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  1. C

    India Mars launch stokes Asian space race with China

    You are mistaken here. The primary objectives and secondary objectives here are just for this one Indian mission. Other space agencies' missions to mars' primary objectives were actually scientific study after they master the deep space flight, communication, navigation and etc. Personally...
  2. C

    China arrests billionaire activist

    And yet, the majority of those western educated elites are rushing back to China to either work for Chinese government or making deals with this dictatorial regime. China's promise leading to reverse brain drain If youu want to put something just out of your rear, make sure you have at least...
  3. C

    how to be a president, US, UK, CHINA

    It is strange to say, but there is no real commies in China as well, most of them died out already. The correct term for China's government is authoritarian capitalism which Singapore fall in nicely in this category as well. And please tell me the significance of those so call opposition...
  4. C

    India Mars launch stokes Asian space race with China

    Where in my post I compare the significance of MOM with China? I only compared the significance of its primary objectives to its secondary scientific objectives. For this purpose it can carry a dummy orbitor by all means. There are just some people here who is trying to marginalize this...
  5. C

    how to be a president, US, UK, CHINA

    Singapore maybe???
  6. C

    China arrests billionaire activist

    See, that is something I am confused too. The government is saying he is arrested for disturbing the public order and safety. That could mean many things, and one of them is rally a protest without warrant which is illegal in China. And of course people on the forums are saying many different...
  7. C

    how to be a president, US, UK, CHINA

    The problem of your so call competent system keeps breed imcompetent people to lead them. I hate to bring India into this, but it isn't the prefect example of how competent system is nor is ROC, or ROK for that matter. As for system goes, the Chinese bureaucratic selection system for leaders...
  8. C

    India Mars launch stokes Asian space race with China

    My common was And what is wrong with that statement? Their primary objectives are more significant than its secondary objectives of scientific study of mars environmental surronding which was done many times over by other agencies?
  9. C

    China arrests billionaire activist

    That is one thing I don't get it. If he is arrested for voicing his opinion against the government, then this arrest just made him more famous than even in China. His name appears everywhere on the internet in China, and people talking about his arrest and making various assumptions. Isn't...
  10. C

    Chinese Husband captured by birth control officers for refusing to surrende

    If abortion is not killing, then forced abortion is just forced abortion.
  11. C

    Chinese Husband captured by birth control officers for refusing to surrende

    Abortion is not killing, stop using this catholic life begins at conception no sense. To them using a condom while having sex is even killing.
  12. C

    Chinese Husband captured by birth control officers for refusing to surrende

    Is that how you solve poverty in India? Just carpet bomb the slums. I think India's method of population control is more humane, just keep the infant mortality high, and the life expectency low.
  13. C

    how to be a president, US, UK, CHINA

    Where did I say he is, but he was succuesful at what he did, let it be good or bad. Back to the topic, Deng Xiaoping, Zhu Rongji are very competent. Xi Jingping should be very competend judging from his past experience. For other leaders around China, lee kuan yew, Park Chung-hee, Chiang...
  14. C

    Chinese university 'expels' economist Xia Yeliang

    Come, that is all you got? Stop pretending to be a know it all, you have seen nothing yet.
  15. C

    Chinese Husband captured by birth control officers for refusing to surrende

    And you don't live in a country where over population is a major problem and in the coming year the country might not be able to support its population with its own aurable land. I have no problem of abandon the one child policy, but as a comprise would US or India here accept additional...
  16. C

    Chinese university 'expels' economist Xia Yeliang

    Why do you think commoner would share the same view as you? If you go to some forums in China, people there might share the same views as you do, but are they the best examples of China as a whole? It is just the same as are the people here let it be Indian or Chinese are the examples for...
  17. C

    India Mars launch stokes Asian space race with China

    Now you are twisting my words. What I was saying is that the primary objectives of MOM which is to master the deep space flight management is a very important step for IRSO to go through for future missions. Even with much big scientific payload, truthly doubt that this mission will discover...
  18. C

    how to be a president, US, UK, CHINA

    Ma is the most charismatic one, but competence is never the word that can be associated with him. He even defended that by saying "Competent politicians are not always good leaders". What the hell was that?
  19. C

    how to be a president, US, UK, CHINA

    That is the question for you. The term head of state is often used differentiating it from the term head of government, e.g. as in article 7 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, article 1 of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally...
  20. C

    how to be a president, US, UK, CHINA

    That is one way to put it, but they serve more than just financial clans, but also various special interests groups, unions and corporations.
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