapore, ROC, HK) all happened under authoritirian type of government, and most of those stories...
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    how to be a president, US, UK, CHINA

    No, you said that Prime Minister is the head of state for UK which is completely false. Unlike the POTUS who are both head of state and head of the government, UK's PM is only the head of the govenment, and when he is in other country he will be dealt with accordingly by his counterparts such...
  14. C

    NYT: Uighurs in China Say Bias Is Growing.

    JSTOR: An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie During WWII KMT did most of the fighting against Japanese forces. Even CPC acknowledged this in recent years, please give the credit where it is due. Mongolia was conceded by ROC in 1945 with the Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and...
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    how to be a president, US, UK, CHINA

    UK's PM is the head of the government, not the head of the state. Queen is the head of state for countries in the commonwealth such as Canada, Australia, NZ and etc.
  16. C

    NYT: Uighurs in China Say Bias Is Growing.

    This so call bias isn't unique to Uighurs, but also Tibetans. However the problem isn't because of they are discriminated because what they are. There is a very through article about Tibet that might thread some light on why this is with Uighurs. Tibet Through Chinese Eyes - Peter Hessler...
  17. C

    India loses out on artillery buy as M-777 production ends

    That I totally agree, those manufacturing is not just something you can master overnight even with TOT and complete set of production line and blue print. There is a true story, when Baosteel which is the largest steel in China was first found in 1978, it received hugh assitance from Japan to...
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    China Foreign Reserves$3,660 billionJumped To The Highest In Two Years

    It is quite opposite of what you are thinking. While having a good amount of foreign reserve is necessary to maintain a health economy, having execessive foreign reserve is actually quite damaging to one's economy especially for country like China that its currency is not freely exchanged...
  19. C

    China Foreign Reserves$3,660 billionJumped To The Highest In Two Years

    You do realize that this is actually a not very good thing for China right?
  20. C

    China Can Attack Taiwan By 2020, Taipei Says

    Forget about UN, does your country's government recognize ROC as an independent country and have a formal diplomatc relationship with it? Don't tell me that China has a veto power in your government.
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