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  1. kena

    CNN:Are China's economic statistics accurate?

    Better take care. He seems to have been deputed by stormfront.org for keeping a stern eye on the inferior races. Could get you in trouble with the KKK / skinheads:lol:
  2. kena

    'Puppy' Remark: Delhi BJP Vice President Quits

    I wonder why you feel that India will burn in communal flames. Is it because Hindus have not been assertive so far and the minorities are having a free run? And you suspect that this is the only way to keep peace because the Muslims are congenitally aggressive? Otherwise why should it matter to...
  3. kena

    Indian Economy-News & Updates

    Hmm...not fair...your avatar:cool:
  4. kena

    'Puppy' Remark: Delhi BJP Vice President Quits

    Gujarat is better than other Indian states and that is what really matters....not China, US or Sudan..
  5. kena

    'Puppy' Remark: Delhi BJP Vice President Quits

    And why is it that people don't have food even after a half century of Congress rule??
  6. kena

    'Puppy' Remark: Delhi BJP Vice President Quits

    I think industrial pollution is a serious issue in China also. And, by Indian standards, Gujarat has over done a pretty decent job on the infra front. Certainly better than most states.
  7. kena

    'Puppy' Remark: Delhi BJP Vice President Quits

    Strange comparison.:hitwall:. So maybe the cities of Gujarat are shitholes compared to the Chinese ones, but they are less of shitholes than other cities. And, by the way, the Chinese high rise model is not the only model for city development. Indian cities have their peculiar cultural traits...
  8. kena

    CNN:Are China's economic statistics accurate?

    Where is the demand for all that industrial products in a world mired in recession? In a way, it was a good division of labour - China going for industries and India for services, so that the two most populous countries could share a bit in the West's prosperity. I m of the opinion the peak has...
  9. kena

    'Puppy' Remark: Delhi BJP Vice President Quits

    Congress is a chameleon, a purely political creature. If it finds Hindus angry, it will readily change its tone to soft Hindutva or even hard hindutva if the need be. It is a completely amoral party with no ideological baggage. The real sufferers of BJPs rise are going to be the left liberals...
  10. kena

    'Puppy' Remark: Delhi BJP Vice President Quits

    This only shows that Modi is growing from strength to strength. This ex VP of BJP was openly making statements against Modi on NDTV and it is well known that Vijay Goel is an Advani chamcha. Now that this fellow has been forced to resign, Advani will get the message. In fact, the best BJP can do...
  11. kena

    School meal kills 19 in India's Bihar state

    News is coming out that it was the contaminated Mustard oil. Argemone oil is a known and serious contaminant which causes respiratory paralysis.
  12. kena

    UN Peacekeeping lost over 3,000 people in 65 years

    India..Pakistan...Bangladesh...Where is the USA, claiming to be the big policeman of the world????:hitwall:
  13. kena

    Why does India need Secularism when we have Dharma?

    Secularism is an entirely western concept with no parallels in India. In the west, it was founded upon the need to separate ecclesiastical power from temporal power which was never the Issue in India since in Hinduism, no human being is considered the representative of god. It is a totally alien...
  14. kena

    China, Russia block UN condemnation of Iran missile tests

    Of course it is political. What is USA's interest in Iran if not political.
  15. kena

    China, Russia block UN condemnation of Iran missile tests

    Russia and China are going a great job in puncturing the ambitions of the Anglo Saxon bully. The world today needs a balance of power much more than ever before.
  16. kena

    Best way to approach China's GDP figures: Ignore them!

    India also has a huge "Black Market" economy, calculated to be around 50% of GDP. And it is estimated to pull down GDP by 5% . http://www.firstpost.com/economy/without-black-money-india-can-be-9-tn-economy-74539.html
  17. kena

    Surprise - Many Chinese provinces already high-income/1st Wor

    That appears to be wishful thinking in today's scenario. Migrants are not permitted due to the goodness of your heart, but because they address a felt need. Without them who will do all those down and dirty jobs which pampered whites consider beneath their dignity. And you also know that the...
  18. kena

    Surprise - Many Chinese provinces already high-income/1st Wor

    Götterdämmerung -twilight of the gods ..wagner's opera...the ring of niebelungen Both deputed by storefront.org to keep a stern eye on the inferior races.
  19. kena

    Government hikes FDI in defence to 49%, 100% for telecom

    TRAI only fixes tariffs. Investment decisions are by FIPB. But how diligent can you get when there is no Indian on the Board. What happens if China gets an important stake and we have war with China?
  20. kena

    Best way to approach China's GDP figures: Ignore them!

    I suspect India is growing at not more than 1-2% and whatever growth is there is actually pernicious ...mostly wasteful government spending.
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