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  1. kena

    Chinese Troops Intrude Into India Again

    Upto Arakans actually . The Assamese have always been Indians.
  2. kena

    Chinese Troops Intrude Into India Again

    thanks for making it clear for me. What are you trying to achieve with all this hair splitting. The European concept of Nation-state itself is a few hundred years old, and it is suspected that its time has already run out. Which is why the EU is trying to erase political boundaries. The only...
  3. kena

    Chinese Troops Intrude Into India Again

    Mughal capital was thousands og miles away? Didnt know Delhi is a thousand miles from India. What have you been smoking?
  4. kena

    Chinese Troops Intrude Into India Again

    India always had a single Identity. During Mughal rule, the country was called Hindustan. At the most, Post Mughal India can be considered like the pre-unification German states bonded by ties of ethnicity and culture.
  5. kena

    Chinese Troops Intrude Into India Again

    Yeah! Yeah! We now have to take lessons in Political thought from leader of a Pygmy "Nation". Tell me which of the present countries was a nation in the European nation-state sense 300-400 years back?
  6. kena

    Chinese Troops Intrude Into India Again

    In fact Tibet was never a part of China. At best it was a kind of protectorate for some time. The Tibetan cultural roots are entirely Indian. And a lot of land, including Kailash Mansarovar, actually used to be part of Aryavrata.
  7. kena

    Chinese Troops Intrude Into India Again

    And what would that be?
  8. kena

    Russia is now the biggest European Economy in the World ranking 5th

    Anyway, thank you for your attention. It is rather late in India now.
  9. kena

    Russia is now the biggest European Economy in the World ranking 5th

    It pleasures me a lot that the loot is now exhausted. Internal looting is still within your economy. Loot by outsiders is net loss to economy.
  10. kena

    Russia is now the biggest European Economy in the World ranking 5th

    But the visigoths remain your role models, admit it.
  11. kena

    Russia is now the biggest European Economy in the World ranking 5th

    Our civilization does not allow us to behave like the cowardly, scheming robbers that the British were in India. Clear enough? Going by past history, not likely. But maybe you could eat at the same table.
  12. kena

    Russia is now the biggest European Economy in the World ranking 5th

    Thank you great sepoy. The colonel will be pleased. Ha!ha! The visigoths! Really! Great example of a great civilization! Have you even passed your school exams?
  13. kena

    Russia is now the biggest European Economy in the World ranking 5th

    It prevented us becoming shameless cowardly robbers like the British.
  14. kena

    Russia is now the biggest European Economy in the World ranking 5th

    It means that you kidnapped Greek achievements and shamelessly made them you own retrospectively while the reality was that till the middle ages you were just a bunch of barbaric tribes. And dont give me the crap about Greece being in Europe. There was no Concept of Europe till about...
  15. kena

    Russia is now the biggest European Economy in the World ranking 5th

    It means you have been beaten in Afghanistan and it is clear to all.
  16. kena

    Russia is now the biggest European Economy in the World ranking 5th

    Just because you say so. So you virtually kidnapped the greek's lovely wife and made her a common wh@re because you only had a hideous hag of your own. Tell me, where was this lovely greek lady in the middle ages?
  17. kena

    Russia is now the biggest European Economy in the World ranking 5th

    But thrashings are black and white.
  18. kena

    Russia is now the biggest European Economy in the World ranking 5th

    Who is this and whats your stake in the discussion?
  19. kena

    Russia is now the biggest European Economy in the World ranking 5th

    How come you guys always claim Greece? Nothing of your own? You were just a small fisherman's island hundreds of miles from Greece. Greece was in fact linked to Asia rather than to the barbaric darkness to the west. So, what is your connection?
  20. kena

    Russia is now the biggest European Economy in the World ranking 5th

    Ha! Ha! delusional.. Your soldiers cant even fight. Look at the thrashing they get in Afghanistan. Very nice! The robbers asking the victim how come you are broke.
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