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  1. kena

    India protests over 'tribal' Virgin Mary and baby Jesus

    Your ignorance is stark. And you have still not answered whether islan allows conversions. Hinduism is not a free for all. It is a structured religion with defined practices, and worshipping jesus / allah is not one of them.
  2. kena

    India protests over 'tribal' Virgin Mary and baby Jesus

    Unlike Abrahmic religions, Hinduism does not have or needs structured missionary activities. We convert through ideas and practices...as we have many people in the western world.
  3. kena

    India protests over 'tribal' Virgin Mary and baby Jesus

    Let me ask you a simple question. Does Islam allow conversion? And if not, why are you asking Hindus to allow it ?
  4. kena

    Russia is now the biggest European Economy in the World ranking 5th

    We all agree they are great mechanics. But they are terrible social designers, and plus they are looters to boot. By the way, I dont include Romania in my above statement. You have no such history of social destruction.
  5. kena

    Russia is now the biggest European Economy in the World ranking 5th

    Your are sadly mistaken about foreign aid's importance for the Indian Economy. British aid is 0.04% of our GDP and is an embarrassment for us. If fact, Government of India asked Britain to discontinue aid.India is heading for Mars: it doesn’t need British aid money to pay the bills -...
  6. kena

    India protests over 'tribal' Virgin Mary and baby Jesus

    Why are you trolling in something which does not concern you. Its an Indian matter and we will sort it out. Look into you own problems of which you have many. Begani shadi me abdulla diwana.:taz:
  7. kena

    India protests over 'tribal' Virgin Mary and baby Jesus

    That is a very legal - mechanical position to take. The state also has responsibility to see that conversions are voluntary and not through inducements and frauds - which is the case in almost all instances of conversions. And the BJP is a party for protecting Hindu interests - so an anti...
  8. kena

    India protests over 'tribal' Virgin Mary and baby Jesus

    You are much mistaken. Most conversions are through fraud, deceit and inducements.
  9. kena

    India protests over 'tribal' Virgin Mary and baby Jesus

    The first thing BJP must do after coming in power is to pass an All India anti-conversion law. Many states already have such laws.
  10. kena

    India protests over 'tribal' Virgin Mary and baby Jesus

    Loaded question.:hitwall: First tell me have you stopped beating yourwife?
  11. kena

    India protests over 'tribal' Virgin Mary and baby Jesus

    If you are not a Hindu, it does not concern you. Is it going to harm India if we reconvert all Muslims to the religion of their ancestors? You may be knowing many such suddhi ceremonies already take place.
  12. kena

    Russia is now the biggest European Economy in the World ranking 5th

    A powerful Russia is in the world' interest - for countering American misadventures.
  13. kena

    494 Jammu and Kashmir Youth Joins The Ranks Of The Indian Army

    This is the shape of things to come - a dynamic equilibrium in Kashmir. Some bad news from time to time, but increasing trend towards normal daily life. Extremist movements have finite emotional and leadership resources, and as they are exhausted, life tends to normalize. Local leadership is the...
  14. kena

    India protests over 'tribal' Virgin Mary and baby Jesus

    Now with the coming in power of UPA Government in Jharkhand, conversions will increase exponentially.
  15. kena

    India protests over 'tribal' Virgin Mary and baby Jesus

    Obviously the missionaries will stoop to any level to get converts. After all its money rather than god which drives them...
  16. kena

    Russia is now the biggest European Economy in the World ranking 5th

    Ok. You perhaps know better because you live in proximity. So I will concede that.
  17. kena

    Russia is now the biggest European Economy in the World ranking 5th

    Not just because you say so. And why has it got your goat if i supported Russia? Russia is a nation in a different league from Romania. I dont think your country can ever be in competition. So why all this foaming at your mouth?
  18. kena

    Russia is now the biggest European Economy in the World ranking 5th

    Oh my bad. But your ladies in those nice **** movies really look slavic.:tongue:
  19. kena

    Chinese Troops Intrude Into India Again

    For all their bravado, the Chinese are extremely jealous of Indians -- both for the freedoms we enjoy, and for our intellectual acumen. Look at their history - such a vast and populous country and nil intellectual contribution. Its an intellectual wasteland. Even their religion, Buddhism, is...
  20. kena

    Russia is now the biggest European Economy in the World ranking 5th

    Ya, ya. We all know how great Romania is. And now that you are in NATO surely you have to prove that you were worth it. I know what western Europeans used to think of slavic nations not too long back. Was it Matternich who had said - "Asia starts from my window in Vienna". Best of luck for...
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