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  1. S

    Philippine warship in stand-off with China vessels

    Actually I think only the US has a preemptive nuclear strike policy, If anyone is insane it should be their government and people like anon here begging for a nuclear war, armchair generals are so funny.
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    Philippine warship in stand-off with China vessels

    Small nations like Korea and Japan can never achieve MAD, it won't take many nukes at all to make the already limited space unlivable, there's no place to retreat to except the ocean, At least China has the Himalayas and US has the Rockies, it will never be an equal exchange.
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    Bo Xilai's wife arrested on murder charge of a Briton

    sounds like a shitty k drama...
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    Philippine warship in stand-off with China vessels

    Congratulations, it must be an honor being America's human shield, that's the raw truth. The nukes are there to protect America by making J+K targets forming a first line defense for the American mainland, make no mistake about this.
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    Philippines seeks US muscle on South China Sea

    This is exactly the reason why SE Asians can't have SCS. The first sign of trouble they go on both knees to foreigners. Even if they have they islands, they will never own them when they are like a blade of grass in the wind, such waste.
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    Who will Win - America or Americanized China?

    Are you sad you didn't get them all? You monster.
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    Who will Win - America or Americanized China?

    The most interesting part of Canada is the French part, and they want to leave haha. The most interesting part of America are the Native Indians and you killed them all.:frown:
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    Who will Win - America or Americanized China?

    Look in the mirror, you're a fine example. It's interesting to see your attachment to something so bland and substanceless.
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    Who will Win - America or Americanized China?

    So in the end the most Americanized person on this forum is you. I don't know what you're still going on about, but I am entertained, so passionate.
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    Who will Win - America or Americanized China?

    Past China=Present Vietnam :laugh:
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    Chinese consumers love Samsung more than Apple 3 to 1

    It's all about the apps, how good is a gaming system without the games. And android is lame, iOS is better(popular opinion). "The New Apple Ipad"? They can't even name what they are comparing it to, and what do notebooks have to do with smartphones?
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    Chinese consumers love Samsung more than Apple 3 to 1

    Duh, everybody likes a cheap deal. If Apple was as cheap as Samsung there would be no competition.
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    Who will Win - America or Americanized China?

    The problem I see for China is the money culture it has. The people are slaves to money more than anything, raw materialism and consumerism, does that equate to Americanism? Pop culture comes and goes, Korean wave, Japanese wave, American wave all these things have no actual cultural substance...
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    Who will Win - America or Americanized China?

    Lol Gambit, nobody on this forum tries harder to be American than you. Modernization=Americanization? Modernization=McDonald's, bad music, plot less movies, warmongering and fat people? Maybe it's you that's dying to be accepted by American Society. Maybe is a cultural thing, emulating your...
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    For China human rights abuses are its history

    Glass house syndrome. Can dish it out but can't take it. The irony that is the Indu.
  16. S

    KONY 2012 (Our Duty To Our Own Humanity)

    That's exactly the point, Joseph Kony can just be replaced by any other name, the man could very well be dead already or not even in Uganda. Why exactly are they chasing this ghost at this particular time, how are they going to stop him? Send troops in and start a humanitarian war, really you're...
  17. S

    8,000 ‘Stability Maintenance’ Officers to Be Recruited in China’s Xinjiang

    Let me get this, so your view is white is the only real American, and minorities are forever aliens and will never be equal to whites. And this thread is about you complaining about how China isn't treating it's minorities fairly. You sir are a true American in all their stupidity and...
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    8,000 ‘Stability Maintenance’ Officers to Be Recruited in China’s Xinjiang

    I am ashamed that Canada is at all associated with America. Of all the citizens in western countries it's probably has the most sheeple poisoned by it's own propaganda. It's not surprising given it's large population of borderline mental handicaps that only know dancing with the stars and...
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    8,000 ‘Stability Maintenance’ Officers to Be Recruited in China’s Xinjiang

    July 2009 Ürümqi riots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Times and The Daily Telegraph reported that most of the victims appeared to have been Han. Try harder.
  20. S

    8,000 ‘Stability Maintenance’ Officers to Be Recruited in China’s Xinjiang

    I'm sure Americans know all about propaganda and lies. Invaded and cause millions of deaths in a country on a lie and now set to invade another on the same lie, rednecks are retarded. If you wanna troll a forum switch your flag, you're making it too easy.
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