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  1. kena

    Best way to approach China's GDP figures: Ignore them!

    I believe Indian Government figures even less. India may be hardly growing...and growth, if any would be consumption growth, mainly government wasteful spending.
  2. kena

    Best way to approach China's GDP figures: Ignore them!

    I believe Indian Government figures even less.
  3. kena

    Best way to approach China's GDP figures: Ignore them!

    Obviously not. But try encashing it. If china were to try to encash, the bond yield shoots and the fed is cooked. So any attempt at encashing will make the US threaten China will import bans, if not worse like human rights issues or Tibet. You are doomed to provide perpetual vendor financing...
  4. kena

    Best way to approach China's GDP figures: Ignore them!

    We are talking growth here...GDP growth. Nobody doubts China' s currency reserves....of course most of it is in worthless US treasury bonds...so good luck trying to ever encase it. The issue is whether an admittedly over invested export oriented country can really grow blazing fast while it's...
  5. kena

    Government hikes FDI in defence to 49%, 100% for telecom

    100% FDI in telecom is a security nightmare.
  6. kena

    Best way to approach China's GDP figures: Ignore them!

    China has been doing this con job at least since 2008 with the active connivence of the US Fed which needs regular "good" news to kept the stock market up and the bond returns low so that they can cheaply inflate the debt bubble which is critical for avoiding deflation. It is absurd that an...
  7. kena

    Surprise - Many Chinese provinces already high-income/1st Wor

    Here is the link British foreign aid: India tells Britain 'we don't need the peanuts you offer us' | Mail Online Otherwise not worth my time to reply to the rabid ramblings of an ignorant white trash who apparently gets his "education" from TV.
  8. kena

    Surprise - Many Chinese provinces already high-income/1st Wor

    Sure. Having lived in the USA, I am well aware of your severe dependence on experts and susceptibility to the media / web. I know that you would, ideally, like to consult an expert / refer the web before even taking a crap. And your comprehension handicap and thinking inability appear to be in...
  9. kena

    Narendra Modi & Rahul Gandhi website

  10. kena

    Surprise - Many Chinese provinces already high-income/1st Wor

    Ha! Ha! Trying to convince an Indian how his own people look like. I know whites are experts at selling snake oil but this is pathetic..:cuckoo: And the Italian one is pretty tanned looking...artificial tan I guess...not the usual pasty white of Northern Europeans.
  11. kena

    Surprise - Many Chinese provinces already high-income/1st Wor

    Convince someone else with your delusional rambling, not an Indian who knows his people very well. I m from the North Western Indian state of Punjab which has people with lighter complexion and I know how people in our state compare with the Europeans. By the way, don't be so smug about the...
  12. kena

    Indian govt behind Mumbai Attacks: Satish Verma

    Hmm....looks to be more entertaining than Cartoon Channel.:rofl:
  13. kena

    Surprise - Many Chinese provinces already high-income/1st Wor

    Ever seen a light colored Indian in reality or you are talking through your As*? Ive lived in the USA and know what I m talking about. Indian complexion is very different -- not blotchy reddish like you guys. And neither do our ladies get wrinkled in their 30s.
  14. kena

    Surprise - Many Chinese provinces already high-income/1st Wor

    Yes.. But not your kind of leprous white. We prefer golden .
  15. kena

    Surprise - Many Chinese provinces already high-income/1st Wor

    A couple of generations later children will wonder why grandpa had such an ugly white skin.
  16. kena

    Russia holds biggest war games since cold war

    A powerful Russia is essential for world peace and for curbing adventurism of certain barbaric nations .
  17. kena

    Surprise - Many Chinese provinces already high-income/1st Wor

    Difficult to run over such a vast and ancient nation. But you have been run over, only you don't know it yet.
  18. kena

    Indian govt behind Mumbai Attacks: Satish Verma

    Maybe he had turned Hindu after he realised his predicament. Maybe he thought that Allah is powerless now and wanted to try some alternative options...:omghaha:
  19. kena

    New India inquiry into Ishrat Jahan killing in Gujarat

    It is scorching irony that all attempts to malign Narendra Modi boomerang back. In the Ishrat Jahan case, the common citizen is now even more fully convinced that the girl was a terrorist who has been served her just desserts and the Congress is coming across as an anti national protector of...
  20. kena

    programs on indian government involvment in terrorism in its own country

    Better watch these instead of Comedy Circus on TV.:omghaha:
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