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  1. Icarus's dream

    Iran successfully sends living creature in to space, recovers it alive.

    why the copying the best ATGM in the world is bad?!!! please enlighten me... why we should go the way which somebody do that before??....specially in this situation...we RE that...and improve that to another level...next step can be selfproduction....exactly like our missile program:dirol: and...
  2. Icarus's dream

    Ask your question about Iran

    Oh yes my friend..very much Although the Goverment has silly operation about that..but people are very proud and Interested about that.. You know..something is beautiful about a culture of iran in the history..If they attaked by others they not defeated culturly...they adapted the invaders by...
  3. Icarus's dream

    Ask your question about Iran

    Hello my friend.. 1.About a history of iran ...it's so heritage...new exloration in sirjan say antiquity of civilization in iran back to 7500 B.C...Ilami and orartoo are the old people of Iran plain and after that Arian are coming from north of Plain and Residence there ..Achaemenian the first...
  4. Icarus's dream

    Project Dark Gene

    Project Dark Gene:Joint intelligence operations of Iran and America against the Soviet Union Throughout the Cold War the US conducted almost daily sorties around the edge of the USSR and Warsaw Pact countries, as part of a long-standing programme to identify and classify radars, SAM sites...
  5. Icarus's dream

    Iran on track to sending humans to space: Defense minister

    Thanks my friend.. As your space program showedو use of others expriments and planned program can ended to succes.
  6. Icarus's dream

    the truth abut Iranian military Industries

    Ahhhh you are so cute sir...:meeting: I'm declaration that we saw you..mission accomplished:wave:
  7. Icarus's dream

    Iran successfully sends living creature in to space, recovers it alive.

    You can name it anything you love it sir ...a proverb say:You can awaken a somebody is sleeping but you can't awaken somebody simulation sleeping!!!! But Time is reveal the TRUTH..just patient sir!:coffee:
  8. Icarus's dream

    Iran successfully sends living creature in to space, recovers it alive.

    Really?!!!!!!!!!:cheesy: AWESOMEEEE:cheesy::yahoo:
  9. Icarus's dream

    IRANIAN new fighter jet

    Really?!!!!:blink: it's so unlikely...we have serious problem with building engine
  10. Icarus's dream

    What is your idea about the possibility of secularism in Iran?

    Yes i agree..the subculture is important.. but the big problem is taste Governance....when the majority decision to governance their taste it's not matter it's secular or Religious ...it's end to damage social law of minority!
  11. Icarus's dream

    What is your idea about the possibility of secularism in Iran?

    Because sometime it works aginst it perpose... Like Ban of Hijab in france or other country...or ban hijab in university!!! what's diffrent between them and iran goverment?!!!!!! in one of them hijab with force and other them opposite!!!!!!!
  12. Icarus's dream

    What is your idea about the possibility of secularism in Iran?

    I don'n know...it's really hard question....ofcourse if the only point is freedom in relegion in secularism it can be nice model...I admit it It's really intresting opinion...turks brother must be Assessment in that..
  13. Icarus's dream

    What is your idea about the possibility of secularism in Iran?

    If they can't yes..but if they can do it like iran in mosadegh era...it's complete backward.. yes..but army is base in theocraci...and i think Antithesis is not solution...Synthesis is real solution..because in synthesis you idenefiy the bugs and improve the model to the higher level.. My...
  14. Icarus's dream

    What is your idea about the possibility of secularism in Iran?

    I agree with you... But as you can see...even in turkey still you can hear about coup of army sometime... you know..the Totalitarianism is the soul of army...this is result of power... we must look for different view...the Hybrid model
  15. Icarus's dream

    What is your idea about the possibility of secularism in Iran?

    My point is...if he did this stuff he show his Character!!! Inuslting and use language like that not useful..and just decrease your position to his level!!
  16. Icarus's dream

    What is your idea about the possibility of secularism in Iran?

    I confirm your openion...I didn't see issue about religion... But you must admit it the reception by "look" is so usual...it's happen even for myself!! and about your language sir...Are you sure this is appropriate for this place?!!!!...I see this form of talking is usual is here!!!
  17. Icarus's dream

    What is your idea about the possibility of secularism in Iran?

    you know... the type of radicalism in there is different.. secularism is radical in profit...you can see every where is secularism is there ..capitalism and militarism is neighborhood...you can example in shah era in iran or turkey...but if you can seprate it from other area its really can a...
  18. Icarus's dream

    What is your idea about the possibility of secularism in Iran?

    intresting question... I think secularism is the opposite point of today condition of Iran!!...I think both are too radical!! Both have weakness.. the solution is somewhere in middle... we not live in black-white world
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