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  1. kena

    Russia is now the biggest European Economy in the World ranking 5th

    It has not really evolved. It has spent itself to incapacity. There is an Indian saying that a woman of 80 years is the most vocal about her chastity.
  2. kena

    Russia is now the biggest European Economy in the World ranking 5th

    Is it a law that only European political concepts are the valid ones. How old is the concept of the nation state? A couple of hundred years at the most. India and China have always been civilizational nations and there is no need for us to try to squeeze into your artificial slots.
  3. kena

    Russia is now the biggest European Economy in the World ranking 5th

    Oh! getting personal, are we? Tell me, have you started learning Quran yet? And learning Arabic? You better hurry ...there may be openings for the early birds. And it is generally our third raters, the IT crowd, who goes to your place. If you find them bright, it tells a lot about your own...
  4. kena

    Russia is now the biggest European Economy in the World ranking 5th

    Who is bothered about a pygmy's bashing. We have our provinces bigger than you. Is it so difficult to accept that you don't matter any more? Existed in current form for more than 5000 years. And I already accepted that you are good mechanics.
  5. kena

    Russia is now the biggest European Economy in the World ranking 5th

    He is concerned because truth hurts.
  6. kena

    Russia is now the biggest European Economy in the World ranking 5th

    your bluster is the only thing you are left with... so enjoy it while you can. Ultimately your Western "civilization" was just a blimp - 300 years or so. Before that you were just poor sods who couldn't even grow enough food. But you were the dacoits - so you looted Asia, especially India, and...
  7. kena

    Why China will be Super Power and India will NOT !

    Of course it applies to India even more. India was always a fully integrated cultural entity. The Hindu polity has always been decentralised with maximum autonomy at local levels. The hierarchy consisted of a Chakravartin (emperor) exercising nominal authority while executive power was with...
  8. kena

    Russia is now the biggest European Economy in the World ranking 5th

    Its a permanent break...so relax... your women don't produce babies any more.. they have better things to do. Europe is finished...its a graveyard. In the end, you were only a bunch of mechanics... made good machines but were terrible at managing your families and society. Thank you for those...
  9. kena

    Russia is now the biggest European Economy in the World ranking 5th

    I know since Europe's testosterone has been sucked by Muslim immigrants, you have wet dreams on other's behalf.
  10. kena

    Russia is now the biggest European Economy in the World ranking 5th

    Dont project your barbaric tendencies on to other nations. China and India have coexisted for thousands of years and none is a militaristic nation.
  11. kena

    Why China will be Super Power and India will NOT !

    yes, but we have always been a civilizational super power , not a military one. And our conquests are still there for all to see. The whole of East Asia is Hindu, as Buddhism is nothing but its sect. I feel India, and China will have this role in future too. A superpower status is a road to...
  12. kena

    Russia is now the biggest European Economy in the World ranking 5th

    Not a wanton aggressor like the imperialist powers of Europe. And it has a soul unlike the other mercenary nations.
  13. kena

    Chinese Troops Intrude Into India Again

    Countries go to war for well defined objectives. You, the inherotors of Sun Tzu's philosophy should know that well. It is sad to see that some Chinese have forsaken their heritage and are behaving like western barbarians. And dont think India is a pushover. This is not 1962. You will suffer as...
  14. kena

    Chinese troops enter Chumar again, vandalise Indian posts

    And that coming from a person who does not even have a sovereign country - But a "country "which permits foreign powers to kill its own citizens thriugh drones. Leave it to 2 real nations to sort it out amongst us.
  15. kena

    Why China will be Super Power and India will NOT !

    There has been only one superpower and that was the US. Even USSR was only a military superpower. A real superpower has tremendous per capita resources. China and India can at best be middle income countries, never superpowers. And there is no need to be one as the culture of both countries is...
  16. kena

    Chinese Troops Intrude Into India Again

    You are wrong. China and India do not need to fight as they have no conflicting interests. China already has Aksai Chin and India has NEFA. So, what is left to contest?
  17. kena

    Chinese troops enter Chumar again, vandalise Indian posts

    For you, Global warming is sufficient.
  18. kena

    Chinese Troops Intrude Into India Again

    China and India have coexisted peacefully for thousands of years. None is a warlike country. So, what has changed?
  19. kena

    Secret Deal on Drone strikes, sealed in Pakistani Blood.

    What kind of a nation are you that allows a foreign power to attack your own people? Not even so called Banana Republics do it. Are you really sovereign?
  20. kena

    Real Reason why China is much more ahead than India

    27% is a huge chunk actually. And a majority of the rest are also literate, not too educated.
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