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  1. ayachyan

    What If China Did Invade Pag-asa Island (Thitu island)?

    i have to check in a dictionary till i understand which island you mentioned. after all , it is not the question about how and why , it is when should we take this island. this island is not only the issue relative to the past, also relative to the future. that is why china has to take over this...
  2. ayachyan

    Do Chinese celebrate Christmas?

    never though jesus is nothing to do with our chinese fellowes and still many idiots go out for a stupid shopping we are already a true buddist.
  3. ayachyan

    Tech Firms Flock to Vietnam

    what China really needs is a rich but not very strong neighbor. sure a good economics is the very important foundation to become a strong nation. now that China businessmen are going to increase their FDI in Viet, that means both China GOV and people does not worry about the risk of investment...
  4. ayachyan

    Tech Firms Flock to Vietnam

    nice news! glad to see this new opportunity rise in Vietnam. All Viet should get to know that the China is the one who is happy to see Viet to grab this opportunity to get rich. you have large enough population and very similar culture to China. NO doubt Viet will be the largest Investment...
  5. ayachyan

    China providing space training

    India is as normal as usual. when they keep silent and focus on their own domestic problem that must be a signal for the doom's day.
  6. ayachyan

    How Long....

    i suggest poster don't try to be so racist here.
  7. ayachyan

    The World’s Worst Passports For Travel

    i thought china will appear in this list before i came into this thread. i surprise Nepal is in it. i guess the richer your nation is the easier you could travel around the world. another factor is about politics
  8. ayachyan

    Dalai and China Detente

    the religion leader of Tibet could only be born in the area of Tibet. after this old monk die, the next person is not doubt a real Chinese citizen.Chinese government don't need to negotiate with this old baldy only if CIA can help him to live for 1000 years!
  9. ayachyan

    Dalai Lama says China's Tibet policy now 'more realistic'

    what is this monk trying to say? i am totally unable to get his point. China government is as realistic as always that brought trade , development and new thought into Tibet for the general people who were living there. and have them a choice ,they could choose to live follow the PRECIOUS...
  10. ayachyan

    Chinese checkmate

    as a country that have warfare for thousands years ,chinese know clearly how to launch a war soundly. that is THE ART OF WAR. you all may think that abstain from occupied area is fool enough. but how about to consider the difficulty to defend these areas and the pressure on the logistics...
  11. ayachyan

    India to raise stakes in South China Sea

    what are your indians going to build in south china sea ? a offshore drilling platform ? that will be fine you build your platform in the undisputed area is nothing to do with China. there might be a compete that whose platform is superior. india's or china's? i don't worry about india plans to...
  12. ayachyan

    China and Taiwan relations

    US is calculating how much would China pay for TW the reunify of TW is unavoidable the country as smart as US can't be impossible to figure out this both China and US is waiting for a well time to hand over TW no need China to position DF21D
  13. ayachyan

    India to build 292 dams in Himalayas by 2050

    Wow, I just love the reaction of Indian friends here they really think that dams can be builded just by their curry mouthes Indians are good at fantasy
  14. ayachyan

    India to build 292 dams in Himalayas by 2050

    seems that the future always being holden in India's left hands i suggest that they should consider building some road connecting to the sites before start to build their 292 dams in Himalayas
  15. ayachyan

    China developing "DOG" robort

    when check those pictures carefully i found they are different more than one people developing this ?
  16. ayachyan

    China does not want to see rise of India in Asia, Mohan Bhagwat says

    this ridiculous guy~~~~~~ he just speaks with his butt hole
  17. ayachyan

    Jihad can resolve Kashmir issue

    keep dialogue and stay peace otherwise someone else will gain in this issue the loss side always be Pakistan and India
  18. ayachyan

    Days of free, open internet could soon become history

    sorry to disappoint you this is not a straight question but just a normal question Chinese network is much more freer than your expect we can say anything or criticize our GOV at any aspects i will answer you straightly i don't like any border or WALL on network Chinese government has...
  19. ayachyan

    Days of free, open internet could soon become history

    internet is the only space that without border line but human tend to draw some line at any space where they set feet on
  20. ayachyan

    Karate makes it into European Games 2015, Wushu not.

    "This is why I can post 10 oddball, strange, and downright crazy news from China a day if I wanted to; if it wasn't for the pro-China mods who are trying to save the face of China here." sorry for you every Chinese can do this ,oddball ,strange and downright crazy news about China ? very easy...
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